
Category: Hints

Total 59 Posts

Common Scents

A few years ago, my neighbor invited me to go fishing with him and his buddies just off the coast of Southern California.  I’m not really a fisherman but didn’t have anything to do that day so I went along for the ride.  I’m usually OK on boats.  But, as

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How to Prevent Voter Fraud

I’ve been thinking about our election process for a good long time.  I started writing my blog a few months before the 2020 elections.  I initially started posting on Facebook, but once they started filtering my posts, I decided it was time to get off Facebook and on to a

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The Reckoning

It’s happening again.  For weeks we’ve all been experiencing the seemingly never-ending lead up to the mid-term elections.  If you’re like me, you’ve long passed the point where you’re tired of being force-fed political ads filled with lies about one thing or another.  Candidates from every side promise countless things

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Doritos v. COVID

Just about every year, I get summoned for jury duty.  The way they do it here is they make you report to the “Hall of Justice” along with the other Super Friends…OK, I made up the part about the Super Friends.  But it really is called the “Hall of Justice”.

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A Matter of Perspective

I saw a meme the other day.  It’s supposed to be a poke at Baby Boomers because some of us happen to be against having to pay for someone else’s student loans.  What it really is, is an example of manipulation of the data to evoke an emotional response by

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The Customer is Always Frustrated

When was the last time you had a pleasant experience with any company’s customer service department?  If you’re like me, it’s been years.  In fact, I can’t remember the last time I had to contact customer support for anything and had an experience that was even slightly better than craptacular.

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Fish in a Barrel

What if I told you I wanted you to take all your valuables and put them in the least secure place you could find?  Perhaps in the middle of your backyard.  Take any cash you’ve got lying around, any watches, jewelry, iPhones and other electronics and put them in a

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Degrees of Stupidity

I was having lunch with a bunch of 30-something people I work with.  After a couple of minutes, it occurred to me I have practically nothing in common with any of them.  So, I mostly just sat, listened, and thought to myself, “been there, done that”. Which was a good

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Weighing the Benefits

I was listening to an advertisement the other day.  It started out, “If you’re overweight, it’s not your fault.”  Umm.  Yes it is.  Unless someone is force feeding you cheesecake and fried chicken, it’s your fault. The ad continued to talk about slow metabolism and genetics and tried to convince

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For the Record

I got an email from Amazon the other day telling me about a book that they think I might want to read.  The accolades for the book went something like this: “This is the number one best seller of any fourth book in a series written by this author!”.  I

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