

Remember back a few decades ago when the term “homophobia” came to be?  Back in 1965, a guy named George Weinberg coined the term after he observed that some people are uncomfortable with the notion of homosexuality. 

Other people glommed on to the word and said that people were probably “homophobic” because they had latent homosexual tendencies and were therefore afraid that they may actually be a homosexual. 

So, in other words, if I happen to agree with a Colorado cake maker that he can give or refuse service to whomever he damn well pleases, I’d be labeled “homophobic”.  Which means, by their logic, I’m right on the edge of bending over and playing for the other team.

I’ll tell you this:  There’s not enough whiskey in the State of California to make that happen.

Now the “phobia” term has been applied to anyone who questions the “transgender” movement.  In other words, if you disagree that a man can become a woman, and vice versa, you’re “transphobic”.  Likewise, if you don’t use someone’s preferred pronouns, you’re transphobic.  Don’t want men to compete in women’s sports?  You’re transphobic. 

You get the picture.  Hold on to that thought.  You’ll need it later.

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This really pisses me off…

Every now and then, I work with startups to help them with their tech.  I had been working with one such startup in 2020.  It was based in New York and the idea was to create an app to be used by restaurants. 

Then people started freaking out about COVID, the restaurant industry tanked, and the startup decided to put things on pause until people stopped freaking out. 

Fast-forward to late last year.  I got a call from the CEO.  People finally did stop freaking out about COVID and he wanted to resurrect the project.  We started by catching each other up with what happened in our lives over the last couple of years.  I told him about our son.

If you’re new to my channel, you may want to check out “About a Boy”, “About a Boy Part II” and “Disordered”.  That will get you caught up.

Anyway, I told him about how my son has decided that he’s going to pretend to be a woman.  “Funny you should mention that”, he said, “I want to get the band back together again.”  “Remember Justin?”.  Justin was the Web designer on the project.  “Justin wants to be called ‘Justine’ now.”

Apparently, Justin had drunk the trans Kool-Aid and also decided to pretend to be a woman.

I told the CEO…let’s call him “Rick”.  I told Rick that I wasn’t interested in working on his project because there was no way in hell that I was going to call Justin “Justine”.  I said we could talk about his project if he wished, but that I no longer wanted to be a part of it.

Rick continued and started to bring me up to speed.  He said something like, “they did this” and “they did that”.  I said, “wait, how big is your team?  Who is “they”.  He replied, “Justine”.

So, I told him that I didn’t even want to talk about his project because just hearing the word “they” used incorrectly pisses me off.  And, since I know that he also believes all this trans stuff is bullshit, I said that if he continues to call a dude “Justine” and refer to him as she/they, then he’s part of the problem.

His reply?  “It’s not my fight.”

Except that it is.  It’s everyone’s fight.

Giving in to any of their demands, yes, I said “demands”.  Giving in to even a single one of their demands is essentially agreeing with them.

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Can’t unring that bell

About a year ago, I did a stupid thing and looked at my son’s Facebook page.  I say it was a stupid thing to do because there is no way I can unsee what I saw.  He had posted a recent picture of himself with the caption, “Like my new haircut?”

Now, there is no mistaking that it was a picture of a man pretending to be a very ugly woman.  But one of his “friends” replied with “cute”. 

Seriously?  No one in their right mind would look at that picture and think, “cute”.  He couldn’t be further away from “cute”.  “Cute” isn’t even in the same galaxy.

If I hadn’t been blocked from adding a comment, I would have replied with, “People!  Stop encouraging this type of behavior.” 

Nothing good is ever going to come from providing any type of positive feedback.  And, if that person was truly a “friend” of his, they’d stop reinforcing his delusion and see that he gets the mental health help that he really needs.

Not too long ago I discovered that he’s taken his profile private.  Maybe someone was finally honest with him, and he reacted by blocking anyone willing to tell him the truth.  I can only hope that someone was honest with him.

So close and yet so far

I recently saw a video of Piers Morgan.  He was complaining about men competing in women’s sports.  Piers is against it.  In his argument, he referenced the man formerly known as William Thomas and referred to him as her, and he as she. 

Talk about straddling the fence.

As soon as he started using William’s preferred pronouns, Piers completely destroyed his own credibility.  Piers Morgan may well be against men competing in women’s sports but by referring to a dude as “she/her”, he’s implicitly supporting it.

I can see Piers calling William “Lea”.  After all, William did legally change his name.  But changing your name, or lopping off body parts, (which William hasn’t done) doesn’t magically make you a woman.  Nothing can ever magically turn a man into a woman.

So, if Piers wanted to call him “Lea”, I don’t have a problem with that.  Sure, it’s creepy, but it is legally his name.  Where Piers, and so many other people, argue against themselves is when they use feminine pronouns to refer to a dude, and vice versa.

But that’s starting to change.

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Things are starting to turn around

It’s encouraging to see that people are starting to finally push back against all aspects of the notion of a “trans” person.  I see more and more videos where people, such as Megyn Kelly, refer to dudes pretending to be women as “him” instead of “her”.  The number of people willing to speak the truth, people who aren’t afraid to be called “transphobic”, is slowly rising.

In the past three years, the U.S. government has encouraged the mutilation of young kids to further the Leftist Agenda.  Schools are being encouraged to keep parents out of the loop and businesses are forcing employees to use “preferred pronouns”.

Each law that passes seems to take us one step closer to insanity.  For a while I was discouraged because I felt that there was no way back. 

Then I remembered it wasn’t all that long ago that people thought Roe v Wade would never be overturned.

So, eventually, it’s possible that things could turn around and become sane again.  But the only way it’s going to happen this time is if everyone fights to make it happen.  And that means this excuse of “it’s not my fight” isn’t going to cut it.  Because it is.

WD-40 isn’t afraid of water

Remember earlier when I told you to hang on to the thought about being transphobic?  Well, dust it off.  You’re going to need it now.

My wife and I have discussed our feelings about the notion that a man can become a woman.  She, rightfully so, feels disgusted by the whole thing.  I can’t imagine how I would feel if I were a woman and was seeing my entire existence turned into a joke.

Disgusting is close, but it doesn’t quite work for me.

So, let’s take a deeper look at the term “phobic”.  It doesn’t always mean “afraid of something”.

There is another use of the term “phobic”.  Take “hydrophobic”, for example.  A person who is hydrophobic, in other words, afraid of water, suffers from “hydrophobia”.  And that’s the definition of “phobic” that has been used to label people who don’t happen to believe that surgery is a valid treatment for a mental illness.

But, “hydrophobic” can also mean that something repels water.  For example, WD-40 is hydrophobic.

I think it’s this definition of “phobic” that best describes how I feel.  Like WD-40 repels water, I repel the entire notion of a trans anything.

I’m not afraid of men pretending to be women.  I am, in fact, repulsed by it.

So yeah.  I’m transphobic.  Not because of an irrational fear, but because of a very rational belief that a man can never become a woman.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.