

There have been more than a few people, me included, complaining about how Biden and his insane policies have driven up gas prices to record levels.

The usual answer from people who have their heads up so far up their asses that they still support Biden goes something like, “Gasoline is a commodity item like pork, wheat, etc.”.  Their implication is that what we’re dealing with is no more than a supply and demand issue that has nothing to do with Biden and his near-brain-dead demolition of our energy independence.

I guess in a way they’re accurate.  If the supply goes down and the demand doesn’t, the prices will go up until the supply goes up or demand goes down.  But that alone doesn’t let Biden off the hook.

So, let’s talk about pork.  Let’s say that bacon prices are fairly stable.  Then someone…oh, I don’t know…let’s say the Governor of California, signs a bill saying that California farmers have to treat their pigs nicer.  But, treating their pigs nicer is going to drop production and, at the same time, increase the cost of raising pigs.  So only about 5% of California farms will be able to meet the new standard and still make enough to stay in business.

Since bacon is a commodity, it, like gas prices, follows the rules.  If the supply drops, but people still want tasty bacon, the price to the consumer is going to increase.  So, California bacon is going to cost more.

Now, typically that wouldn’t be a problem because farmers from other states would recognize they suddenly have an advantage over the California farmers, and they’d start to import bacon into California.  The supply increases and prices go back down.

But let’s say that the governor of California decides not only to force California farmers to treat their pigs nicer, but also force any farmer from anywhere else who wants to import bacon into California to treat their pigs nicer too.  If you want to sell your bacon in California, you need to adhere to California’s rules.

So, pig farmers in Iowa have a choice.  They can either increase their costs and lower production to meet the requirements California is forcing on them.  Or they can continue to farm as they’ve always done and just not sell any of their bacon in California.

Either way, the price for bacon in California will undoubtedly go up.  It already has.  If out-of-state farmers choose not to follow California’s rules, their costs and production can remain the same, but they lose access to a huge market.  If they choose to follow California’s rules, their costs go up, production goes down and bacon costs more for EVERYONE.

Anyone not looking at the big picture might naively think that the cost of bacon went up because bacon is a “commodity”, and the law of supply and demand is what’s affecting prices.

But that would mean that the Governor of California had no influence on the skyrocketing price of bacon.  I think any reasonable person can see that’s just not true.  The high pork prices in California are the result of the actions taken by the idiots in Sacramento.  There is a direct cause and effect relationship between California’s new pork policy and how much someone pays for bacon at the grocery store.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, who has any idea of what they’re talking about will think differently.

Now let’s apply what we know to the record-breaking gas prices.

According to the jackasses who still support Biden, the price of gas has gone up because of Capitalism and not because of the boneheaded decisions the guy they voted for is making.

Let’s explore that.

Back at the first part of last year, gas cost, on average, $2.50 per gallon in the United States.  As of today, the average cost for a gallon of gas is $4.17.  That’s an increase of $1.67 per gallon or nearly 67%.  Today.  By the time you read this it will be even worse.

We were, essentially, energy independent when Joe Biden took office.  Since then, he’s cancelled pipeline projects, blocked new oil and gas leases on federal lands and fed the COVID panic which further drove down production.  Then, after decimating our domestic oil production, he begged OPEC and Russia to increase production which made us dependent on foreign oil.

I don’t understand his thinking (or lack thereof).  He reduces our oil production, presumably to reduce the creation of greenhouse gasses.  Then he asks other countries to increase their oil production.  Oil that is then imported to the United States where the use of it creates greenhouse gasses.  How is burning the same amount of oil going to reduce the amount of waste it produces?

Am I the only one that sees how ridiculous this is?  That’s like telling everyone how you’ve managed to reduce the amount of trash picked up at your curb each week by throwing all your garbage in the dumpster behind the 7-11.

Then, in one of his most asinine moves ever, after making us dependent on Russian oil, he halts the import of oil from Russia in response to Russia invading Ukraine.  A situation, I will remind you, that he created by not having the balls to stand up to Putin.

I agree with people who say that the cost of oil is because of supply and demand.  When the supply goes down, but demand doesn’t, the prices will go up.  While that is true, the only reason we’re in this mess in the first place is because Biden fucked with the supply. 

You can’t ignore Biden’s birdbrain decisions.  His fingerprints are all over this.  Literally.  There is a direct cause and effect relationship between his signature on a document and why it costs you nearly twice as much to fill your tank than it did before he became Commander in Thief.

You’d have to be a complete moron to think otherwise.  Of course, you’d also have to be a complete moron to support Joe Biden in the first place.

But it doesn’t stop there.  The price of oil affects the price of nearly everything.  It’s one of the main reasons why EVERYTHING costs more.  And the damage high fuel prices have done to our already-shaky supply chain is why you see so many empty store shelves.  I imagine the people who don’t believe Biden is responsible for gas prices also believe that empty store shelves are a good thing because you can’t pay more for stuff you can’t even get.

If you ignore all of Biden’s bad decisions, then, yeah, the price you pay at the pump is solely because gasoline is a commodity.  And the higher prices you’re paying for everything else is, I guess, just because of bad luck.

But I think any reasonable person can see that’s just not true.

And therein lies the problem.  I can tell by the nonsense that they post that the people who support Joe Biden and his absurd energy policies are just as brain addled as he is.  They have to be.  There’s no other explanation. 

Because you’d have to be a fucking idiot to think that the rising cost of bacon isn’t the fault of the Governor of California, and to believe that the historically high price of gas isn’t the fault of the imbecile that you helped get elected.

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