
From Whistleblower to Defendant

Let me ask you a question.  When does a whistleblower become a defendant?  Let’s see if we can figure it out.

Three years ago, I had a “discussion” with a “friend” of mine on Facebook.  The topic was vote-by-mail fraud.  His claim was that voting by mail was the most secure form of voting there is.  Really?  Off the top of my head, I gave him six easy examples of how fraud could happen with mail-in ballots.

His reply was that signature verification was the solution to everything.  As long as that process was in place, there could be no vote-by-mail fraud.  The signature verification devices would be able to identify people trying to cheat the system so that these people could be investigated and, if necessary, prosecuted.

It Works!

Okaaayyy.  I guess I could buy into that.  As long as we were certain that the signature verification process worked.

Then something happened.  When counting the 2020 votes, many precincts were getting a lot of bad-signature detection errors.  Huh.  Imagine that.  It works.  Detecting bad signatures is exactly what the system was designed to do. 

But when all the bad signatures started being detected, did they launch an investigation into potential voter fraud?  No, they just started dialing down the sensitivity of the devices so they wouldn’t detect so many bad signatures.

In other words, they disabled the one thing that my “friend”, and millions like him, believed was absolutely necessary for preventing mail-in-voting fraud.

OK.  Even the best of plans can go awry.  That’s why we have non-partisan election monitors.  As long as they’re able to watch things on our behalf, we should be safe. 

Then we saw videos of the windows of vote counting facilities being covered after they had kicked out the election monitors.  How can that be?  The monitors are the people tasked with making sure that nothing happens under the table.

And then it did.  We saw even more videos of boxes of ballots being literally pulled from under tables and counted multiple times. 

But these weren’t isolated events.

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And then Some Other Things Happened…

Thousands of people across the country witnessed acts of election chicanery.  And they did what everyone does when they see a perceived injustice.  They protested.

Everywhere you looked, you saw cities being burned in protest of a fraudulent election.  Wait, you didn’t see that?  Of course, you didn’t.  Because the people who really care about election integrity aren’t the type of people who will loot a Target store at the drop of a hat.

They didn’t burn cities.  They did what they were supposed to do.  They contacted the authorities to report what they saw.  And they were ignored.

These same thousands of people swore affidavits describing election irregularities.  Things like:  Machines inexplicably breaking in primarily Republican districts.  Voting machines being illegally connected to the Internet.   Votes being counted incorrectly.  Boxes of mail-in ballots discarded in the trash.  There were multiple examples of votes being switched from Trump to Biden on live TV.

But they didn’t riot, they did what they were supposed to.  They tried to report what they saw to the authorities.  And nobody listened.  So, they looked for someone who would.

About that time, on President Trump’s behalf, Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell gathered up all those affidavits, along with a slew of expert witnesses, and hit the road.  Millions of us watched the live streams from Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan where the allegations were made, witnesses heard, and evidence presented.

I don’t know about you, but after seeing all that evidence, it definitely appeared to me that something fishy happened.  I can’t say with certainty that something fishy did happen.  But I think there was enough compelling evidence to warrant an investigation.

And, under normal circumstances, that would qualify Trump, Rudy and Sydney as “whistleblowers”.  Whistleblowers don’t need to prove anything.  That’s supposed to be the job of whoever the whistleblower informs. 

Release the Kraken!

Now, I agree saying that you’re going to “release the Kraken” probably wasn’t the smartest thing to say.  But we’re supposed to ignore the silly things people say.  Like how we’re supposed to ignore pretty much everything Biden says.

And I’ll also agree that Rudy Giuliani’s hair dye running down the side of his face probably wasn’t the best look.  But we’re supposed to ignore how people look.  Like how we’re supposed to ignore the fact that our Assistant Health Secretary is a ridiculous-looking man in drag.

So, like we’ve been told to do, we have to look beyond how someone says something, and how they look when they say it, and listen to what they’re trying to communicate.  And what Rudy and Sydney were trying to communicate to the powers that be is that something strange happened with the 2020 election, and someone should investigate.

But no one did.  Well, not the people who were supposed to anyway.  Instead, they immediately claimed the accusations were “baseless” without making any effort to determine if the allegations had any merit or not. 

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Innocent People Have Nothing to Hide

There were, however, multiple independent efforts to investigate the things government agencies were supposed to investigate.  But instead of cooperating, the government did everything it could to hinder anyone from taking a closer look. 

Lawsuits were filed left and right…well, actually only Left…to keep anyone from digging into the accusations.  Some of the election officials even refused to comply with court orders compelling them to produce the requested documents.

Those of us paying attention know that the only reason to fight so hard to keep evidence suppressed is if that evidence will prove your guilt.

This went on for many, many months.  And for that entire time, the people who were accused of doing bad things had access to the very documents that would prove or disprove they actually did, or didn’t do, the bad things they were accused of doing. 

So, by the time access to the documents did start to happen, they’d had ample time to tamper with or make disappear any damning evidence.  I’m not saying they did.  But I am saying that they could have.  Which makes all that potential evidence worthless.

And as egregious as that was, it was only the tip of the iceberg.  Remember those thousands of citizens I mentioned who swore under oath that they personally witnessed election irregularities?  Well, it was decided that every last one of them was lying.  Or simply mistaken. 

And remember those videos we all saw with our own eyes of election monitors being kicked out and ballots being pulled from under the tables?  There’s an easy explanation for that too.  Turns out that’s just standard operating procedure.  Nothing to see here. 

The mysteriously broken voting machines in mostly Republican areas?  Those were just unfortunate hardware glitches.  The votes that magically changed from Trump to Biden in front of everyone?  Well, it turns out that we just don’t how to do simple arithmetic.

Under normal circumstances, Trump, Rudy, Sydney, and thousands of concerned citizens would have been considered whistleblowers and enjoy protection under the law.  But these aren’t normal circumstances. 

Shoot the Messengers

Instead of investigating the allegations, allegations I might add, that came with an abundance of evidence, they decided to shoot the messengers.

And that’s why Trump, Rudy, Sydney, and more than a dozen others became defendants instead of whistleblowers.  Not because they did anything wrong, but because it was politically advantageous to charge them rather than listen to what they had to say.

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Some people will tell you that this is just another distraction.  That it’s an effort to deflect people’s attention away from the story of the Biden Crime Family.  But that’s not what’s happening.

The people who are even aware of the shenanigans Biden and Son have perpetrated, people like you and me, aren’t going to be sidetracked by yet another story about Trump.  Because we see it for what it is.  Political positioning.

This new attack against President Trump isn’t for our benefit.  It’s for the benefit of people who aren’t aware of anything other than what the conventional media is telling them.  You know, like that he’s a racist.  That he said white supremacists are good people.  That he said all Mexicans are rapists.  That he colluded with the Russians to get elected in the first place.

The people who still believe all that nonsense about Trump don’t know a thing about the allegations mounting against the Biden clan.  Because places like CNN and MSNBC for sure aren’t telling anyone about it.

These charges could have been brought years ago.  The evidence, or lack thereof, hasn’t changed.  The only thing that has changed is that we’re getting closer to the 2024 elections, and the Democrats need those-who-do-not-think-for-themselves to believe that Trump is guilty of yet another thing he never actually did.

Their goal has never been justice.  The goal is to keep all the things that some people believe about Trump fresh in their minds coming into election season.  And to do that, they needed a fresh talking point for the conventional media to run with so the people who have no idea that Biden is likely guilty of treason, will believe that Trump definitely is.

I’m sure you can now see when a whistleblower becomes a defendant.  Whistleblowers become defendants when it’s part of an overall strategy to steal yet another election.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.