
Control Group Update: May 2021

You probably aren’t aware, but there are a hundred million or so people in the United States who have dedicated themselves to being a living and breathing sanity-check on all the ridiculous government mandates and vackseens being pushed on the American people.  I am one of those people.  We are known as the Control Group.

The Control Group is a fearless, unorganized, global collection of people who bravely follow none of the recommendations or mandates supposedly designed to protect us from an incredibly contagious and deadly disease. 

We don’t wear masks, don’t get tested after every sneeze, don’t elbow-bump and we don’t pressure wash everything with hand sanitizer.  The Control Group does pretty much none of the things that are presented as the only way to keep everyone alive and safe from the much-hyped “COVID Crisis!!!!!!”.

If you want to understand the necessity of the government mandates that have left tens of millions of people jobless, just look at the Control Group.  If we’re alive and healthy, that means the fear you’ve been living in for over a year is most likely unjustified.

As a member of the Control Group, it is my responsibility to keep everyone apprised of the results of my ongoing efforts to do absolutely nothing to prevent myself from catching COVID-19.

Control Group members typically don’t get their snot tested after every sneeze.  If we get cold-like symptoms (which are similar to COVID-19 symptoms) we assume we have a cold.  Because that’s what any reasonable person would assume.

Since we don’t get tested, many of us in the Control Group aren’t aware if we’ve been exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19.  But I’m a little different, because I regularly donate blood.  Every time I donate, the Red Cross tests my blood for COVID-19 antibodies.  And every time, the test comes back negative.

My latest donation was on May 18th and I received the results on the 21st.  The results of the antibody test was…you guessed it…negative.

Before you can fully understand the significance of my test results, you need to be aware of something.  The PCR test (snot swab) can’t tell if a person has contracted COVID-19.  It can only tell if someone has been exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19.  And it is wildly inaccurate. 

However, the antibody test performed by the Red Cross is incredibly accurate.  My negative test result doesn’t say I’ve never been exposed to the virus (it’s likely I’ve been exposed many times).  And a negative result doesn’t mean I was sick and have subsequently recovered. 

What a negative result means is, while I might have been exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19, I never contracted the disease itself.  If I’ve never contracted the disease, I’ve never been contagious.  If I’ve never been contagious, I’ve never put anyone’s life in danger.

That means, for over a year, I did nothing while those outside the Control Group did everything, and yet we produced the exact same results.  Well, not always. Many of the people who followed all the mandates ended up catching COVID-19 anyway. But not me. I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions.

Now that the lockdown-masking-social-distancing-elbow-bumping craziness is starting to subside, the Control Group will start to focus less on the necessity of crippling mandates and more on the necessity for allowing oneself to be injected with an experimental drug.  We will be testing the theory that being vacksinated is the only thing standing between you and certain death.

As a proud member of the Control Group, I will continue to remain unvacksinated.  As a caring citizen, I will continue to give blood.  And when I present my next update in July, I fully expect I will continue to be alive and well and COVID-free.

Related Articles:
The Control Group
One (Un)lucky SOB
What’s In a Name?
Unvacksinated, Unmasked and Unafraid

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