

In the last six weeks, I’ve probably thought about the “gender issue” more than anyone else on the planet.  I still can’t make any sense out of it.

I want to start out by saying that there are people born with physical birth defects who may have both male and female genitalia and/or mixed-up chromosomes. 

I’m not talking about those people.

Now, I fully realize that the term “birth defect” may trigger some people, but I don’t care. 

I think we can all imagine what constitutes a “normal” human being.  Two arms, two legs, ten fingers, ten toes, either a penis or vagina, etc.  Anyone born with a deviation from the norm is essentially “defective” and has a birth defect. 

I believe the current politically correct term is “congenital disorder”.  But I’m going to stick with the term “birth defect”.  Anyone who’s going to get offended by that isn’t going to be reading or listening to this anyway.

And besides, it’s OK for me to use the term because I happen to have a birth defect.  I was born with what’s known as a “horseshoe kidney”.  You can look it up if you’re interested but it does mean that I was born “defective”.  That and about five bucks will get me a cup of coffee at Starbucks.  It also gives me free range to use the term “birth defect” as I see fit.

Hey, don’t blame me.  I didn’t make up the rules.  I’m just applying the same logic that allows only black people to use the word “nigger”, allows only Polish people to make Polack jokes, and allows everyone to make fun of white guys.  So, because I have a birth defect, I can say “birth defect”.

As I mentioned, some people are born with the physical birth defect of not being quite male or female.  And some of those people may have been assigned the wrong sex at birth.  And, in many instances, that can be corrected by surgery.  Because it’s a physical defect.

Like I said, I’m not talking about those people.  But I may mention them.  If I do, I’m going to call them “intersex” people.  We used to call them “hermaphrodites”, but I believe “intersex” is the currently accepted term.

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about sex and gender.

I’m going to talk primarily about men pretending to be women.  What I say also applies to women pretending to be men.  It’s just going to make it easier for me to write and for you to understand if I don’t keep mentioning both.  And I absolutely refuse to use the they/them bullshit.

Let’s get started.

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Sex and Gender

Have you ever gone puppy shopping with a kid?  Invariably, the topic of the sex of the puppy will come up, primarily because the adult is looking for one or the other.  And because little kids’ vocabularies aren’t always that advanced, eventually you’ll start to talk about the puppy being either a boy puppy or a girl puppy.

Little kids know that “boy” means “male” and “girl” means “female” and that a boy puppy can grow up to be a daddy and a girl puppy can grow up to be a mommy.  This is not a difficult concept.  Even little kids get it.

“Man” has been synonymous with “male” and “woman” has been synonymous with “female” for thousands of years.  The progression is, and has always been, girl->young woman->woman.  It has never been, nor can it ever be, boy->young man->man->woman.

A man can’t suddenly decide that he’s a woman.  The only people who possess the ability to change into women are girls.  And even they don’t get to decide when they become one.  It’s decided for them.

Whenever anyone pushes back against this whole trans-gender bescumberance, we’re told that we’re confusing sex and gender.  And, that the terms “man” and “woman” are social constructs that are fluid, while “male” and “female”, the actual sex of the person, can’t be changed.

So, let’s set aside common sense and reason for a minute.  Let’s assume that a person’s gender isn’t the same thing as their sex.  Because that’s what we’re expected to believe. 

If that’s true, then why do they use the terms “biological male” and “biological female”?  If genders can change, but someone’s sex can’t, then there is no need to add the prefix “biological”.  There is only male and female, there are not different types of males and females.

So, there’s no such thing as “trans-males” or “trans-females” either.  Because those terms imply that you can change someone’s sex, which isn’t possible.  The same thing goes for “cis-male” or “cis-female”, the “cis” part is misleading because it implies that there is more than one type of male or female.

In fact, there is no such thing as a trans anything, except for a Trans-Am.  Those are real.  But there is no such thing as being “trans” because that implies that it’s possible to change your sex or gender.  But it isn’t.  No matter how much effort a man puts into pretending to be a woman, he’s still going to be a man.  He may start to look more like a woman but, let’s be real, he isn’t going to fool anyone except maybe himself.


I have, in the past, used the term “real woman” to refer to…you know…a woman.  But I’m going to stop doing that.

I’m no longer going to use the term “real woman”.  Because that implies that there is more than one kind of woman.  Which there isn’t.  But I do need a term to describe men pretending to be women and women pretending to be men. 

If we need a more clinical name, then we could go with “feminized man” and “masculinized woman”.  Because that’s what they are.  And regardless of whatever body modifications they endure, that’s what they’ll remain. 

But I can do better than that.  People who have the delusion of believing they’re the opposite sex suffer from what’s known as “gender dysphoria”.  It’s a mental illness that manifests itself as a person’s self-image not matching with their sex.

So, from here going forward, I’m going to refer to “dysphoric men”, in other words, men pretending to be women, and “dysphoric women”, who are women pretending to be men.

The important thing to note about gender dysphoria is that it’s a mental illness, not a physical defect.  Technically speaking, the American Psychiatric Association classifies gender dysphoria as a mental disorder. 

The list of mental disorders includes things like drug addiction, anorexia and obsessive/compulsive disorder.  Having something listed as a disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is important because it allows people to get access to necessary health care and effective treatment.

