
Category: Hints

Total 59 Posts

Hate the Player

A couple weeks ago, I saw a post on Nextdoor made by a young teenage girl.   She wanted to warn people that there were men cruising the bus stop near the mall trying to entice girls into their car. The post was mostly met with support for the girl for

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Blowing Sunshine

I realized recently that I don’t trust anyone.  No matter what I hear from anybody, I always approach it with skepticism.  I thought at first that it’s just because I’m getting older and cynical.  While that may be true, I think the real reason I don’t trust anyone is because

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Pizza the Hut

Pizza Hut is laying off more than 1,200 delivery drivers in and around Los Angeles.  The reason?  The company will tell you it’s just a coincidence that the layoffs are coming just a few weeks before California increases the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 an hour. But

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Poop For Brains

There’s one thing I dislike more than picking up dog poop.  That’s picking up someone else’s dog’s poop.  As I’ve probably mentioned, I’ve been walking dogless since March when we lost our pet of 14 years.  When you’re walking without having to pay attention to a dog, you start to

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A Word of Advice

I’m sure most of you already know not to believe pretty much anything you see online.  But, even the wariest of us can still occasionally trip up and, every once in a while, take something on faith.  Today, I present three examples of why you should stop doing that. Here’s

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Medically Unnecessary

A few weeks back, I told you about my left knee.  It’s wearing out.  When I was young and immortal, no one told me that I had a limited number of knee bends and straightens.  After running a couple thousand miles when I was much younger and riding my bike

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Surgery On Demand

After my heart attack in 2021, I was told that I should start paying attention to my blood pressure.  Up until that point, my blood pressure had always been fine.  But I decided to take their advice and invest in a BP monitor. What nobody told me was that blood

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May the Best Man Win

Now that Women’s History Month is behind us, it’s time for me to say something.  I would have said something sooner, but I didn’t want to distract us from celebrating women’s history.  But now that the month is over, and we’re back to ignoring the accomplishments of women like we

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About a Boy

After our son was born just over 31 years ago, we began passing milestone after milestone.  For example, one milestone was when he first realized it was himself in the mirror, another was when he became smarter than a cat and then when he became smarter than a dog. After

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