
Eleanor Rigby 2023

Eleanor Rigby

Learning to panic from things she sees on CNN.

Lives in a dream

See her commuting.

Wearing a mask in the car when there’s nobody near.

Who does she fear?

I was taking a walk this morning and I saw a couple walking toward me.  They had a big furry dog.  And they were wearing masks.

As we were passing each other, I couldn’t help myself.  I had to know.  I stopped and said, “This might seem like a strange question, but would you mind telling me why you’re wearing masks?”

They gave me a strange look.  At least I think it was strange.  They could have been smiling but I couldn’t tell.  Because…you know…they were wearing masks.

So, I pushed.  “You’re wearing masks and I’m just wondering why.”

The guy said, “allergies”.

I looked at the woman, who was double-masked, and said, “What about you?  Why are you wearing a mask?”

She said, “Allergies too”.

“So, you both have allergies?”


“One more question, did you wear masks three years ago?”

They both responded, “No.”

It’s possible that they both had debilitating allergies.  Seems unlikely.  But it’s possible.  It’s also possible that they’ve been broken and brainwashed into still believing that catching COVID means certain death

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All the broken people.

Misinformation won.

All the broken people.

That bell can’t be un-rung.

Father McKenzie

Heart attack happened this weekend while playing a game.

Symptoms remain


That’s what we hear when we’re looking for someone to blame.

Told it’s a shame.

I know a young woman who is multi-vaxxed.  So is her family.  She’s decided not to get any more jabs because she finally figured out that the vackseens don’t do anything, and that she would have been better off not taking them.  But it’s kind of late. 

This week, she was diagnosed with shingles.  

Now, “the experts” are quick to say that the COVID-19 vackseens can’t cause shingles.  That is true.  Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox.

But what they don’t tell you is that people who have been jabbed with a COVID vackseen are twice as likely to develop shingles as their un-jabbed counterparts.  And if they’re willing to admit to that number, you can bet it’s actually much, much worse.

Shingles can be triggered by a weakened immune system.  And what do the vackseens do?  That’s right, they fuck with your immune system.  Coincidence?  I don’t think so.

It seems like every day we get new reports of even more and weirder shit happening.  Some vacksinated people have suddenly experienced cornea transplant rejection – more than a year after they received their transplant. 

Migraines and temporary blindness are now being reported by those who took the jab.  Young male athletes have begun developing “turbo” testicular cancer.  Diagnosis to death in just a few days.  Sadly, I suspect what we’re seeing is just the tip of the iceberg.

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All the broken people

They’re damaged every one.

All the broken people

Immune systems are done.

Eleanor Rigby

Suddenly and unexpectedly died in her sleep.

Her loved ones weep.

Safe and effective

How many people instead were then led to their grave?

No one can say.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) has appointed a committee to review evidence and determine what adverse reactions are caused by the COVID vackseens. 

The HHS Division of Injury and Compensation Programs will use that report to determine what, if anything, they’re going to pay to people who have been injured by the vackseens.

To date, there have been nearly a million reports of vackseen adverse reactions submitted to the VAERS database.  So far, 8,000 claims of COVID-19 vackseen injury or death have been submitted.  19 have been approved for payment.  None have been paid.

Before they can get paid, Congress must approve an excise tax to be used to compensate the people damaged by the vackseens. 

In other words, we have no money to pay people who were broken by the vackseens.  But we were able to find nearly $30 billion to send to the Ukraine.  I can’t be the only person who sees how messed up that is.

All the broken people

It’s clear where they came from.

All the broken people

How many now are gone?

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A recent study concluded that the injuries caused by the COVID vackseens have resulted in a cost of nearly $150 Billion to our economy.  This includes people being too sick to go to work, and those people who went to work anyway because they couldn’t afford not to.

It’s estimated that 26.6 million Americans were injured by the vackseens with 1.36 million of them being permanently disabled.  And 310,000 more people died as a direct result of being jabbed.

And that’s just in the United States.  Just in 2022.  Imagine what the toll will be worldwide, both financially and from a human cost.

The truth is, the economic and human cost is incalculable.  Because it will be generations before we fully understand the long-term impact of injecting billions of people with experimental drugs that have proven to be neither safe nor effective.

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An Even More Drastic Measure
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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.