
Political Science

I went back to college in my late 30’s.  By then, I had learned the trick of working smarter rather than harder.  One time, I had to write a paper for my Economics class.  Since I didn’t really care for the class, I decided to take a shortcut.  In other words, I was going to work smarter.

The premise of my paper was that there was no such thing as economics until man discovered how to sharpen sticks.  When the hunters learned that sharpened sticks gave them an advantage, they became desirable.  Now, since the hunters were busy hunting, they didn’t have time to sharpen sticks.  That made an opportunity for the old and infirm to sharpen sticks and trade them with the hunters for food.  And just like that, the first economy was born.

I made a couple vague references to books that were available in the library (this was before the Internet) and that was enough to get me an A on the paper.  Apparently, my laziness could also be interpreted as brilliance.

I was remembering this earlier today and started to think about other college courses and my mind came to rest on “Political Science”.  Then my mind wandered a bit further and I pondered what that term really means. 

When Plato invented Political Science, he focused on the nature of justice, what constitutes good government and what is truly best for humanity.

How times have changed. 

Over the past 70 years or so, “Political Science” has evolved into the study of how to use statistics to influence the decisions that people make. 

After having lived through the last couple years, I think the term “Political Science” can be used as an oxymoron to describe the act of using pseudo-science to influence what people think.

Allow me to explain…

A lot of us have been looking at this whole COVID nonsense and are simply dumbfounded at how so many people can be duped into being so afraid of something without any real science to back it up.

But this shouldn’t surprise anyone because it has happened many times before.  In fact, this has been happening for thousands of years.

I can sum up the whole COVID-fear-porn phenomena in two words:  Solar eclipse.

Wait, wait, wait.  Hear me out.  I promise it will make sense.

See, way back in the day, there were shamans, medicine men, priests or whatever who were the equivalent of our modern-day scientists.  Unfortunately, they were oftentimes also the equivalent of our modern-day politicians.   Also unfortunately, these early-day scientists/politicians knew the truth about eclipses.  And just like that, Political Science was born.

OK.  I’m going to pause here and repurpose a word because saying scientist/politician all the time is going to quickly become unwieldy.  There’s a word that’s about 200 years old that will work just fine for our purposes. 

The term “scientician” was originally coined as a combination of “science” and some science-like “ician” term such as physician, logician or mathematician.  I see no reason why I can’t define “scientician” as a combination of “science” and another “ician” word, “politician”.  So that’s what I’m going to do.

The scienticians (yeah, that works) figured out how to predict when the next eclipse would happen.  They knew that the sun would always come back, but the people didn’t know that.  They also knew there was no advantage to sharing that information with the people they lorded over, so they allowed the masses to remain ignorant.

The scienticians also knew that if they could make the people scared enough, they could get them to do almost anything.  So, they purposely kept people in the dark (pun intended).  In the days and months leading up to an eclipse, the scienticians would create a maniacal fear in the population by claiming that the Gods would bring death and destruction to all by taking the sun away forever.  Unless, of course, the Gods were appeased. 

And appeasing the Gods meant a sacrifice.  Except it was never the scienticians that had to sacrifice, it was the people.  Oftentimes, the sacrifice was wealth, like food, gold and precious stones, which the scienticians promptly gathered up and added to their own personal stash of wealth. 

Sometimes, the people were required to offer up children as a sacrifice.  And because the parents were so afraid of doing nothing, they obediently did the unthinkable and sacrificed their children to the Gods.

And this went on for generations.

Here’s the thing about sacrifices.  Once you give something up, it’s hardly ever returned.  In some cases, such as sacrificing the lives of kids, it’s impossible to get them back.

Which brings me back to COVID.  If you haven’t already seen the parallels, let me point them out.

We have a bunch of politicians in charge.  Unfortunately, those same politicians are also pretending to be scientists.  And those modern-day scienticians, like their early-day counterparts, are using pseudo-science to scare the crap out of people.  Their goal is to make people as scared as possible.  Because they know that if they can make people scared enough, they’ll be willing to do almost anything. 

Instead of sacrificing to make the sun return, billions of terrified people are afraid to do nothing.  They’re willing to sacrifice anything and everything because they’ve been scared into believing that’s what’s going to take to make COVID disappear. 

They unquestioningly wore masks and stayed at home.  They closed their businesses and lost their jobs.  They gave up their Constitutionally-protected freedoms.  They became too afraid to breathe the air.  But that wasn’t enough.  So, the scienticians scared people into believing that the only way to make COVID disappear was to sacrifice their own health by being repeatedly injected with experimental drugs.

But that wasn’t enough either.  Then the scienticians declared that COVID would most definitely be vanquished if only the people would sacrifice their children.  Which, unbelievably, a great many people did.  So, the scared shitless willingly sacrificed the health and lives of their children, by injecting them with a drug that poses more danger to them than the disease does, because they were told it would make COVID disappear.

And all the while, the scienticians are filling their wallets with profits from the sale of the drugs they scared people into taking.

Once sacrifices have been made, the things you’ve sacrificed are rarely restored.  The rights you’ve given away by agreeing to such idiotic things as COVID passports will never be given back.  And the people who have died from the vackseens are gone forever. 

An entire generation of germophobes has been created who are scared to death of breathing fresh air.  And it’s likely they’ll pass that fear onto their own children.

The damage done by modern-day scienticians may echo for decades.

Using fear as a tool for political gain is nothing new.  The masses have been controlled by terror for thousands of years.  It’s easy to understand how billions of ignorant people can be manipulated to do unthinkable things by leveraging a carefully-instilled, irrational fear of COVID. 

It’s OK to have scientists and politicians, but not scienticians.  True science has consistently benefitted mankind, and, unfortunately, it appears that politics is a necessary evil.  But, no good will ever come from combining the two.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.