
Red-Flagging Dangerous Teachers

You can be totally insane and buy a gun.  While a background check is performed, unless you’ve done something that will be found by a background check you can buy a gun.  No matter how crazy you are.

Once you have the gun, there is no ongoing test to make sure you’re still qualified to own one.  If you keep your nose clean, you can keep your weapons.  Unless you live in a state with a Red Flag law.

I’m sure you’ve heard of Red Flag laws.  In case you haven’t, allow me to briefly explain.  Some states are passing laws that allow people to raise a concern if someone they know is potentially too dangerous to possess a firearm. 

If a “red flag” is raised by a concerned citizen or relative, the weapons of the potentially-crazy person may be temporarily confiscated.  After a period of time, presumably after whatever sparked the concern has disappeared, the guns are returned.

The argument against Red Flag laws is typically that it goes against an individual’s 2nd amendment right.  Yeah, it probably does. But, I think we can all agree that someone who is primed to go off on a shooting spree probably doesn’t need to have easy access to their weapons and ammo.  As long as the process is fair and can’t be abused or misused, I don’t have a problem with it. 

It’s exactly like taking the car keys away from a drunk or an elderly person so they don’t have an accident.  When the drunk or old person got their driver’s license, they were deemed qualified to drive a car.  But, sometime after they got their license, they became unfit.  Once the drunk sobers up or the old person gets new glasses, they can have their keys back. 

So, as I often do, I got to thinking about this and how it might be used in other circumstances. 

I think there should be a Red Flag law for teachers.  Just because someone is a teacher, it doesn’t mean they’re fit to teach.  If a parent or other citizen is concerned that the teacher is potentially harming the kids, that teacher should be suspended until we’re certain that they’re not a danger.

This already happens when teachers are accused of inappropriate sexual or physical conduct.  If there’s a chance that a teacher is harming even a single child, the accused is immediately placed on leave until it can be determined that they’re not a danger.

So, technically, we already have a Red Flag law for teachers.  That’s just not what it’s called. 

I think it needs to be expanded.

We need to include a few more things in the list of things considered “inappropriate”.  The list should also include teaching any of the following:

  • Critical Race Theory
  • The concept of white privilege
  • America is bad
  • Infinity Gender Theory
  • ANTIFA is an idea
  • Black Lives Matter

These items are inappropriate because teaching them directly harms kids by turning them into racists and bigots.  Anyone teaching these things is a danger to the kids is quite likely insane. They may have been OK when they got their job, but some time after that they became unhinged.

Looking at it from an evilness point of view, a teacher convincing students that racist white people are at fault for everything is on par with a teacher convincing a student to have sex with them.  Both are acts are equally despicable and shouldn’t be tolerated. 

Parents or concerned citizens should be able to raise a red flag when they see any of this being taught, and the potentially-crazy teacher should be immediately removed from interacting with the kids.  Once everyone is satisfied that the teacher isn’t a danger to the students, he or she can have his or her job back.

An argument against this could be that it goes against a teacher’s right to free speech.  Yeah, it probably does.  But I think we can all agree that someone who is poisoning the thoughts of our children shouldn’t be allowed to have easy access to their victims.

What I’m recommending isn’t a huge leap.  We’re already have policies in place to protect kids’ bodies.  I’m merely proposing that we use the same rules to protect their minds.

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