
Dumb and Dumber

Did you ever think that you’d miss Jen Psaki?  You remember Jen Psaki.  She’s the Raggedy-Ann look alike former White House Press Secretary Biden had on his staff until May of 2022.

At the time, we all thought she was the worst White House Press Secretary we had ever seen.  And, at the time, she probably was. 

She provided no information of substance and when asked a hard or embarrassing question, she’d bring out her tried-and-true response of, “Let’s circle back on that”.  Which she never did.

Ah…good times…good times.

At the time, it was hard to imagine a Press Secretary worse than Jen Psaki.  Then came black, female, LGBTQ diversity-hire Karine Jean-Pierre.

I guess if you check enough boxes, it’s not required for you to have…you know…talent.

We first met Karine when she was asked to try and explain why Biden took 800 people with him when he attended the 2021 Climate Summit in Glasgow.  Looking back, we now know that it was likely because Biden had to travel with a stage crew to hold up the illusion that he’s not out of his mind.

Let’s pause for a few moments and talk about the New England Patriots.  People either love the Patriots, or they hate them.  But I think that everyone can agree that the Patriots changed the way pro football is played. 

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Raising the Bar

The New England Patriots set the bar for NFL teams for nearly 20 years.  Everybody tried to replicate the “Patriot Way”.

Similarly, Kayleigh McEnany set the bar for White House Press Secretaries.  You could ask her a question, any question, and she’d open her binder and give you the answer.  Period.  

Kayleigh did her homework.  She anticipated the completely-biased questions she’d be asked and came prepared with answers and the facts to back them up.  There was no “we’ll circle back later”. 

So, we know that a qualified White House Press Secretary looks like.  And it’s not Karine Jean-Pierre.

I can only conclude that the Biden Administration doesn’t realize how “setting the bar” works.  You’re supposed to go over it like a hurdle, not under it like doing the limbo.

It’s painful to watch Karine.  But I did. You should too.

Tastes Like Chicken

I recently saw a clip where a reporter asked her why Biden is lying about his uncle Bosey being shot down near New Guinea and eaten by cannibals.  Military records clearly state the plane went down because of engine trouble and all but one person on board drowned.  The one person that didn’t drown was rescued.

And yet Biden claimed that his uncle survived the crash and was subsequently eaten by cannibals.

Her reply?  The President was sharing a personal story that was meant to honor all veterans, not like the previous president when he called veterans “suckers and losers”.  

She said that twice.

Now, we only have the word of a disgruntled former employee that Trump said that.  And, based on Trump’s actions toward the military, there’s no way he would have said those words.  President Trump has always been an ardent support of our troops.

Even One is Too Many

On the other hand, Biden, according to a report by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, abandoned as many as 9,000 soldiers in Afghanistan during his disastrous troop withdrawal.  Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that the number of abandoned soldiers was closer to somewhere between 100 to 150.

As if that makes things better.

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You can bet your ass that if Trump had abandoned any soldiers anywhere, which he didn’t, he’d know exactly how many and would have personally visited the parents of each and every one of them.

Just this past week, Biden’s team allowed 1,000 U.S. soldiers to be taken hostage in Niger.  The ransom for their safe release?  All we have to do to get our soldiers back is turn over a $100M airbase to a Russian-backed Niger military.

While Karine may believe that near-incoherent mumblings about an uncle who didn’t get eaten by cannibals is a fitting tribute to veterans everywhere, I’d say a better approach would be to not make our soldiers into captives.  But maybe I’m the only one who thinks this way.

Biden shared that exact same story about his uncle twice on the same day at two different events.  So, either whoever is in charge of the teleprompter is an idiot, or Biden must truly believe the fantasy that his uncle was eaten by cannibals.

Now, you might be tempted to say that it was just a case of “Joe being Joe”, and yet another example of his cognitive decline.  As if that makes things any better.

Let’s Circle Back On That

But let’s get back to Karine and her non-answer answer.

Tell me, what does Trump have to do with Biden lying his ass off?  Nothing.  That’s what.

She completely ignored the fact that the President of the United States lied to the American people.  Not only that, she also tried to smear the likely candidate running against Joe’s reelection.

And by doing that, she violated the Hatch Act.  The Hatch Act was passed in 1939 and limits certain political activities of federal employees.  And that means that Karine can’t use her platform to give Biden an advantage in the 2024 election.  Which is what she did by bringing up Donald Trump in her response to a question about Joe’s incompetence.

Based on this single response, Karine Jean-Pierre should be charged with a violation of the Hatch Act.

But that’s not all.

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Pants on Fire

Time and time again she’s been caught blatantly lying.  She constantly says things like, “the economy is stronger than it has ever been”, “our border has never been safer”, and “the president has done more to fight against antisemitism than any president in history”.

All of these statements are easy to prove.  As are all the similar statements she makes.  If any of them were true, a qualified press secretary would pull a “McEnany” and have a binder filled with facts to back up what she said. 

But she doesn’t.  She has 30 people working for her.  There’s no excuse for her not having her shit together.

So, either she’s outright lying, or she’s not a qualified press secretary.  I suspect it’s both.

The people speaking for Biden, because he’s incapable of speaking for himself, are big fat liars.

It’s gotten so bad that even the Liberal media has started pushing back.  And when they start to call Karine out on her lies, you know it must be really bad.  I don’t trust the Liberal media at all, and I still trust them more than I trust the person speaking on behalf of the President of the United States.

It Ought to Be a Crime

In my opinion, and I may be the only one who thinks this way, it should be illegal for the Press Secretary for the President of the United States to lie about anything.

But at this point, what can anyone do?  If Karine were to be fired because she’s horrible at her job, the Left would undoubtedly say that the reason she was fired is because she’s black, or a lesbian, or a black, lesbian woman.

But Karine gave us another option.

The penalty for violating the Hatch Act includes removal from federal service.

Yeah.  Let’s do that.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.