
Table Manners

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This year, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and the rest of the platforms have made a practice of filtering messages with a Conservative point of view.  Even when those messages are completely accurate.

Inevitably, people start bitching and moaning about “censorship” and claim that somehow their 1st Amendment rights are being taken away. 

But that’s not true.  The 1st Amendment only protects you from the government blocking your freedom of speech.  It doesn’t say anything about private companies censoring what you say.  So, the social media platforms are perfectly within their rights to stop people from hearing anything you share.  Sure, it’s a stupid thing to do but it’s not illegal to do it.

The trouble with this is that Conservative concepts, you know, ideas based on facts, logic and reason, are suppressed while all the bullshit spouted by Liberals is allowed to freely flow.

The good news is that there’s a solution to this problem.  There’s a way that you can say whatever you want to whomever you want, and the social media platforms can’t do a thing about it. 

The secret?  It’s simple.  You can make sure that Facebook and Twitter don’t censor what you say by saying what you have to say someplace else.  Instead of posting something to your activity feed or sending a tweet, just go talk to someone.  In real life.  In person.

In a few days, you’ll have an excellent opportunity to put this into practice.  New Year’s is just around the corner and that means another chance to speak directly to your Liberal friends, family, and acquaintances without the risk of being filtered by any of the social media platforms.

And the New Year is an excellent reason to talk about the state of the country, how we got to where we are, and how to fix it going forward.  I encourage everyone to take this opportunity to take full advantage of your 1st Amendment rights and spend some time talking about the important issues facing us today. 

It won’t be easy, but it’s absolutely necessary.  And no one can stop you.

Being face-to-face with one of your Liberal friends would be the perfect time to talk about Biden’s failed…well, I was going to say “immigration policy” but I could have filled in the blank with almost anything because Biden has failed at every single thing he’s tried.

You could also talk about the ridiculous COVID-19 panic and how it’s insane to expect everyone to allow themselves to be injected with experimental drugs.  While you’re at it, you might want to discuss the fact that the vackseens don’t seem to actually…you know…work.  A conversation about how the vackseens are definitely not safe and effective can get you banned on Twitter, but if you say it in real life, Twitter can’t touch you.

It might also be a good time to bring up the record-breaking inflation we’ve been experiencing since “Resident Biden” took office and ask the person you’re talking with how voting for “he’s not Trump” is working out for them.

Oh yeah, don’t forget to discuss men/boys competing in women’s/girls’ sports, the decline of the United States on the world stage, skyrocketing energy costs, and the idiocy of stimulus checks and student loan dismissal.  Any of these would be great conversations to have without the threat of having your account cancelled if you stray away from the approved Liberal messaging.

The trouble with this approach is that many people have lost their ability to have meaningful conversations.  Over the past decade, we’ve been trained by social media to have shorter and shorter attention spans.  In the minds of a lot of people, if something can’t be said in less than 280 characters, or be turned into an entertaining meme, it shouldn’t be said at all.

And everyone knows that Liberals only believe what their phones tell them is true.  If it doesn’t appear on their screens, then they’re not likely to believe it.

Which means, you’re going to need to work to get your points across.  Because the Liberals you’ll be talking with are going to be impossible to convince of anything that doesn’t mesh with what they’ve been force fed by Big Media.

And as you work to make yourself heard, you’ll be reminded of how it’s less painful to smash your head against a wall than it is to try to convince a Liberal of even a single rational thought. 

There’s an old joke that goes like this: 

Two psychiatrists were talking and the first says, “You know, I experienced a true Freudian slip the other day.  I meant to say to my wife, ‘You look your best today’, but instead it came out, ‘You look your breast today.’”

“I see.”, replied the second psychiatrist, “I also had a Freudian slip the other day.  I was having dinner with my wife.  I meant to say, ‘Please pass the salt’, but what came out was, ‘You stupid bitch, you’re ruining my life!’”

Keep this in mind as your conversations carry on, and you realize that your Liberal friends, family or acquaintances are either blissfully unaware of, or don’t care about, the damage they’re causing the country.  And it becomes increasingly frustrating to try to convince them otherwise. 

While you’ll undoubtedly do your best to keep your emotions in check, this pent-up frustration could unintentionally slip out.   

Here’s some advice for when that happens:  Remember to keep your cool and be careful. 

If you should find yourself about to say to the person next to you, “You stupid bitch, it’s people like you who are ruining the country!”, just remember to smile nicely and say, “Please pass the salt.”

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.