
Month: September 2023

Total 4 Posts

Reasonable Doubt

I friend of mine once told me he believes that out of everyone he knows, I’m the person most likely to get away with murder. Hmm.  You should know by now that I like to think about things like that.  So, I did.  Before I get started, I want to

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A Friend of Roy

Two and a half years ago, I coined the term “glibtaq” (pronounced glib-tack).  Glibtaq is simply an anagram of the term LGBTQIA.  My reasoning for needing a new term was that they kept adding letters, seemingly at random, and expecting everyone to play along.  And that’s just not a sustainable

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My Own Worst Enemy

I realized the other day that I’m my own worst enemy.  I’m not alone.  You’re probably your own worst enemy too. The reason is that our political system has no real process for airing grievances.  Well.  OK.  We can air grievances, but there’s no simple process for undoing something stupid

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At Least One

How many women have to die before men are banned from competing against them in sports?  I’m serious.  How many women must die before this radical desire for inclusivity ends? Let’s see if we can figure out what that number is. Without a doubt, a woman is going to die

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