
Control Group Update: September 2021

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Some of you already know that I belong to an intrepid group of individuals known as the “Control Group”.  We are your front line of defense.  Not from COVID-19, but from the COVID-19 vackseens.

To be a member of the Control Group, one must have the ability to think independently, question authority and trust what they see with their own eyes more than they trust what they’re being told to believe.  And, you have to remain unvacksinated.

Most of us also go the extra mile of shunning facemasks, not social distancing and not following any of the other ridiculous rules being used to instill fear in an otherwise mostly-reasonable population.

The members of the Control Group provide mankind the ability to determine the effectiveness of the vackseens and their necessity.  Without me, and my fellow members, there would be no way to know if the vackseens are providing any meaningful protection against the virus or if they’re just a clever way for Big Pharma to rake in billions of dollars.

Membership to the Control Group is entirely voluntary and members can opt-out at any time.  However, once injected with any COVID-19 vackseen, membership to The Group is permanently revoked.

Here’s my Control Group update for September 2021:

I’m a regular blood donor to the Red Cross.  Prior to July, the Red Cross tested every donation for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.  So, each time I gave blood, I found out if I had ever contracted COVID-19.  That’s a pretty sweet deal.  Every test came back negative. 

In July, the Red Cross stopped testing for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.  Since then, I’ve been flying a bit blind.  But through May, I know for certain that not only didn’t I have COVID-19, I had never had COVID-19.

During my July donation, I noticed that the Red Cross started asking people if they’ve received a COVID-19 vackseen injection.  I don’t know what they do with the information, but I’m reporting it for the sake of completeness because it’s a change from their previous protocol.

For the past few weeks, I’ve been feeling a bit run down.  Nothing real serious but I thought I should get checked out anyway.  So, I called my doctor to make an appointment.

Nurse: “What are your symptoms?”

Me: “I’m feeling a bit run down.”

Nurse: “Any difficulty breathing, cough, congestion or runny nose?”

Me: “Nope.”

Nurse: “Fever or chills?”

Me: “Nope.”

Nurse: “Muscle or body aches, headache, sore throat?”

Me: “Nope.”

Nurse: “Loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea?”

Me: “Nope.”

Nurse: “Fatigue?”

Me: “Yup.”

Nurse: “Then we’re going to treat you as a COVID case.”

So, I said, “You can’t be serious.”

 “Yes.”, said the nurse, “You have one of the symptoms.”

“But fatigue is a symptom of everything!”

I could imagine the nurse shrugging her shoulders when she said, “It’s on our list.”

She then told me that the only thing it changed was that rather than sitting in their waiting room, I would wait in my car, and they’d come to me.  Perfect.  I didn’t really think I was all that sick anyway so not having to be stuck in a room full of people who are sick sounded good to me.  Plus, their Wi-Fi sucks.

So, later that afternoon, I found myself standing in a parking lot, talking to a nurse in a hazmat suit while she’s taking my vitals.

Temperature: Normal
Pulse: Good
Blood Pressure: Good
O2 Saturation: Excellent

By that point, they had come to their senses and nobody thought I had COVID-19.  But, just to be safe, they wanted to test me anyway.  Guess what?

I’ve spent the last year and a half doing none of the things that we’re being led to believe are absolutely necessary.  No masks, no vackseens.  And no COVID.  I still don’t know why I’m tired, but I know it’s not because of COVID-19.

If everything they’re telling us about the “COVID crisis” is true, then COVID-19 should have killed me a long time ago.  But it didn’t.  Granted, I’m just one data point.  But remember, I’m not the only member of the Control Group.  There are billions of us worldwide.  And we’re still alive and well.

Because of me and my fellow Control Group members, you can question if the vackseens are necessary and effective.  Because of us, you can decide for yourself if the risks the vackseens pose outweigh their potential benefit.

But, if the vackseens are forced on everyone, if the Control Group were to disappear, then nobody could question what Big Pharma is claiming.  Because there’d be no one left to prove otherwise.

Related Articles:

The Control Group
Control Group Update: May 2021

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