
Questions & Answers

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I’ve been trying to understand how it’s possible that so many people have come to believe things that are absolutely unbelievable.  I think I’ve finally figured it out.

For most of my life, I’ve prided myself on being the guy with all the answers.  Now, not so much.  These days, I think it’s much more useful to be the guy with all the questions.  Because it’s the people asking the questions who have all the power.  All it takes is one good question to completely destroy bad logic.

As long as the question is asked.

It’s also much harder to be the guy with all the answers.  If you’re the guy with the answers, then you need to get everything right.  Well, that’s not really true.  All you need to do is make it seem like you know what you’re talking about. 

You don’t have to be knowledgeable, insightful or even particularly truthful.  You just need to appear to be knowledgeable, insightful or truthful and people will think you’re someone they should unquestionably believe.  In fact, the less a person knows about a subject, the easier it is for you to make them believe you have all the answers.  Even if you don’t.

And that’s exactly where we find ourselves today.  The “experts” have convinced a ton of people that they have all the answers to everything.  In reality, most of the time the “experts” don’t have any idea what they’re talking about.  But people are still blindly following them without question. 

I know what some of you are thinking.  You’re thinking that you don’t know anything about virology or economics or technology.  You’re wondering how you can possibly question a scientist, doctor, senator, or president who have many more credentials and much more expertise than you have.

Here’s the thing:  To question “the experts”, you don’t need to know everything.  You don’t even need to know much.  You just need to know what it is that you don’t understand.  Because if you don’t understand something, how can you possibly decide whether or not it’s true?

Let me tell you something.  Everything, no matter how complicated, can be explained in such a way that even the people least knowledgeable about a subject can understand it.  If an “expert” can’t explain it to you in a way that you understand, then the “expert” isn’t much of an expert at all.

The burden is on the explainer to get their point across in a way that their audience can understand.  But it’s the responsibility of the explainee to ask questions if they don’t understand, and to hold the expert accountable for adequately explaining why even a single word of what they’re saying should be believed.

And therein lies the problem.

The reason that so many people have come to believe absolutely unbelievable things is that those same people have stopped questioning the authorities and experts and just accept as gospel whatever nonsense they’re told to believe. 

As I mentioned before, it’s the people asking the questions who have all the power.  But only when a question is asked.  When you stop asking questions, you relinquish your power to the people who are just making stuff up.

We were all born with an innate curiosity.  Every one of us came into this world with desire to learn and understand.  Sadly, too many people have either lost that ability entirely or simply lost the desire to put any effort at all into making sure that what they believe is something worth believing.  Or maybe it’s because they just don’t give a shit.  Whatever the reason, the United States is in the shape it’s in today because a great number of people possess less curiosity than a toddler.

What I’m talking about shouldn’t be a new concept for anyone.  It’s the 2021 equivalent of “see something, say something”.  If you see or hear something that just doesn’t make any sense, point it out. In other words, if you hear something that sounds like bullshit, call it bullshit.

I understand that for some of you, the act of questioning authority is a foreign concept, and something you might not be comfortable doing.  Here are a few questions to get you started:

  • If the vackseens are safe, then why are so many people injured or killed after being injected with them?
  • If the vackseens are effective, then why is there talk about booster shots every two months?
  • If COVID-19 is dangerous enough to require people from flying into the country to provide a negative test, why is it not dangerous enough to also require people walking or driving across the border to provide a negative test?
  • Why are we letting the companies who develop the vackseens be the ones who decide if their vackseens are safe and effective?
  • The media is supposed to protect us from a corrupt government.  How can a media in collusion with a corrupt government continue to enjoy the protection afforded by the First Amendment?
  • The media has lied about Kyle Rittenhouse, Jussie Smollett, racist white cops, Russian collusion, mostly-peaceful protesters and are the largest purveyors of fear-porn on the planet.  Since they lie about some things, why should anyone believe anything they say?
  • How will limiting my access to firearms make me any safer?
  • If there was no election fraud, then why do Democrats work so hard to block efforts to prove there was no fraud?
  • How can a man who can’t string together a coherent sentence be considered competent to lead our country?

If enough people call bullshit on the so-called “experts”, the experts will have two choices.  They can either explain themselves, and backup what they’re saying with facts, or they can shut the fuck up.

There might have once been a time when we could simply trust the “experts”.  But those days are gone.  We have no way of knowing if the decisions being made supposedly on our behalf are for the good of the country or for the benefit of a particular party, politician, person or organization.  We’ve been lied to for so long and so often it’s difficult to know for sure who or what to believe.

But you can change that.  You have the power to keep people honest.  You’ve had it all along.

All you have to do is ask.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.