
The Biden Challenge

Back before the 2020 election, I posed a challenge to the people I’m connected to on Facebook (calling some of them “friends” would be a stretch).  The challenge was for Biden supporters.  I asked them to pick a single thing from Biden’s platform and tell me why they thought it was a good idea.

It was a trick question.  Because at the time, and all the way up to and after the election, Biden had no platform.  He still doesn’t have a plan.  Unless his plan is to reduce the United States down to its lowest common denominator.  He’s doing a hell of a job at that.

Oops.  Sorry for the sidetrack. 

One of the rules of the Biden Challenge was that you couldn’t simply Trump bash.  And you couldn’t just post a meme.  I wanted to hear in someone’s own words why they thought supporting Biden and the Democrats was a good idea.

Only one “friend” took the challenge.  His response was, “Because he’s not Trump”. 

I politely pointed out that, according to the rules of The Challenge, that was not an acceptable response.  To which he replied with a multi-page rant of how I wasn’t allowed to limit what he wanted to say or in any way influence his “reasoning”.  Yeah, he actually called it “reasoning”.

While I had an extremely small, and statistically insignificant, data set, it highlighted the thinking of millions of people.

And look where it’s gotten us.

Earlier this week, I posed a similar question to a friend of mine.  Yes, the question was posed on Facebook and yes, I consider him an actual friend.

I asked him to use his own words and tell me one thing, just one thing that Biden has done that he supports, and why he supports it.

His response was to post a meme bashing Trump.

I think that’s so sad.  After more than a year in office it’s impossible for even Joe Biden’s most ardent supporters to come up with a single thing that he’s done that they agree with.  Probably because he’s made so many bad decisions that he makes the captain of the Titanic seem like a genius. 

But my friend still believes that the country is better off with Biden for the sole reason that he’s not Donald Trump.  He’s so brainwashed that he’s lost the ability to think for himself.  And, unfortunately, he’s not alone.  Millions of people are stuck in an infinite loop where they believe everything the Left claimed about Donald Trump, in spite of the overwhelming evidence that none of it is true.

Remember back in 2008 when Obama was running for his first term?  One of the main items on his platform was that he was going to close Guantanamo Bay.  Liberals heard that and cheered, “yeah, let’s close Guantanamo”.  It sounded like a good thing to them, so they voted for Obama.

Guess what?  Obama didn’t close Guantanamo during his first term.  Nor did he during his second.  Over 14 years later, the detention center at Guantanamo is still open.  And it still holds some of the same prisoners that were there in 2008. 

Joe Biden also promised to close Guantanamo.  Well, maybe that’s what he meant.  It’s hard to tell what the hell he’s talking about when he opens his mouth.  Usually, it’s just the mumbled ramblings of a senile old man.

But this isn’t about Guantanamo.  It’s about how politicians will say and do anything they can to get elected.  And about how so many people actually believe what they say.  Then, once in office, the people who got elected don’t do what they said they’d do, and hope people forget all their empty promises. 

The good thing for them is that most people that voted for them do forget.  Which is also a bad thing for the rest of us.

The midterms are fast approaching, and Americans have another chance to vote.  And I’m concerned that millions of Americans are still drinking the Kool-Aid and wandering around in this make-believe world where Biden is something more than a doddering old fool.  Which means that they’re also living with the fantasy that the path the Democrats have put us on is good for America.

But just look around.  Gas prices are at an all-time high.  Inflation is higher than it has been in decades.  Grocery store shelves are empty.  Democrat-controlled cities are in ruin.  The supply chain is in shambles.  And a man is breaking records in women’s swimming.  I could go on but I’m sure you get the point.

These aren’t things that “just happened”.  Nor were they caused by anything Trump did.  These things are the direct result of policies put in place by Joe Biden and his handlers.  Put in place without a plan.  Or at least not a plan that they’ve bothered to share with anyone.

To be fair, Biden didn’t promise that he’d actually deliver anything.  His only promise was that he wasn’t Trump.  Boy did deliver on that.  Well, he also said that he’d release the results of his mental acuity tests after he was elected.  And while he has never shown us those records, he certainly has been demonstrating his mental acuity, or lack thereof.

But maybe as he continues to lose his mind, there’s a method to his increasing madness.  Joe inherited a country that, while it had its challenges, had been made great again by President Trump.  Maybe before Joe can “Build Back Better”, he needs to tear this country down to its very foundation.  If that’s his plan, he is unfortunately succeeding.

But personally, I don’t think he has a plan.  Because having a plan requires some higher brain function.  Which Joe doesn’t have.  It’s more likely that our fossil of a president got confused and started attacking the gas, coal and oil industries because he thought the term “fossil fuel” referred to Metamucil.  Which, apparently, he really doesn’t like.

And that brings me back to the midterms.  

The people who voted for this mess have a chance to fix things.  Or at least start us down the path of fixing things.  But if they can’t see the disastrous results of their previous vote, it’s not likely that they even think that things need to be fixed.

We need to change that.  And the way we change it is to get people thinking for themselves instead of believing whatever some left-wing talking head or funny meme tells them to believe.

So, I challenge you to challenge your Biden-loving/Trump-hating friends to take the Biden Challenge.  But we don’t want to make it hard so we’re going to keep the bar low, which considering the question, is still ridiculously high.  Just ask them to come up with something, just one single thing that the Democrats have done to make the country better than it was.  And then ask them to explain why.  In their own words. 

Some of them are going to Trump bash. There’s no doubt about that.  But maybe, just maybe, a few of them will start to see what’s been right in front of them the entire time. 

And if we’re lucky, maybe, just maybe, they’ll use that newfound understanding to cast their next vote wisely.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.