
Trapped in a Bubble

I was looking at my Facebook feed yesterday and noticed that someone had posted a link to an MSNBC video titled, “How Do You Govern When Half The Country Is Trapped In A Disinformation Bubble?” 

I agree with the title.  But not the content of the video.  The video claimed that it is people on the right who are swayed by disinformation.  I find it ironic that MSNBC, one of the biggest purveyors of disinformation, would spread more disinformation in the form of a video about disinformation. 

If you have even a few working brain cells, you know that the mainstream media creates and spreads misinformation.  They’ve taken our first amendment right to free speech and weaponized it in a way never seen before.  And, Liberals can’t seem to get enough of their lies and half-truths.  So, when the MSM says that only they provide the truth and any other source for information is unreliable, Liberals believe it. 

The main point of the video is that Trump supporters are blind to the facts and can’t accept that President Trump lost the election to Joe Biden.  The video states that Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell make “outlandish claims about a stolen election without a shred of evidence.”

When the MSM says that there is no evidence of election fraud, Liberals believe it.  They call Trump supporters crazy and accuse us of ignoring the facts.  Really? Us?

In reality, there is literally (and I use that word correctly) a thousand people who have come forward to swear affidavits stating that they witnessed or experience election fraud.  And that is evidence.

Statistical analysis of the election results proves that some of the results are statistically impossible.  And that is evidence.

There are videos of people ballot harvesting.  And that is evidence.

And that just scratches the surface of the mountain of evidence that’s growing daily, proving that election fraud occurred, and Biden cheated to win. 

Here’s the problem.  Liberals truly believe there is no evidence of election fraud.  They’re so convinced that the claims of the Trump campaign aren’t true that they’re not able to see anything that says otherwise. 

Well, that’s not entirely true.  They can’t be convinced that the accusations of election fraud aren’t true because they don’t know what the accusations are.  What they’re convinced of is the MSM’s assertion that the claims of election fraud are baseless. 

So, it is true that about half the country is trapped in a disinformation bubble.  Just not the half that MSNBC wants you to believe.

Was there election fraud?  Absolutely.  There’s a ton of evidence that proves it.  But the MSM says it doesn’t exist and there’s nothing to see.  So people don’t look.

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