
Control Group Update #4

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As many of you are aware, I’m a member of an elite group of people known as “The Control Group”.  I, along with the other members of The Group, bravely sacrifice our safety and wellbeing by not getting vacksinated and not following any of the recommended precautions. 

Contrary to popular opinion, we don’t do this because we’re selfish.  Quite the opposite.  By not following any of rules and mandates put in place by the government, we give everyone a chance to see if giving up your rights and liberties is working…or is even necessary.

In short, members of The Control Group haven’t bought into any of the COVID fear porn being spread by those outside the group.  We are hated by many and feared by most.  Yet we do what we must do for the good of all humanity.

It’s time for another update. 

If you’re a regular follower of my blog, you know that I recently went to the doctor because I was feeling fatigued.  The doctor wanted to do some blood tests.  Since they were drawing blood anyway, I asked if they could also perform a SARS-CoV-2 antibody test.  My doctor happily complied.

My blood draw was last Friday.  Typically, I have to wait at least a week for the results.  I figured with the hospitals supposedly overflowing with COVID patients, it would take at least that long this time.  Imagine my surprise when I received an email the very next day…on a Saturday…telling me that my test results were ready.

As expected, my results were negative.  Again.

As one of my followers, you’ll also know that I’ve been tested for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies several times over the past year and a half.  Up until May, the Red Cross routinely tested my donations for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.  And I’m not talking about the for-entertainment-purposes-only PCR test.  I’m talking about honest-to-goodness, highly-accurate, check-my-blood antibody tests.

In fact, I’ve probably had more antibody tests than most people.  I’m certainly in the top 1%.  And each one of those half dozen or so tests have come back negative.  Oh sure, the “experts” will tell you that antibodies wear off after a period of time.  So, one negative antibody test doesn’t indicate that I’ve never had COVID-19.  That’s true.  But I didn’t have just one antibody test.  I’ve had seven of them.  And they’ve all been negative.

A year and a half after becoming a founding member of The Control Group, and doing pretty much every dangerous thing I’m not supposed to do, I have never had COVID-19.  Not once.  If the disease is as contagious as the panic-stricken mob believes, then I clearly have exposed many times.  But I’ve never been infected

Let see…I’ve never been infected so I’ve never contracted the disease.  That means there is no possible way I’m one of those “plague factories” we unvacksinated are accused of being.  I haven’t been incubating dangerous COVID variants.  And it is impossible for me to be infecting anyone else.    So why the hell would I want to be vacksinated? 

For that matter, why would anyone else want me to be vacksinated?  As soon as I submit to the jab, the world loses out on a chance to fully understand the disease and its dangers.

You’d think that there’d be a line of medical researchers at my front door stretching all the way around the block.  Surely I’m a freak of nature.  Why aren’t I being studied to find out why I’m not sick?  That’s what The Control Group is for.  Someone should be trying to find out what it is about me that keeps me from catching a disease that, if you believe the government, should have infected me many times over.

Maybe it’s genetic.  Perhaps my natural immunity is supercharged because of my half-Irish ancestry. 

Maybe.  But probably not.

Since I’ve never had COVID-19, then there is, for all practical purposes, a near certainty that my wife hasn’t had it either.  She hasn’t had so much as a sniffle in the last 18 months.  So, either she had COVID-19, was 100% asymptomatic and also completely not contagious, or she never had it at all.  I’m going with “never had it at all”, because that seems most likely.

So, the reason for me not being a plague factory probably isn’t genetic.  I mean, what are the odds of both my wife and I being immune to what we’re being told is so dangerously contagious?  I’d say pretty damned slim.

Maybe it’s environmental?  Perhaps there’s something about the way we live that has a positive impact on our bodies’ ability to defend us from the disease.  Maybe it’s a combination of good genes and a healthy-ish lifestyle.

We’ll probably never know.  Because no one is trying to find out.

The Control Group is hundreds of millions of members strong.  I’m not unique.  Many other members also haven’t contracted the disease.  Many others have experienced only extremely mild symptoms.  Wouldn’t you think that there would be some “expert” somewhere that’s at least a little curious why that is?

Why not work with The Control Group to determine the effectiveness and necessity of injecting nearly everyone on the planet with a drug that didn’t even exist this time last year?

I guess that would make too much sense.

The main take-away from this report is this:  Not everyone exposed to SARS-CoV-2 becomes infected with it.  It’s possible to live your life like it’s 2019 and not catch the disease.  I know because I’ve been doing it since this whole nonsense started.  And I remain, uninfected.

Related Articles:

The Control Group
Control Group Update May 2021
Control Group Update September 2021

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.