
The Biden Touch – Part II

In my last article titled, The Biden Touch, I compared Joe Biden to King Midas.  One of the notable differences being that while everything Midas touched turned to gold, everything Biden touches turns to shit.

I then went on to explain why I believe it’s true.

I’m not going to repeat everything I said.  Instead, I’m going to assume that you read or listened to the previous article.  If you haven’t, I suggest you do so.  It will make what follows make a whole lot more sense. Click here to see that article.

Someone commented on my article on Facebook and said that (and I’m paraphrasing here), when Administrations change, it’s difficult to tell if what follows is the result of the previous Administration’s policies, or if whatever happens is because of the new Administration’s changes.

In other words, is the United States in the shape it’s in today because of the inevitable failure of Trump’s policies, or because of something Biden has done?

This guy wasn’t bashing Trump and he wasn’t defending Biden.  His point was that it’s impossible to know where the blame should be placed. 

I disagree.

Of course, Biden and his team are quick to blame Trump.  That’s normal.  You always blame the guy who isn’t there anymore.  Everyone does that.  Trump gets blamed for everything.  When have you ever seen or heard anyone on Biden’s team take responsibility for anything?  Exactly.

But I want you to consider this. 

We should all know that the thing we call the United States isn’t anything simple.  No, it’s a complex system with many, many interconnected and moving parts.  Changing any one thing may give you unexpected results.  It’s like the Butterfly Effect. 

Now, for those of you who don’t know, the “Butterfly Effect” is used in chaos theory to describe how a very small change to a complicated system may contribute to a much larger result.  For instance, a butterfly flapping its wings on the coast of Africa might cause a hurricane to form weeks later and wipe out the Florida Keys.  In other words, a small, seemingly unconnected and inconsequential change, may have a drastic impact.  And that change may be positive or negative.

Now, it’s possible that Trump’s United States was a house of cards.  We might have ended up exactly where we are now even if Biden had done absolutely nothing. 

But he didn’t.

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The only way we would know for certain if Trump should be blamed for the state of our economy, and for gas prices, and for the border problem, and for “trans” boys raping little girls in their locker room, is if Biden didn’t change anything.  Then, we could all watch as Trump’s house of cards collapsed, and we find ourselves right here where we are today.

But that’s not what happened.

Remember Biden’s first month?  The Democrats, and the Liberal media, were gleefully counting all the Executive Orders that Trump had made, and Biden undid.  And the more of Trump’s United States Biden changed, the more likely it is that one of the boneheaded things he’s done caused the United States we’re in today. 

The thing about the butterfly effect, is that there is no way of knowing if a butterfly in Africa caused Hurricane Irma.  But don’t you think that someone should have foreseen that if they fucked with our domestic energy sources, then it’s at least a tiny bit likely that energy prices are going to be affected?

Can I say for certain that Biden is responsible for the mess our country is in today?  No, not with absolute certainty. But, it is likely?  Yes it is. 

I’d say it’s near certain that Biden’s cancellation of key energy projects has caused record-breaking fuel prices.  Just like I’d say I’m pretty sure that Biden’s signature nerfing Title IX is directly responsible for girls getting raped in what’s supposed to be the safety of their own locker room.

Anyone with the ability to think critically should be able to agree that a President shouldn’t purposely change things to make things worse.  I’m hoping that Biden’s goal was to improve things from where they were.  So he made changes to what Trump had put in place.

If we limit our view to just the times when he either directly dismantled a Trump program, or initiated his own program, then it becomes pretty clear that everything he touches does indeed turn to shit.

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In my opinion, if Trump were still in charge…

Would we have given the Taliban billions of dollars in military equipment?  No.

Would we still be working toward the goal of energy independence?  Undoubtedly yes.

Would we have increased our dependency on foreign oil?  No.

Would we have abandoned the people in Afghanistan who were helping us fight the Taliban?  Hell no.

Would we have boys breaking girls’ athletic records?  No.

Would illegal aliens be getting more benefits than do the veterans who fought for our country?  No.

Would store shelves be empty due to “supply chain issues”?  I don’t think so.

Would gas be, on average, $4.81 per gallon?  There is no reason to believe it would.

Would we be the laughingstock of every other country on the planet?  No.

Would cities like Portland, Chicago and San Francisco be the shitholes that they are today?  That’s a trick question.  Of course they would.  Because they’re Democrat-controlled cities.

Of course, if Trump was heading us down a path leading to destruction, and Biden didn’t do anything about it, then I, and everyone else, would bitch about that too. 

Which may seem like a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t scenario.  But that’s only the case if what you do or don’t do makes things worse than they initially were. 

So, the trick for any President is to figure out which things to leave alone, and which things to change.  While at the same time, figuring out how to take credit for not doing anything, and how to put the blame on someone else for the things he did do that didn’t work.

It’s true that it’s sometimes impossible to know for sure if the mess we’re in is because of initiatives Trump put in place, or the changes that Biden made.  But at some point, Biden must accept responsibility for his actions and inactions.  At some point, it becomes irrelevant what he inherited from Trump.  And everything becomes his fault.

With each small change you make to an otherwise stable system, it becomes more and more likely that at least one of your changes is going to be wrong.  Biden made tons of changes.  Hell, he bragged about making the changes.  So, in my mind, Biden is unquestionably responsible for everything having turned to shit.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.