
Painting Rooms

When my son was 3 or 4 years old, we decided to paint his bedroom. He was watching us paint and said, “I hope we don’t do this very often”. I asked why. His reply, “Because every time we paint the room, it gets a little bit smaller.” Wow. That’s a great observation for anyone, let alone someone not even in kindergarten yet (and a true story).

Today, we’re all having our rooms painted.

This spring, the message was “the shutdown will only last two weeks”. Then it was a month, then two months. Now we’re hearing “only when we have a vaccine.”

First, it was suggested that we all “social distance”. Then they closed the schools and forced “non-essential” people to stay home. No funerals, parties or special events. Now there’s no chanting or singing allowed in church.

First, it was suggested that we wear masks. Then masks became mandatory in certain public places. Now, some states are mandating that masks be worn at all times while in public.

Some businesses are requiring that employees have their temperature checked twice a day.

Our phones are being used to track our movements to determine if we’ve been in close proximity to someone potentially exposed to the virus.

Businesses have been forced to implement costly measures before they’re allowed to open. Then those same businesses are told they’re still not allowed to open.

People have been willingly surrendering a sample of their DNA in order to be tested for the virus.

People have lost their jobs, homes and means of supporting themselves and their families.

People are being silenced, ridiculed and defamed for questioning the government’s approach.

People are being encouraged to inform authorities if they see someone who isn’t following the government mandates.

Some areas are implementing curfews and limiting the size of holiday gatherings.

With each new rule or regulation, our rooms are getting a little bit smaller. Each day we’re losing just a little bit more of our liberty and there’s no end in sight.

Well, that’s not entirely true. There is an end in sight, it’s when we have no more liberties left to lose.

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An Even More Drastic Measure
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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.