
The Biden Touch

Remember the story of King Midas from Greek mythology?  To make a long story short, Midas was rewarded for being a nice guy and was granted a single wish.  His wish was that everything he touch turns to gold.  Thus, the term “the Midas touch”.  Midas found out quickly that turning everything into gold had a downside.  It’s a little difficult to eat when your bacon goat burger turns into gold before you can take a bite.

There are a few different endings to the story of Midas but, according to Aristotle’s version, Midas died of starvation.

In the end, it must have sucked to be Midas.  But not so much the people around him.  Sure, Midas was hungry, but his affliction meant tremendous wealth for his kingdom.  Everyone under Midas’ rule prospered.  At least they did until he starved to death.

Every so often pollsters will ask the question, “Are you better off now than you were a year ago?”  What a ridiculous question.  Of course I’m not better off now that I was a year ago.  I’m worse off today than I was the same day last week.

I’m sure you’ve said to yourself at least once in your life, “it doesn’t get any better than this”.  Sadly, that’s true now more than any other time in history.  Enjoy today while you can because I can guarantee you that tomorrow is going to be worse.

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America has been in a steady decline since Biden and the Democratic Party perpetrated massive election fraud and stole the 2020 election.  I wish I could say, “slow and steady decline”, but we all know that’s not true.  If you look back to before the Biden Bunch took charge, it’s incredible to see how fast everything has turned to shit.

How could any president match Biden’s amazing accomplishment of this time last year?  That was something.  That was when The White House bragged about saving everyone nearly 16 cents on the food they bought for their 4th of July picnic.

And here we are a year later.  A year ago, the average price for a gallon of gas was $3.15 cents.  Today, the average price is $4.81 per gallon.  In some places it’s closer to $7.00.  Using Biden Math, the average family would have needed to have ten cookouts last year just to make up the difference in the cost of a single gallon of gas.

And that’s If we completely ignore the fact that the picnic will cost about 50% more this year than it did a year ago.  And that retirement accounts have lost 30% of their value.  And that even if you could afford to buy something, there’s a good chance the store shelves will be empty when you get there.

In my opinion, Biden is the worst President I’ve seen in my lifetime.  And it’s likely that he’s the worst President ever.  Yet there are still people who believe that he’s doing a fine job and we’re better off with him than without him.

Help me understand this.  When, exactly, did he start doing a good job?  Was it before or after he gave away billions of dollars in military equipment to the Taliban?  I think it was after he allowed boys to use the girl’s locker room but just before he abandoned our allies in Afghanistan. 

Or maybe it was after he forced millions of Americans to take an experimental vackseen, but right before he destroyed tens of thousands of small businesses across the country.

Like King Midas, Joe Biden has the ability to transform things with a single touch.  The difference is that everything Midas touched turned to gold.  Everything Biden touches turns to shit.

I can’t think of one thing that Biden has done that hasn’t become a huge steaming pile of poo.  Seriously.  Not one.  Every single thing he’s touched has made America worse than it was the day before.

It’s not even close.  It’s not like anyone could look at one of his ideas and think, “you know, that might just work.”  Anyone with a lick of sense could see from a mile away that his plans were going to fail miserably.  And that’s exactly what’s been happening.

I want you to think back to July 4th, 10 years ago.  What did you picture America would be like today?  Maybe 10 years is too far back for you to remember.  So, think back just two years ago.  That’s all the further back you need to go.  Two years ago, America was enjoying a time of prosperity it hadn’t seen in decades. 

And now?  Not so much.

Could you imagine even two years ago that you’d go to the grocery store and see empty shelves?  Or that when you were able to find what you were looking for, you had to decide between buying it or putting gas in your car. 

Or that people would lose their jobs because they refused to allow themselves to be injected with an experimental drug?  Or because they refused to use someone’s personal pronouns?

Would you have imagined just two years ago that in one year the biggest flex of the Administration would be that they saved you $.16 on burgers and dogs?  And that a year later, they couldn’t even brag about that?  Could you have even imagined that the United States would be $30 Trillion in debt?

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Two years ago, I would have imagined that today’s America would be energy independent, with secure borders, and would be a leader on the world stage.

Two years ago, I would have imagined having a President I could be proud of.  He was, after all, being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. 

Today, we’re thankful if the President can string together an intelligible sentence in English.

Am I better off today than I was a year ago?  Six months ago?  A week ago?  Not even close.  Hell, I’m not even as well off right now as I was when I started writing this.

King Midas had the Midas Touch.  Joe Biden has the Biden Touch.  One’s touch turned things into gold.  Another’s touch turns things into shit. 

But that’s not the biggest difference between the two.  The biggest difference is that when Midas’ touch turned something into gold, only he went hungry.  But Joe’s touch is thoroughly destroying America and we’re all going hungry.

If you liked this one, be sure to check out “The Biden Touch – Part II”

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.