
PonkaBlog Shorts #5

It’s time for another installment of PonkaBlog Shorts. From time to time I run across things that are worth talking about but aren’t big enough for an entire article on their own. Here are six such topics.

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Salvation Army

Every year around Thanksgiving, I go to the bank and get a bunch of dollar coins.  I keep a pocket full of them and whenever I pass by a Salvation Army bell ringer, I toss a couple in.  It’s a win-win for everyone.  I don’t have to try to not make eye contact as I pass them by, the charity gets a couple dollars, and the coins make a loud clang as they hit the kettle allowing me to virtue signal without being too obvious about it.

That was before.  Never again.

The Salvation Army recently released a 67-page manifesto titled “Let’s Talk About Racism”.  In it, they discuss things such as “white radicalized identity”, portray George Floyd as an innocent victim and encourage white people to “lament and repent”, and apologize for being white.

What a load of bullshit.  Let me tell you something, I don’t have anything to apologize for.  For my entire life, I’ve treated people the same way, regardless of the color of their skin.  If they work hard, are nice people, and contribute to society, I treat them with respect.  But, if they act like an asshole, I treat them like an asshole.

So, way to go Salvation Army.  You’ve lost whatever money you were going to receive from me.  Forever.

I Wish I Said it First

I recently came across two things that are so clever I wish I had said them first.  I’m not going to try to quote them verbatim because I’m working from memory.  The important thing for you to know is that these are someone else’s ideas, and pretty good ones at that.

The first thing I wish I had said first is that the COVID vackseens are the world’s largest cause of coincidences.  Every day we hear news about people falling over after being jabbed with one of the experimental drugs.  And with every story, we’re told to believe that the death or serious illness isn’t due to the vackseen but is instead just a strange coincidence because it regularly happens only to vacksinated people.

The second thing I wish I had said first is this: 

The people hawking the vackseens are working to convince the unvacksinated that the vackseens work and that everybody should get one.  But, at the same time, they’re trying to convince the people already vacksinated that the vackseens don’t work and that they should get another one.

Trans Pedophile Professor

I realize I’m going pretty close to the edge with this one.  In no way should it be interpreted that I’m defending pedophiles.  I’m merely presenting this as something for you to think about.

A trans “male” professor in Virginia has resigned after saying that pedophiles should be called “minor-attracted people”.  Now, I agree with the uproar that followed “his” announcement.  But consider this:

The argument used by homosexuals to condone/explain their behavior is that they have no choice in the matter.  People can’t help how they’re born, and someone doesn’t get to determine who they fall in love with.  We’re supposed to believe that homosexuality is normal and not a physical or mental abnormality.  But, if someone is a pedophile, chemical castration and psychotherapy will be used to try to “fix” them. 

If the argument of “there’s nothing to fix” works for homosexuals, why doesn’t it also apply to pedophiles?

Fully Vacksinated

I think we’re quickly reaching the point where people who aren’t already vacksinated will never be able to become “fully vacksinated”.  The definition of “fully vacksinated” is changing to mean that you have to have had the initial doses (or dose) followed up by a booster shot.  And there are undoubtedly more booster shots on the way which means the definition will undoubtedly change to encompass only people who have had the latest available injection.

But, you can’t just walk in and ask for all the shots at once because that will probably kill you.  You need to take the first shot, wait a few weeks, and then go get your second shot, then wait a few months and get a booster.  The boosters, which started out being described as an annual necessity, are now only effective for a couple of months.  So, it is essentially impossible for someone to start out now and become fully vacksinated.  Due to the timing between shots, they will never be able to catch up.

Vackseen Dubious

I’ve never liked the term “vackseen hesitant”.  Because the word “hesitant” implies a temporary condition.  As in, “he hesitated to receive the vackseen, then went ahead and got jabbed”.  I prefer to be called “vackseen dubious”.  In my opinion, “dubious” is much more accurate.  Dubious means “not to be relied upon or suspect”, as in “the stated safety of the vackseens is based on extremely dubious assumptions”.  Dubious can also means “morally suspect” as in “the vackseens are being promoted using dubious methods and messages”.

So, “Vackseen Hesitant” doesn’t work for me, because my reluctance to be vacksinated isn’t a temporary condition.  Well, it would be temporary, if the data used to try to convince people were based on science and not politics or fear.  But, since that’s not likely to change anytime soon, “hesitant” isn’t an accurate portrayal of my desire to be vacksinated.

Germany Euthanasia Policy

In what can only be described as an extremely ironic twist, the German Euthanasia Association announced this week that, if you want to be euthanized in Germany, you need to either be vacksinated or have already recovered from COVID-19.  I am not making this up.   

Before the Euthanasia Association will help you kill yourself, you need to prove to them that COVID-19 isn’t going to kill you first.

There is a silver lining to the policy.  If you’re sick enough to desire medically-assisted suicide, then there’s a good chance that you will be killed first, completely coincidentally of course, by the vackseen.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.