
Pick Your Poison

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The phrase “pick your poison” has a couple different meanings.  It can refer to making a choice between two or more unpleasant options.  When you “pick your poison”, you’re choosing which bad thing you’d prefer to happen.

It’s also a colloquial way of asking someone which alcoholic beverage they want to drink.  The bartender doesn’t care which drink you choose.  You just need to pick one.  Alcohol is, in reality, a poison.  So, by “picking your poison”, you’re actually stating your preference for the toxin you’d prefer to ingest. 

Hang on to that thought, we’ll get back to it.

I think it’s time to stop calling instances where fully-vacksinated people contract COVID-19 “breakthrough cases”.  The word “breakthrough” implies something unusual or rare.  When most new COVID cases are appearing in vacksinated folks, when it has happened millions of times, I’m pretty sure you can’t consider that to be a rare event.

The term “breakthrough case” is just a fancy Marketing term that means “oops”.

There have been a lot of “oops” moments with the vackseens.  They’re more dangerous than expected, less effective than it was claimed they would be, and they don’t last as long as everyone was promised.  Now we find out that they may actually cause more harm than good.

The claim was that the quicker people get vacksinated, the quicker we’d reach “herd immunity” and the safer everyone will be.  Once herd immunity was reached by vacksinating enough people, life would go back to normal. 

Now the wording has changed just a bit.  They’re no longer talking about herd immunity.  What they say is that “you’ll be safer” if you get a booster shot.  Hmm.  We went from the vackseens making everyone safer to focusing on the need to be vacksinated to keep individuals safe.  The notion of herd immunity went right out the window.

We’ve learned that the vackseens don’t really work very well at keeping everyone safe.  If they actually keep individuals safe, then why does it seem that so many more vacksinated people are getting sick than unvacksinated people?

Because they are.

In Germany, for example, more than 71% of the population is fully-vacksinated.  But more than 96% of new COVID patients that required medical treatment were vacksinated.  

A recent study in Denmark found that not only do the vackseens lose effectiveness quickly, 90 days after their last injection, a vacksinated person is actually more likely to contract COVID than someone who is unvacksinated. 

Yup.  That’s right.  If you’ve been vacksinated, and stop taking your booster shots, you’re much more likely to contract COVID than if you had never been vacksinated at all.  As long as you continue to take the booster shots, you’ll be OK.  But stop taking them and in a month or two you’re going to discover that your immune system is no longer capable of fighting off the virus on its own.


According to the study, after about three months, both the Moderna and Pfizer shots give you negative immunity.  Though the Moderna jab tends to give you less negative immunity than the Pfizer shots.

For those of you aren’t familiar with algebra, less negative means more positive.  In this case, less negative immunity means the Moderna vackseen, while still bad, is “less bad” than the Pfizer vackseen.

So, when choosing your vackseen, you have yet another thing to consider.  It used to be that you only had to survive past the initial injection.  If you lived more than 15 minutes after your jab, then you were probably going to be OK. 

Then we started hearing stories about people dying days or weeks after being injected.   In fact, there have been hundreds of athletes at all levels that have, supposedly coincidently, dropped dead on the field after having received one of the vackseens.  Now we’re finding out that the vackseens do the exact opposite of what they are intended to do.


Biden said this week before leaving Washington to take a triple-vaxxed and triple-masked stroll on the beach that, “There is no Federal solution to COVID.”  He has admitted that he can’t deliver on one of his main (if not only) campaign promises.  In other words, none of the damage done in the name of “ending the pandemic” was necessary.  And if none was necessary, then none is necessary.

Yet his vackseen mandate is still slated to go into effect next week and employers across the country are still pushing vackseens on their employees.  These programs can only be described as coercion, and are forcing millions of Americans to choose between either losing their job or getting injected with an experimental drug that:

  1. Might kill them immediately.
  2. Might kill them at some point in the future.
  3. Makes them more susceptible to the disease from which it’s supposed to be protecting them.

I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but I have a problem with that.  When the decision of which supposedly life-saving drug to use is based on how less likely it is to kill you, instead of how much more likely it is to keep you alive, something is definitely wrong.

There is a silver-ish lining.  You’re allowed to pick your own poison.  But we’re not talking about a clever way of asking you to order a drink.  You get to consider all the bad things that may happen to you, and choose which you consider to be the least bad option.  The people responsible for the vackseen mandates don’t care which poison you choose.  You just need to pick one. 

So the people with no other option than to work for a living, have to try to decide which drug has the least chance of causing them irreparable harm.  And then, in all likelihood, they’ll have no choice but to forever continue to take the poison they chose.

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