
Misremembering George Floyd

I watched a press conference with Nancy Pelosi this morning.  She was posing with the Congressional Black Caucus shortly after the verdict was read in the Derek Chauvin trial.

Speaking about George Floyd, she said, “His name is synonymous with justice, dignity and grace and service.”  Are we talking about the same George Floyd?

There is some question about the last word in the sentence. I’ve also seen it quoted as “honor” instead of “service”.  But, regardless of how that sentence ended, there is only one reasonable response to that statement:  What. The. Fuck.

I’m not going to argue with her use of the word “justice”.  I wasn’t at the trial and didn’t pay any attention to the testimony.  So, I can’t have an opinion on whether the defense or the prosecution had the better case.  Maybe there was justice, maybe there wasn’t.  I’m not qualified to say.

But, I can have an opinion about the “dignity and grace and service” part.  And none of those words can be used to accurately describe George Floyd.

In her photo op, Nancy Pelosi also said, “Thank you George Floyd for sacrificing your life for justice!” What a load of bullshit.

George Floyd didn’t sacrifice his life for justice, he sacrificed his life to hide evidence so he could avoid going to jail on a drug possession charge.  George Floyd swallowed a fatal dose of Fentanyl so the cops wouldn’t find it during a search.  There is nothing honorable in that.

Technically speaking, George Floyd did sacrifice his life.  He had sacrificed it the instant he swallowed those pills.  He was dying even before he escaped from the back of the police SUV.  He just didn’t know it.  While he did sacrifice his life, he didn’t do it for justice.  He did it to avoid justice.

Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Great idea.  So, let’s do that.

George Floyd was a career criminal.  If you want to know about his character, just look back to August of 2007 when he and five other men broke into a woman’s home to steal money and drugs.  While his accomplices were ransacking the home, George held a gun to a pregnant woman’s abdomen and threatened to kill her and her unborn child if she called for help.  That was after he had already beaten her because she had called for help.

I can already hear what some of you are thinking.  You’re thinking that 2007 is a long time ago and people can change.  He didn’t change.  The reason he was stopped in Minneapolis wasn’t because of the color of his skin.  It was because of his character.  He wouldn’t have been interacting with the police at all if he hadn’t tried to buy cigarettes with a fake 20-dollar bill.

George Floyd was not an unlucky, law-abiding innocent that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.  He was a very bad man.  He had been one for decades.  Did he deserve to die the way he did?  Maybe not.  But it doesn’t much matter because he had already killed himself.  He just didn’t know it.

The story is being spun to portray George Floyd as a warrior for social justice when he was nothing more than a common criminal and a thug.  Nancy Pelosi, BLM, Big Media and other Liberals have been working on making people misremember him for more than a year.  The content of his character should be used as an example of what to avoid, not as an example of what to become.

There is nothing honorable about George Floyd and his name clearly isn’t synonymous with dignity and grace.  That is, however, what they want you to believe.  But just like putting lipstick on a pig, changing the story of who he was isn’t going to change what really happened.

George Floyd died as a direct result of the content of his character.  He was proclaimed a martyr because of the color of his skin.

Related Article:
Ashli Babbitt vs. George Floyd
How NOT to Get Killed by the Police
Poor Choices

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