
Buyer Beware

I have a fool-proof way of ridding the world of COVID-19 overnight.  That’s not an exaggeration.  My solution is simple, and if implemented, would completely eradicate COVID-19 by this time tomorrow.  The day after at the latest.

My plan?  Make everyone pay for their own COVID tests and vacksinations.  No more government subsidies, tax breaks or other incentives.  And oh yeah, insurance won’t cover it either.  If someone wants to get jabbed or tested, they need to pull the money out of their own pocket and pay for it.  And to make it even more effective, let’s make everyone pay cash.

This is a tried-and-true, basic concept of economics.  It’s called the law of supply and demand.  And let me tell you, making people pay full price for any of this horseshit is going to drive the demand right down to zero.

Contrary to what the government is telling you, a COVID shot isn’t “free”.  On average, a COVID shot costs the government about 20 bucks to buy it from Big Pharma.  Then the drugs are distributed to places like Walgreens and CVS with the government paying those places to administer the shots.  So, let’s call it $50 a jab.

Testing costs even more.  At CVS, you can get tested for about $139.  Walgreens charges $129.  There are likely cheaper solutions, but the point is, none of this stuff is free. 

If people had to choose between paying for a COVID test or buying $129 worth of groceries, which do you think they’d choose?  What if they had to decide between getting a shot or buying a few gallons of gasoline so they could drive to work?  I think we all know what that decision would be.

And having to make that decision would obliterate the demand for COVID-related horseshit.  And COVID would go away.  Overnight.  The day after at the latest.

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You’re making a similar sort of decision every time you accept one of these “free” tests or vacksinations.  Because you may not be paying for it directly, but the U.S. Government is.  So, what you’re deciding is if you’d rather get tested/jabbed or have better border security, lower crime, better roads or a stronger economy.

The U.S. Government has earmarked $4.6 trillion, yes you heard me correctly, 4.6 TRILLION dollars for the COVID-19 response.  So far, they’ve spent $3.7 trillion. 

Let’s put that in perspective.

The average family pays about $8,400 in Federal taxes annually.  That means that Biden and his band of misfits have already spent the equivalent of every cent paid in taxes by 440,000,000 households.  Yes, you heard me correctly, 440 MILLION households.  I thought I was wrong too, but I double-checked my math.

But there aren’t 440 million households in the U.S.  There are about 120 million.  And a good number of them don’t even pay taxes.  So, the Biden Bunch has already spent more money on COVID than they’re going to collect from every single tax-paying-household for the next four years.

Which doesn’t leave a lot of money left over for border security, lowering crime or fixing our failing infrastructure.

There’s also the little problem that the U.S. Government didn’t have $4.6 trillion.  So, they had to borrow it.  And that means they essentially printed more money without anything to back it up.  And what happens when a government magically creates money and pumps it into the economy?  The economy goes to hell, that’s what happens.  Sadly, this is yet another tried-and-true, basic concept of economics and everyone should have seen this coming.

Sorry.  I sort of got off track there a bit.  Let’s get back to my idea for eliminating COVID. 

Making everyone pay cash for their silly COVID choices will have the additional benefit of making people smarter.  Well, at least they’d be better informed.

Because right now, they’re buying into all this COVID crap because they don’t have to buy anything.  But if people were spending their own money, they’d be forced to do a cost-benefit analysis.  So, they’d learn more about what they’re buying.  But because they think it’s free, they gladly stand in line for miles to get tested and roll up their sleeves without a second thought.

We’ve known since nearly day-one that the younger you are, the less likely you are to get sick from COVID-19.  Kids have a virtually zero chance of even catching COVID-19 let alone getting sick from it.  But the younger you are, the more likely you are to have a bad reaction to being vacksinated.

The Pfizer and Moderna vackseens have been approved for kids as young as six months.  And, of course, they’re free.

Imagine there was a raffle.  Everyone who buys into the raffle gets a ticket with a number on it.  Then, all the tickets are placed in a big container, and periodically, several numbers are drawn.  Some of the “winners” will become seriously ill and have lifelong medical issues.  And some of the “winners” will die. 

But if you choose not to play, there is a zero percent chance that anything bad will happen to you.

Now, imagine that your chance of “winning” the raffle doesn’t decrease as more people participate.  The odds of illness or death stay pretty much the same regardless of how many people enter.  But nobody can tell you what those odds are.  The only thing they can tell you is that they’re greater than zero.

Finally, imagine that not all the raffle “winners” are drawn at once.  Your number might come up months or years after you’ve entered the raffle.

Remember, you don’t have to play.  If you don’t play, then you’ll remain perfectly fine.  But if you do play, the best you can hope for is that nothing bad happens to you.  Which is exactly what would happen if you didn’t play at all. 

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What would you do?  Would you willingly take part in the raffle?  Of course not.  No rational person would.  How about if they made it free to play?  I’m guessing you still wouldn’t.  Not only wouldn’t you play, but there’s not a single government on the planet that would allow such a raffle to take place.

But that’s exactly what’s happening with kids and the COVID vackseens. 

As hard as this is to fathom, there will be millions of people standing in line to gleefully have their kids pumped full of an experimental poison.  Because they’ve been convinced that a vacksination is necessary.  And because it’s free.

But you don’t have to play the game.  You can do nothing, and there is a zero percent chance that anything bad will happen to your kid.  But, if you have them vacksinated, there is a greater-than-zero-chance that the vackseen will maim or kill them. 

The best you can hope for is that the vackseen does nothing.  And that would put you right back to where you were before you poisoned your kid.  Except that it could still kill them somewhere down the road.  And nobody can guarantee that it won’t.

But what if it wasn’t free?  What if parents had to choose between buying groceries or vacksinating their kids? 

I can tell you exactly what would happen.  These currently-clueless parents would try to get enough information to decide if the vackseens are more necessary than food.  Because they’d have to choose one or the other.

Most of those parents would learn that many more kids get sick from the vackseens than they do from COVID-19, and that a vacksination increases the risk to their kids from zero to something higher than zero, while providing absolutely no benefit whatsoever.  And then they’d take the $129 and go buy a bag of food and a quarter tank of gas. 

With their money spent on groceries and gasoline, there would be no money left over for an unnecessary vacksination.  Which would immediately tank the market for COVID vackseens.  And COVID-19 would vanish overnight.

When someone spends their own money, they’re much more likely to pay attention to whether or not they’re buying anything of value. 

This isn’t rocket science and I’m not inventing anything new.  All I’m suggesting is that we all do the same cost-benefit analysis we do when we spend money on literally ANYTHING else.

And if that were to happen, people would realize that it makes more sense to buy hot dogs and potato chips than it does to spend money worrying about COVID.  And once that happens, COVID-19 would miraculously disappear.  The very next day.  Or, the day after at the latest.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.