
Christmas Passed

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Now that Christmas is behind us, we can all start to recover from eating too much good food and listening to too much bad conversation.  Hopefully you were able to bite your tongue and get through an afternoon with your liberal family members without pissing anyone off.

My wife told me about a conversation she’d had.  The person she was talking with admitted that she was too busy to keep informed about the issues, but she still had very strong opinions about the problems facing our country. 

She’s triple vaxxed, a Biden supporter, and OK with Biden’s border policy.  Even though she has no idea what his border policy is, hasn’t seen a single video of him talking gibberish, and isn’t aware of the hundreds of thousands of people becoming ill or dying after being vacksinated.

If you ask this person, she’ll tell you how excited she is to be fully-vacksinated (again) and that she’s confident the vackseens are safe and effective.  She’ll tell you with absolute certainty that Biden is doing a fine job running the country.  But she’ll also tell you that she doesn’t pay any attention to politics because she doesn’t have the time, and she doesn’t know what’s going on at the border because she doesn’t believe that what’s going on at the border really affects her.

She knows that she’s ignorant but has still somehow convinced herself that she actually does know all about the things she doesn’t.  She’ll argue with anyone who disagrees with her, without any knowledge of what she’s saying.

I started to wonder how people can be so sure of something without having any idea what they’re talking about.  How can someone who admits that they’re uninformed about nearly everything have such strong opinions about anything?

In other words, how can one person be so fucking stupid? 

Go ahead.  Admit it.  You said those exact words the minute you got back in your car to drive home.  If you didn’t say it, then you thought it very loudly.

So why would someone have such strong opinions about something they know nothing about?

The answer depends on what the topic is. 

If we’re talking about Biden and his failure as a president, I think the answer is “embarrassment”.  I suspect that only someone who is completely uninformed or completely gullible could agree with Biden on anything.  Rather than admit that they’re an ignoramus and voted for an absolute buffoon, they have to pretend that everything is OK.  Because if they don’t, then they’ve got three more years of listening to you say, “I told you so.” 

But, if they continue to defend Biden, then there’s at least a chance that you’ll get exasperated with their illogical nonsense, tire of the intellectual equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel and change the subject to something where they don’t look quite as silly.

Now, on the topic of border control, I think the answer is…well…I have no idea what the answer is.  How anyone could look at hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens streaming into our country unfettered and believe that it doesn’t affect them is beyond me.  I’m going to chalk it up to “toxic stupidity”. 

However, if we’re talking about the vackseens, I think the issue is that they can’t admit they’re wrong.  Because admitting they’ve been hoodwinked into believing everything the fearmongers have been telling them, means that they also have to admit that they’re no longer in control of their own destiny and may be quickly running out of options.  And that’s a scary place to be.

In the past few days, there have been reports of fully-vacksinated cruise ships overrun with COVID-19.  Just yesterday, a U.S. Navy warship (the USS Milwaukee) postponed its deployment because of a COVID-19 outbreak among its 100% vacksinated crew.  How would an unvaxxed person fare in a similar situation?  No one knows.  Because they won’t let unvacksinated people on the ships.

A recent study in Denmark found that vacksinated people are 40%-to-77% more likely to contact Omicron than the unjabbed (depending on which vackseen you were injected with). 

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, show me any study and I’ll show you a study performed by equally-as-impressively-credentialed experts that shows the exact opposite.  This is one such a case.  Fauci and Big Pharma have always claimed that “the vackseens are safe and effective”, without one shred of evidence to back that up.  At least none that they’re willing to show you before the year 2097.

But here is a study that claims the opposite, with actual evidence to back up their claim.  Evidence that you don’t have to wait 75 years to see.  If this proves to be true, and the signs have been pointing to this for months, then it means that the vackseens are frying the immune systems of the people who take them.  And, because no one has bothered to do long-term studies to determine what the drugs will ultimately do to the human body, no one can say for sure if the damage is permanent.

So, the toxically stupid people can’t admit that the vackseens aren’t safe and effective.  Because the alternative is too horrible to contemplate.

In my post titled “A Dose of Freedom”, I mentioned the possibility of a future where the vackseens have destroyed immune systems to a point where regular periodic injections are required just to keep people alive.  Hmm.  This new study certainly seems to indicate we’re getting pretty close to my prediction, as does the increased frequency at which the booster shots are being required.  Which booster will be the one that pushes people past the point at which they can recover from any disease on their own?  The third?  Fourth?  Fifth?  Maybe it’s already happened.

Now, let’s get back to the conversation I mentioned earlier.  To get that woman to admit that there’s a problem with the vackseens is impossible.  Just getting her to admit that there might be a problem isn’t likely to happen either.

Because this woman has two kids.  And she’s allowed both of them to be vacksinated.  The good news is that neither of her kids died from the vackseen.  Not this time anyway.  The bad news is that no one, not Fauci or any of the drug companies can guarantee that she hasn’t just doomed them to a lifetime of health issues. 

Rather than admit that maybe, just maybe, there’s a possibility that the vackseens do more harm than good, she’ll continue to stay the course.  And the thing that’s keeping her on this path is the very thing that put her on this path in the first place.  Fear.

So, you made it this far, kept your mouth shut, and you’re still on speaking terms with your Liberal friends and family.  That’s great kid, but don’t get cocky.  You have another holiday coming up in less than a week.  Maybe this time it will be easier because at least now you’re better prepared.  Now you now know how it’s possible for one person to be so fucking stupid.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.