
The Beginning of the End

This was a huge week.  If you only listen to mainstream media, Twitter and Facebook, you might not realize it.  But it was.  The United Kingdom, France and Ireland all announced this week that they’ll drop most, if not all, of their COVID restrictions and mandates.

It’s about time that cooler heads prevail.  Of course, in the case of the United Kingdom, it’s a political move.  It’s most likely a political move in France and Ireland too but it’s really obvious that’s what’s going on in the UK.  Boris Johnson, the UK Prime Minister, is under attack for not following his own COVID mandates and needed a wag-the-dog story to take the heat off of himself.

So, you might be wondering when this wave of sanity is going to hit the United States.  Not any time soon that’s for sure.  Because of the biased media we have here, Biden has proven to be made of Teflon.

So what if Boris had a party or two?  Big deal.  Biden has wrecked our economy, issued God knows how many unconstitutional executive orders, allowed our border to be overrun with illegal aliens and destroyed our energy independence.  Oh yeah, and he’s lost his mind.

Don’t expect the COVID insanity to disappear overnight here in the U.S. Because apparently Joe Biden can’t make a mistake big enough that would require him to need a wag-the-dog story of his own.

Honestly, I think it would be a mistake if the mandates were all lifted all at once.  A lot of people couldn’t handle it.

Can you imagine what would happen if they announced tomorrow that all of the mandates were lifted in the U.S.?  I’ll tell you what would happen.  For many, many people, it wouldn’t make any difference.  They’ve been programmed that masks work, non-stop testing is necessary and the vackseens are “safe and effective”. 

If the mandates were lifted tomorrow, millions of people would still be ordering their “free” masks and COVID test kits.  They’d still drive around in their cars alone and masked up.  And they’d continue to get injected with an experimental drug.  Because they’re too afraid not to.  They’re able to believe when they’re told we’re in the middle of a COVID apocalypse, but not able to believe when they’re told that the coast is clear.

So, things won’t change back all at once.  It’s going to take some time.  The people who have been terrorized into allowing their freedoms to be taken away will need to be deprogrammed before they’ll be able to function in a non-COVID society.

Remember all the ridiculous things that the virus-gullible people did and allowed?  We didn’t get where we are in one day.  No, it took months.  Undoing the ridiculous COVID policies is going to take a similar number of equally-ridiculous COVID policies.  And each ridiculous act will bring us just a little bit closer to normal

Here’s an example.  While this is an example from California, keep in mind that trends tend to migrate from the West Coast eastward to the rest of the country.  So this is likely coming your way very soon.

Like a lot of other places, the State of California is in the middle of a healthcare crisis.  Apparently, the combination of firing so many unvacksinated healthcare professionals, and the ones they do have catching Omicron, has made it difficult to adequately staff medical facilities.

But don’t worry, they have a solution for that. 

Now, any reasonable person would think that their solution would be to simply hire back the nurses they fired.


California’s solution is to allow vacksinated nurses who test positive to return to work immediately, as long as they don’t have any symptoms.  But, if you’re a nurse in California, and you’re unvacksinated…well, it doesn’t matter because you’ve already lost your job.

I don’t personally believe the COVID tests work as they’re claimed to.  But the people making these decisions do believe they work.  And therein lies the problem.

These idiots are 100% on board with putting patients under the care of someone they’re certain is infected, but they won’t put those same patients under the care of someone who might not be infected.

On the surface, this is another of those COVID-related things that is so ridiculous that you’d swear it wasn’t real.  But it is real.  And it’s going to take us one step closer to normal.

What the State of California has just told everyone is that the COVID tests are useless.  Think about it.  If you don’t take the test, and feel fine, you’re going to go to work.  But, if you test positive, and feel fine, then you’re also OK to go to work.  So, tell me again what the point of taking the test is?

The policy of the State of California is essentially this:  Don’t come into work if you’re sick.

Wow!  I guess for state governments that’s thinking outside the box.  But it’s been company policy at every single company I’ve worked at.  Ever.

Which is what everyone was doing before this COVID silliness started.

Why would any reasonable person take a COVID test if they had no symptoms?  I’m not saying nobody will, I’m just asking why any reasonable person would.  OK.  If you live with grandma and are concerned about spreading the virus to her, I can see that.  But most people don’t live with grandma and have no good reason to test themselves when they’re feeling perfectly fine.

Which means that there are a lot of nurses going to work who would test positive if they were to be tested.  But, since they didn’t take the test, and they don’t have any symptoms, they go to work without a second thought.

And, even if they did take the test, so what?  They’re going to ignore the results anyway.  So why bother taking it in the first place?  If your decision is exactly the same whether or not you know you have COVID, then there is no practical benefit to knowing that you have COVID.  And, if you’re not going to use the test results, then the test is…you guessed it…useless.

Now, some of you are probably tempted to say that the new policy is OK because Omicron is much less nasty than previous variants.  But here’s the thing.  They’re not testing for variants.  They’re using a one-size-fits-all test that can only tell  someone if they’ve been exposed to the virus, not which particular virus it is.

So, someone might test positive, feel fine, and go to work.  But they don’t have the kindler, gentler version of COVID we’ve all come to know as Omicron.  They have one of the earlier, and nastier versions of COVID.  You know, a version that a lot of people spent the majority of the last two years being scared shitless about. 

If the policy of self-isolating isn’t required for nurses, people who are actually in close contact with sick people, then why would it be necessary for anyone else?  Obviously, it wouldn’t.  And isn’t.  California has just sent a clear signal that, not only are COVID tests useless, so is self-isolation for ANYONE who isn’t exhibiting symptoms, a.k.a. healthy people.

Which is where we were before this whole thing started.

It’s going to take more of these ever-increasingly ridiculous COVID policies to get us back to normal.  Little by little, the people who are still afraid to breathe the air are going to start to realize that there really is nothing to be afraid of.  And when enough of them have been deprogrammed to a point where they can function in a normal society, that’s when the mandates will go away.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.