
May the Best Man Win

Now that Women’s History Month is behind us, it’s time for me to say something.  I would have said something sooner, but I didn’t want to distract us from celebrating women’s history.  But now that the month is over, and we’re back to ignoring the accomplishments of women like we always do, I want to say this to all women everywhere.

You ladies really need to step up your game.

Just hear me out.  I’ve been thinking about this for a while.  It started out with men being allowed to compete in, and win, women’s sporting events.

OK.  That’s not so hard to believe.  After all, men have practically every physical advantage.  So, there’s no wonder that men competing in women’s sports win.  Now, I know that we’re not supposed to believe that men have an advantage, but they do. 

Take, for example, a dude named Trent Thomas, who calls himself “Tiffany”. 

I’m going to pause for a second and give you a quick update.  Remember a few episodes ago when I said I was going to ask my cardiologist for a note excusing me from using someone’s personal pronouns?  Well, last week I had an appointment with my doctor.  And I asked for a note.  Guess what?  I got one.

So, I now have documentation that my serious medical condition can be exacerbated by being forced to refer to a dude as she/her.  I think I might get it laminated.

Actually, the note says that I need to be given the choice to use someone’s ridiculous preferences.  Or not.  And I choose not to.

Where was I?  Oh yeah.

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Trent began cycling in 2018 at the age of 40 and started competing against women.  In just five short years, he’s advanced from “beginner” to the “elite” level of women’s cycling.

Of course he did.

Trent has won 16 races against women.  Women literally half his age.  Women at their absolute physical peak.  Without breaking a sweat.

So don’t tell me that men don’t have a physical advantage over women.  Because anyone with half a brain can see that’s true.  Just ask Trent.  Actually, don’t ask Trent because obviously he’s fully in the “I have no advantage over women” camp.

If you ignore the fact that men shouldn’t be competing in women’s sports at all, it’s easy to understand why men are beating women in these events.  Men win because, based solely on the things we measure, men are better athletes than women.

So, I’m going to cut women everywhere some slack because there really isn’t much they can do about being beaten by men in physical contests.

What I have a problem with, and why I think women need to step up their game, is that apparently, men pretending to be women are actually better women than women are.

Last fall, in New Hampshire, a guy named Brian Nguyen was crowned as “Miss Greater Derry 2023”. 

According to their website, the Miss Greater Derry Scholarship Program, founded in 1986, provides “scholarships to young women between the ages of 17 and 24 living in the Greater Derry area recognizing their outstanding achievements in scholastic aptitude, talent, character, community service and poise.”

Brian is a fat and otherwise unremarkable guy.  I call him “Brian” because, as far as I’ve been able to tell, he didn’t even bother to change his name.  But put him in a dress and suddenly he’s the best girl in the state of New Hampshire.  The bar must be set incredibly low if a dude pretending to be a girl is a better girl than all the girls in the state.

OK.  Maybe not the entire state, because this was a local contest.  But there are over 33,000 people living in Derry.  Figure about half of them are women and probably at least 20% of them are between 17 and 24.  That still leaves you with more than 3,000 possible choices.  And not one of them was better a better candidate for “Miss Greater Derry” than a man pretending to be a young woman.

So, maybe if the young women in Greater Derry were better young women, they could have taken home the title and the associated scholarship.  But that’s not the lesson they’re going to learn from this.  The young women in New Hampshire are clearly going to learn that they can be the best possible women they can be, and they’ll still only be second best.

But it’s not just at the local level.

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The Minnesota honoree for USA Today’s 2023 Women of the Year list is a man.  The list started last year to recognize women who have made a significant impact in their communities.  The honoree from Minnesota this year is a guy who calls himself Leigh Finke.  Who also happens to be a Minnesota State Representative.

Actually, I have no idea how to pronounce “L-E-I-G-H” so I’m just going to call him “Lee”.  Because the note I got from my doctor says I can.

Come on Minnesota.  Do you mean to tell me that out of the 2.8 million women in your state, you couldn’t find an actual woman to honor as Woman of the Year? 

Really?  You didn’t have a single woman who was worthy of recognition?  If you wanted to stick with State Representatives, you’ve got more than 50 who are women.  Not one of them did anything worth mentioning?

You’re telling me that the best woman in Minnesota is a man who supports Black Lives Matter and is working to turn your state into a sanctuary that will make it easier for dysphoric boys and girls to become dysphoric men and women.

I expected better from you than that Minnesota. 

Now, here’s an interesting thing.  I spent about 20 minutes trying to find out what Lee’s real name is.  But I couldn’t find one mention of it.  It’s almost as if Lee has been pretending to be a woman his entire life.  But we know that’s not true.

Well, I’ll say one thing for them, they’re consistent.  At least women’s history isn’t the only thing they’re rewriting to support their narrative.

So, we’ve learned that a man is the best woman in New Hampshire and Minnesota.  Maybe the problem is isolated to women in New Hampshire and Minnesota.  Maybe the rest of the women in the world are better at being women.


The problem with women isn’t regional.  According to the White house, women across the world are worse at being women than men.

In March, on International Women’s Day, Jill Biden was supposed to be honoring…well…international women.  Instead, the White House opted to honor a dude who calls himself “Alba” Rueda. 

What is wrong with you women?  There are nearly four billion of you, and the White House still couldn’t find a mere dozen women worthy of recognition.  Apparently, there are so few women on the entire planet worth honoring that the Biden team had to include a man to round out the list.

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But all is not lost.  The Left has a plan.  Their plan is to hire a man to help show women how to become better women.  And, according to them, the way to become a better woman is to paint your faces with ridiculous amounts of makeup and make exaggerated gestures of what are apparently feminine traits.

I’m sure by now you’ve probably heard of Dylan Mulvaney.  He’s a guy pretending to be a woman.  Most recently, Anheuser-Busch hired him to be a brand ambassador for Bud Light. 

His occupation?  Social Media influencer.  He has nearly eleven million followers.  He’s a former stand-up comedian and he’s laughing all the way to the bank.

He gets paid $70,000 a pop by companies including Kate Spade, Ulta and Nike to endorse women’s products.  This guy makes about a million dollars a year pretending to be a woman and, apparently, showing actual women how to be more lady-like.

That’s right.  Those companies are paying a dude to mansplain products to women.  And just when you think it can’t possibly get any more absurd, it does.

Nike actually hired him to endorse a line of sports bras, which makes as much sense as Nike asking Venus Williams to endorse their brand of jock straps.

Yes, the Left has decided that all you have to do to make things better is to simply send a man to do a woman’s job.

I know you don’t want me telling you how to feel.  But ladies, if I were in your shoes, I’d be pissed.  Really pissed.  I can only imagine how it must feel to have your entire gender reduced to a cartoon.  

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again.  Men can’t fix this.  Only women can make this stop.  Because as ridiculous as us men believe this is, it’s not our identity that’s being appropriated and mocked. 

This has gotten so far out of hand that I have no idea what to suggest as a solution.  But I can tell you that if you’re the type of woman who’s going to run out and spend money because some dude in a dress tells you to, then you are the problem.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.