
Category: Election 2020

Total 22 Posts

How to Prevent Voter Fraud

I’ve been thinking about our election process for a good long time.  I started writing my blog a few months before the 2020 elections.  I initially started posting on Facebook, but once they started filtering my posts, I decided it was time to get off Facebook and on to a

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The Reckoning

It’s happening again.  For weeks we’ve all been experiencing the seemingly never-ending lead up to the mid-term elections.  If you’re like me, you’ve long passed the point where you’re tired of being force-fed political ads filled with lies about one thing or another.  Candidates from every side promise countless things

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Alien Logic

Have you ever watched the TV show called “Ancient Aliens”?  Contrary to what you might infer from the title, it’s not a show about really old illegal aliens.  It’s a show about the “nanoo-nanoo” type of aliens.  If you’ve missed that one, then maybe you’ve seen an episode or two

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Loss Leader

There’s a line I won’t cross.  That line is ninety-nine cents.  That’s the amount I’m willing to pay for a two-liter bottle of soda, pop, coke or whatever you call a soft drink wherever you live. Anything more than a dollar and I don’t feel I’m getting enough enjoyment from

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The Biden Touch

Remember the story of King Midas from Greek mythology?  To make a long story short, Midas was rewarded for being a nice guy and was granted a single wish.  His wish was that everything he touch turns to gold.  Thus, the term “the Midas touch”.  Midas found out quickly that

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From Bad to Worse

One of the hardest things I had to learn as a manager was that in order to succeed, I had to hire people who were smarter than I was and better at what they do than I could be.  Once I learned that, I became more than a just manager. 

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The Biden Challenge

Back before the 2020 election, I posed a challenge to the people I’m connected to on Facebook (calling some of them “friends” would be a stretch).  The challenge was for Biden supporters.  I asked them to pick a single thing from Biden’s platform and tell me why they thought it

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