
Broken Hearted

It used to be that a story about an athlete dropping dead on the playing field was big news.  Now it happens so often that it’s starting to become background noise.  Think about it.  Two years ago, we might hear one, maybe two stories a year about people dying while playing sports.  Usually, we saw those stories in August and they were about high-school football players dying from heat stroke during practice.

Now we see this happening at least twice a week.  And it’s not only high school athletes dying, though there’s still plenty of that happening.  These days, we primarily hear about elite athletes, in the best possible physical condition, falling over dead.  From heart problems.

Before I continue, I want to address something.  I’ve been asked why this seems to primarily affect soccer players.  The answer is easy.  It’s because there are many more soccer players in the world than any other professional sports.  According to FIFA, there are somewhere around 113,000 professional soccer players.  Compare that to the NFL where there are 1,696 active players at any time.  It’s not that soccer players are dying disproportionally to other sports.   It just seems like they are.

Last week, it was reported that the 40-something-year-old granddaughter of Billy Graham was hospitalized following two heart attacks caused by a rare condition.

I don’t know about you, but these days, whenever I hear of someone who “mysteriously” had a heart attack, I want to know more.  Specifically, I want to know two things:  Were they vacksinated and, if so, were they vacksinated willingly.

When I say, “willingly”, I don’t mean that someone held them down and injected them.  Although, that’s exactly what it would take in my case.  No, what I mean by “willingly” is, was some form of coercion used to influence their decision or did they not need any convincing?

Unfortunately, there’s been no additional information released about Billy’s granddaughter.  Her doctors are attributing it to a rare condition known Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.  That’s a condition where the heart simply stops working and is triggered by highly stressful situations.  Some cases have been linked to extreme depression which earned the difficult-to-say Takotsubo cardiomyopathy the much easier-to-say name of “Broken Heart Syndrome”.

Which got me to thinking…

There are plenty of articles that say there is no proven correlation between the multi-magnitude increase in the number of players dying and the COVID vackseens.  They claim that no one has ever proved that the vackseens are responsible.  That may be true.  But something is killing them. 

I think it’s interesting that the same people who ignore that people who die “with” COVID don’t necessarily die “from” COVID, are quick to point out that just because someone dies “with” the vackseen, doesn’t mean that they die “from” the vackseen.

I happen to agree with them.  Clearly, every sudden death isn’t due to an adverse reaction to the vackseen.  But there is no doubt that many, many more athletes have died this year than in years past.  And, like I said, something is killing them.

We’re supposed to believe that it’s just a coincidence that they died shortly after being vacksinated or boosted or whatever they’re calling it this week.  The naysayers will tell you that some of the athletes died from heart conditions that went undiagnosed for years. 

Maybe.  But having so many athletes die of pretty much the same undiagnosed condition is hard to explain.   And even if it was a previous condition, something triggered it.  These people have lived for 20 or 30 years with their undiagnosed condition.  Then suddenly, in 2021, shortly after being vacksinated, they start dropping dead. 

Hmmm.  I’m not a rocket surgeon but it seems to me that there’s at least a possibility that the two are related.  It’s not that big of a stretch.  I mean, it’s not like I’m making this shit up.  Myocarditis is listed as a possible side effect of two of the freaking vackseens!  So, it’s really not that difficult to believe that people are actually dying from…you know…one of the few adverse reactions that Big Pharma is admitting to.

Maybe they did have a preexisting condition.  But it wasn’t enough to kill them.  Then, after being injected with an experimental drug, a drug that lists heart disease as a known side effect, well, maybe that extra strain on their heart was enough to kill them.  Maybe one condition or the other wouldn’t have been enough to drive a nail in their coffin.  But both at the same time?  Yeah, that might do it.

Then again, I could be wrong.  Maybe it’s not the vackseens.  Maybe the athletes are dying from the same affliction that caused Billy Graham’s granddaughter to have her heart attacks.  Perhaps they all had Broken Heart Syndrome.  Maybe what happened is that hundreds of world-class athletes have been in the middle of a game, match or whatever, and then, out of the blue, they just got really, really sad about something.

But, all kidding aside, it could be Broken Heart Syndrome. 

This is where my two questions come into play. 

If one of the dead players wasn’t vacksinated, then there’s no doubt that the vackseen wasn’t involved.  Case closed. 

But, if they got vacksinated, then it’s quite possible, if not likely, that the vackseen somehow contributed to their death.  Again, not difficult to believe.  The vackseens are known to cause heart problems, so dying from heart problems after being vacksinated is definitely a possibility.

One of the things I’ve learned about myself is that I’m fairly unremarkable.  For the most part, I’m an ordinary, average guy.  If I’m thinking something, then a lot of other people are thinking the same thing.  And, like me, there are a lot of people out there who would only get vacksinated if they were forced to, or otherwise coerced.

If I were forced to be vacksinated, I would turn into the worlds best hypochondriac.  With very little twinge, pain, brain fart or whatever, I would wonder if it was something natural, or if it was the vackseen slowly killing me.  And the constant stress that comes with the never-ending fear of suffering unknown side effects from an experimental drug, would undoubtedly put strain on my heart.

Now, take an athlete and put them in the same situation.  They were forced by their leagues to get vacksinated.  They didn’t want to, but were coerced into doing so.  They’re also aware of all the reported side effects of the drugs, which makes them constantly worried about a career-ending injury caused by the vackseen.  Which puts a strain on their heart.  Then, put them in a game where they’re putting even more strain on their heart.  And guess what happens?

You guessed it.  Broken Heart Syndrome.  Because they took the vackseen, which caused their heart to break, and then they died.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.