In theory anyway.

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I want you to think about this:  If I were diagnosed with OCD, my treatment options would include psychotherapy and medications to reduce my obsessiveness and my compulsiveness.  If I were diagnosed with anorexia, my treatment would include therapy to help me have a more realistic body image.  Similarly, if I were diagnosed with an addiction, I would be treated with behavioral therapy to change the way I act.

But if I’m diagnosed with gender dysphoria…well…actually…there is no diagnosis for gender dysphoria.  If someone tells their doctor that he or she is dysphoric, the doctor must simply take them at their word.

So, I go to the doctor and tell him I believe I’m actually a woman trapped in a man’s body.  I’ll be told that what I need to do is do a better job at pretending to be a woman.  I’ll be given therapy to reinforce my delusions and presented with options including cross-hormone therapy and gender modification surgery.  On day one.

There would be no therapy or counseling to help me learn to be at ease in my body or change my behavior.  Which is how every other mental disorder is treated.

I don’t understand how pumping myself full of female hormones or mutilating my body are available options.   Allowing a dysphoric man to modify his body with drugs and surgery makes as much sense as giving someone with anorexia a gastric bypass.

There’s no dispute that gender dysphoria is a mental illness, so why are people with gender dysphoria being treating as if they have a physical illness?  And, if I’m confused about my gender, why is having surgery to attempt to change my sex one of the available treatments?   I thought we were told that gender and sex are two different things?!?

Body Positive

Little girls are told not to judge themselves by what are considered “traditional” indicators of beauty.  If a girl thinks she’s too fat, or too tall, or too short, she’ll be told that her body is just perfect as it is, and she shouldn’t try to change anything.  She’ll also be given tools to help her become comfortable with her own body.  If she becomes anorexic, every attempt will be made to get her to change the way she’s thinking.

But if she claims to be gender dysphoric?  Well, that’s different.  Then she’ll be encouraged to continue to think the same way and to immediately start changing her body into something it isn’t.

If a woman requires a mastectomy, she’ll be told that even if she no longer has breasts, it won’t make her any less of a woman.  But if a dysphoric woman has her breasts removed, she’s told it will make her less of a woman.  And, if a dude grows breasts, after being pumped full of female hormones, he’s told that makes him more of a woman. 

Breasts either make the woman or they don’t.  It can’t be both.  So, which is it?

While I’m on the topic, I want to say that a dude can never grow breasts.  He can grow man-boobs, but he’ll never have real boobs.  Breasts have a very specific function which moobs will never have.  So, let’s stop talking about “top surgery” giving a man breasts.  Because it’s impossible and just the thought of it is ridiculous.

I’ve mentioned body modification a couple of times so I’m going to expand on that.  A man gaining some female physical attributes is considered to be less of a man and more of a woman.  But, if someone gets horns implanted on his head, nobody thinks that makes him the devil.  And if he has his tongue split into a fork, which strangely some people do, nobody believes that makes him more of a snake.

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Now, let’s talk about pronouns.  If you and I work together in the same office, 98% of the times I use a pronoun to refer to you, you’re not even in the room.  Pronouns are kind of a third-person thing.  So, how could you possibly get offended by what I say when you’re not there to hear it? 

Let me tell you something. I am obviously a man.  But you could refer to me by she/her, or call me “miss” or “ma’am” all day long and I wouldn’t care.  Do you know why?  Because I’m a well-adjusted human being.  Well, that, and I don’t give a shit what anyone else says or thinks about me.  Which, come to think of it, is probably the definition of “well-adjusted”.

“Son” and “daughter” are terms that apply to sex, not gender.  Son equals male, daughter equals female.  Like “man” and “woman”, it’s been that way for thousands of years.  And even if you don’t believe that “boy” equals male, you have to agree that “son” does.  That’s why it makes no sense for a dysphoric male to expect anyone to refer to him as a daughter.  And yet, that’s exactly what we’re expected to do.

Try as he might, a man can never change his sex.  And, if this is truly about gender and not about sex, even the most militant supporters of the dysphoric agenda would have to agree that referring to a son as a daughter is just wrong.

And finally…

I’ll leave you with one last thought.  How can a man painting his face to look like a woman be any less offensive to women than blackface is to a black person?  Both blackface and “ladyface” are caricatures of the real thing.  How can it be that only one of them is considered offensive?

Like I said, we can all imagine what “normal” looks like.  And someone who thinks they’re a sex other than what they actually are definitely isn’t normal.  They, along with those of us who are intersex or have a horseshoe kidney, are defective.

The difference is that dysphoric men and women have a mental defect, not a physical one.  Treating it as a physical ailment makes no sense whatsoever.  That would be like me having therapy so I could identify as someone with two kidneys.

You don’t fix a mental defect by applying a physical treatment.  They used to do that.  It’s called a lobotomy.  We look back at that now and think, “My God, what did we do?” 

I suspect that in the not-too-distant future, people will look back at the physical and psychological mutilation done to the gender dysphoric, and ask God for forgiveness.

Here are a few links that you might find helpful and/or interesting:

About a Boy

About a Boy – Part II


Call Me Crazy

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.