
Dumb Justice

About a month ago, the headlines on the mainstream media read “Supreme Court rejects bid to block COVID vaccine mandate for NY Health Workers”.  Even for the MSM, this was big news. 

The headline was everywhere.  And it was misleading.

One of the ways a case can make it to the Supreme Court is by bubbling up through the appeals process.   The case goes up the legal chain burning through appeal after appeal where it ends up on the desk of the Circuit Justice.  The Circuit Justice is a member of the United States Supreme Court.  And, in the case of New York, that justice is Sonia Sotomayor.

Last year, 20 doctors and nurses argued that the State of New York’s vaccine mandate violates the First Amendment to the Constitution because it fails to include a religious exemption.

They started in the lower courts and were ruled against.  So, the doctors, nurses and their lawyers appealed and were denied again.  Eventually, after being ruled against enough times, the case ended up on the desk of Sonia Sotomayor.

And Sonia decided not to hear the case.  Since she, at least for the 2nd Circuit, speaks for the Supreme Court, technically the MSM got it right when they said the Supreme Court denied the request for a temporary injunction.  But the fact is, the Court didn’t decline to hear the case.  Sonia Sotomayor did.  All by herself.

Justices Thomas, Gorsuch and Alito all said they would have granted the bid to block the mandate.  But they didn’t get a vote.  None of the other justices got a vote.  Just Sonia Sotomayor.  And she decided not to grant an emergency temporary injunction to stop forcing medical professionals to take an experimental drug.

She didn’t provide a reason.  She didn’t have to.  She just said “no”.

This wasn’t the first time she did this.  Back in October, she denied an emergency appeal from a group of teachers to block New York City’s vackseen mandate, also without providing any explanation or statement.

I’m recognizing a pattern.

To say that the entire Supreme Court rejects the bid seems like an overstatement when a decision is made by a single justice.  So, it’s a good thing for everyone that Justice Sotomayor is on top of the whole COVID thing.

Yeah.  Right.

Late last week, when hearing arguments against Biden’s vackseen mandates, Justice Sotomayor falsely claimed that 100,000 children in the U.S. are currently seriously ill with COVID.

The real number is actually less than 3,500. 

What the hell?

And that’s not even taking into consideration that many of those kids are in the hospital “with” COVID and not “because” of COVID.

I have two problems with this.  The first problem is that she misquoted an important statistic.  The second problem I have is that she quoted ANY statistic.

If I lived in Connecticut, New York or Vermont, I would be pissed.  Because the Justice that oversees my Court of Appeals is dumber than a stump. 

OK, OK.  I know some of you are going to call me on this because we all know there’s a difference between ignorance and stupidity.  Let me rephrase.  She’s more ignorant than a stump.

If I lived within the jurisdiction of the 2nd Circuit Court, I’d have to question every single decision made by Justice Sotomayor since she was appointed to the bench.  Hell, I don’t live there, and I still question her decision-making ability.  I have no choice.  Because if she’s that uninformed about a topic on which she’s supposed to be making a ruling, then what the hell good is she?  Since she’s this wrong this time, I have to believe that she’s been at least as wrong many times before.

If she’s going to base her opinion on the number of sick kids hospitalized with or because of COVID, the number she’s using shouldn’t be off by a factor of nearly 30.

And that leads me to my second issue with Sonia Sotomayor.

The job of the Supreme Court justices isn’t to decide the worthiness of a particular action.  Personal prejudices and ridiculous preconceived notions have no place in their decision-making process.  Their job is to determine if a particular action is unconstitutional.  Period.

The idea they’re judging may be a horrible idea, but it’s not their place to say. 

Even if she had correctly quoted the number of sick kids, the number is irrelevant.  Because the number of sick kids has no bearing whatsoever on the constitutionality of Biden’s vackseen mandate.  The Supreme Court decides if someone can do something, not if they should do something.

We have no idea why she turned down the appeal by the doctors and nurses back in December.  She didn’t give a reason.  She just said, “no”. 

So, I have to wonder, did she deny the medical professionals’ request for an emergency injunction because she believed that granting it would be unconstitutional?  Or did she deny the request because she was basing her decision on what she learned from watching CNN?

We have no way of knowing which it was.

I think there should be a rule that says the Justices need to give the reason behind their ruling.  They should be required to provide the logic and reasoning behind the decision they make.  We are not children and simply saying “because I said so” isn’t good enough. 

The language should be simple and straightforward so that anyone with a high school education can understand what they were thinking.  If this law was in place, we might have learned years ago that Sonia Sotomayor is an idiot.

Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

Unfortunately for us all, Justice Sonia Sotomayor has demonstrated that she clearly possesses both.

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