
Category: Social Media

Total 71 Posts

Their Words, Not Mine

The First Amendment is a powerful thing.  It defines our right to say whatever the heck we want.  In the United States, no government can stop anyone from speaking their mind. But can it also protect you from someone forcing you to say specific things?  No.  Not yet anyway. A

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Hate the Player

A couple weeks ago, I saw a post on Nextdoor made by a young teenage girl.   She wanted to warn people that there were men cruising the bus stop near the mall trying to entice girls into their car. The post was mostly met with support for the girl for

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Blowing Sunshine

I realized recently that I don’t trust anyone.  No matter what I hear from anybody, I always approach it with skepticism.  I thought at first that it’s just because I’m getting older and cynical.  While that may be true, I think the real reason I don’t trust anyone is because

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Poop For Brains – Part 2

Three and a half weeks ago, I started an experiment to see how long it would take me to find and pick up 100 bags of dog poop that had been discarded by neighbors of mine who don’t give a crap about anyone except themselves.  My dog and I walk

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Shorts #8

From time to time I run across items that I want to talk about, but aren’t big enough to be made into an episode. I grab a few of these and call them “PonkaBlog Shorts”. Today, I’m going to do four shorter segments instead of one long one. Here we

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Indecent Exposure

If there’s one thing I don’t understand, it’s nipples.  Oh, I know what they are, and I know what they’re for.  But what I don’t understand are the rules that pertain to whether or not women can display them in public. There was a post that was recirculated a week

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A Matter of Perspective

I saw a meme the other day.  It’s supposed to be a poke at Baby Boomers because some of us happen to be against having to pay for someone else’s student loans.  What it really is, is an example of manipulation of the data to evoke an emotional response by

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Lost in Translation

Last May, an 18-year-old white guy walked into a supermarket in a primarily black neighborhood of Buffalo, New York, and opened fire.  Within minutes the mainstream media and Liberal social media everywhere were saying this was a case of white supremacy.  They were probably right.  The assailant (I hate saying

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Pity the Fools

I was watching a “discussion” on social media the other day.  Someone, obviously a Liberal, made the comment that there were many accomplishments of Biden that she’s proud of.  Yes, she actually used the word “many”.  I took the bait and asked her to name just one.  She never replied.

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