
Cult of Democrats

As you all know, I like things to make sense. Recently, I’ve been trying to understand why people would vote for any Democrat this fall. I couldn’t understand why seemingly smart people would abandon fact, logic and reason to blindly support the Democratic Party. I spent a long time pondering this question without figuring it out. And then it finally hit me.

It all makes sense if you think of the Democratic Party as a cult, and its members as followers.

Hear me out.

Like a cult, the Democratic Party (I’m going to shorten this to “DP” to save space) has charismatic leaders. The most recent being Bill Clinton and Barack Obama but then they came up short with Hillary. Today, since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris aren’t particularly charismatic either, they’re relying on Michele Obama and Jill Biden to whip the flock into a frenzy.

Followers must believe their leader is infallible and that he is their savior, that only he can lead them to the truth. Joe Biden has been in politics for 47 years. He spent 36 years in the Senate and another 8 years as Vice President of the United States. Yet followers believe that he alone can solve America’s problems and that he bears no responsibility for any of those problems.

Followers must believe, without question anything they’re told to believe. For example, Joe Biden was considered a racist by Kamala Harris just a few months ago. There is a library of videos, and his voting record in the Senate, clearly demonstrating he has been working against minorities for decades. But today we’re told he’s a paragon of virtue. And the followers believe.

Cult followers can’t explain why they believe in something. They know what they’ve been told to believe and unquestionably do so. Ask a follower of the DP what, specifically, they believe in and they’ll be hard-pressed to articulate a reason. They can tell you what their beliefs are, but not explain to you why they believe it.

Cults oftentimes display a fanatical hate of The Devil. In the case of the DP, the devil is President Trump, who they claim is incapable of doing any good. Followers are so brainwashed by the DP that they are unable to admit a single good thing that he has done for our country. Merely considering something other than absolute hatred for the President is blasphemous.

Many cults have a state or level that followers strive to achieve. Heaven’s Gate used the term “higher evolutionary level” while followers of the DP are striving to achieve the state of “woke”. What we now call “virtue signaling” is simply followers trying to demonstrate to each other how “woke” they are. Like collecting coins in a video game, followers are addicted to amassing this imaginary currency.

Simply disagreeing with what they say is dangerous. Anyone who questions the beliefs of the Democrats is systematically harassed, shamed and attacked. What we now refer to as the “Cancel Culture” is similar in tactics to the “Fair Game Policy” used by the Scientologists.

Followers aren’t allowed to even consider an alternate point of view. Cults isolate their followers so they’re uninfluenced by anyone who disagrees. Notice the way the mainstream media, primarily controlled by the left, manipulates what everyone is allowed to see and hear. Try having a conversation with a follower of the DP. As soon as you question their beliefs, they’ll take evasive actions to keep themselves from hearing your message and to keep others from hearing it too.

Cults recruit the weak, vulnerable, and impressionable, grooming them to be followers. This is apparent in the videos of Liberals bursting into tears or screaming because they’re “offended” by something they heard. Clearly these are not stable people. Look at what’s happening today at our universities. The left-leaning teachers are indoctrinating our youth to become willing and obedient followers of the DP.

But there is good news. There is hope for followers of the DP cult.

You can escape. Increasingly, people are starting to see that they are trapped in the DP cult and work to get free. There are countless anecdotes of people telling how they successfully escaped from the DP. Invariably, their stories include phrases such as “I listened to a friend”, “I did my own research” and “I started thinking for myself”. We’re here for you and will help in any way we can. You just need to take the first step.

See? I told you it would make sense. There really isn’t any other scenario that explains things quite as clearly. The Democratic Party is a cult that has groomed followers to be flock of obedient sheep. Its followers are no longer swayed by facts, logic and reason but are instead motivated by a blind faith in their leader.

The plans of the DP are, by their own admission, designed to destroy the very things that make America great. Left unchecked, the Cult of the Democratic Party will force their ambition for a Socialist and Marxist nation on the rest of us.

You see, not only have they drunk the Kool-Aid, they want everyone else to drink it too.

Note: This is the first article from a three-part series.
#2: Willful Ignorance
#3: Prison of Beliefs

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.