
The Traveler’s Guide to COVID

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The Biden Administration just announced a change to the COVID policy for international travelers coming to the United States.  Starting November 8th, unvacksinated U.S. citizens and long-term residents will have to present a negative COVID test taken a day before they want to travel to the US.  Fully vacksinated Americans will have to present a negative test three days before travel.

When I first heard about this, I had to read through the article several times.  Because their new rule didn’t make any sense.  Even after reading through it multiple times, it still didn’t make any sense.  Not because I’m slow and dimwitted, but because what they’re saying is nonsense.

Let’s walk through this.

First of all, I’ve never understood these policies that start at some point in the future.  How many people will be returning home to the United States in the next week and a half?  A lot.  If the “COVID crisis” were serious, the new policies would go into effect immediately. 

But let’s ignore that for a bit and just assume that the virus knows how to use a calendar.

And, as long as we’re ignoring things.  In order for this policy to make any sense, we’re going to have to ignore the fact that the PCR test doesn’t actually work for diagnosing cases of COVID.  It can indicate an exposure, but it can’t diagnose an infection.  Everyone knows that.  If they don’t, they should.

So, lets pretend that the COVID tests can actually tell us what’s being claimed.  I know, I know, it’s ridiculous but it’s the only way I can make sense of the policy.

That leaves us with the unvacksinated people having to be tested the day before travel while vacksinated are tested three days before travel.

But we already know, and this is freely admitted by the people selling the drugs, that the vackseens won’t stop you from being infected.  The only claim made is that, if you do get infected, you might become less sick.

I’m going to pause in my unpacking of the travel mandate to tell you something I just thought of.  Most people who are vacksinated report at least some side effects.  Many people report that they were out of sorts for a couple of weeks or more.  Just to recover from being vacksinated.  Most people who catch COVID don’t get sick at all.  Those that do experience symptoms wouldn’t know that it wasn’t a cold unless someone tells them that it isn’t.

I don’t know what the average length of incapacitation is for unvacksinated symptomatic COVID, but I’ve heard it’s also a couple of weeks.  So, the vacksinated people who get sick from being jabbed, get sick about as long as the unvacksinated people.  The only difference is that the vacksinated people get to schedule when they’re going to be sick. 

This would be a great selling point.  I can hear the ads now: “Tired of having to go through the torture of not knowing if or when you’ll have to miss work?  Now there’s a solution!  Our new vackseen lets you choose exactly when you’ll be too sick to go into the office.  This message was brought to you by Moderna.  Moderna, more convenient than Mother Nature.”

OK.  Let’s get back to the policy.  Where were we.  Oh yeah.  Three days for vacksinated people and one day for an unvacksinated person.

This is the part I’m having trouble wrapping my head around.  The ONLY way this makes sense is if there is data indicating that it takes three days longer for a vacksinated person to become infectious than it does for someone unvacksinated.  If that were the case, and I’ve seen no data that would indicate that it is, then the three-day grace period for vacksinated people might make sense.

But here’s the thing:  It would only make sense if you knew for certain that both people had been infected at exactly the same time.  If the vacksinated person had been infected three days before the unvacksinated person, then they’d both be at the exact same level of infectiousness when they step on the plane.

And, like every other COVID policy everywhere.  They’re completely ignoring people who have developed a natural immunity because they already recovered from COVID-19.

Now, here’s where it really starts to get crazy.  Let’s say that you live in San Diego, and you went on a trip to Mexico City.  You decided to fly.  Your neighbor went to Mexico City at the same time.  But he drove across the border and then hopped on a plane in Tijuana and flew the rest of the way.  I don’t know, maybe it was cheaper.

The return trip is the same thing, only backwards.  You fly direct from Mexico City to San Diego, and your neighbor flies from Mexico City to Tijuana and then drives across the border and back to San Diego. 

You would have to prove you tested negative before you can get on the plane.  Your neighbor?  He can just drive across the border.  Both of you were on airplanes and both of you were on flights of approximately the same length.  But one of you has to be tested before going home and the other one doesn’t.

Even more crazy, while you were in Mexico, tens of thousands of illegal aliens swarmed into our country…from Mexico…totally undetected by border patrol.  And none of those tens of thousands of people, who ended up God knows where, have to present a negative test result.  Nor will our government force any illegal alien to be vacksinated.

Now, keep in mind that the people coming up with these dumb-ass travel policies are the same people who are telling everyone they should be vacksinated and that “the vackseens have proven to be safe and effective”. 

They’re also the same people who believe it’s OK to force vacksinations on people who want to work for a living, but not on people who receive government assistance.  And now they’re mandating that your five-year-old also gets injected with an experimental drug.  Even though hardly any kids ever get sick from COVID-19.

It would be irrational to believe that some of their policies are based on science and sound reasoning, and the others, made by the same people, are just bat-shit crazy.  And even if that were the case, how could anyone tell the good policies from the bad? 

You can’t.  Well, that’s not entirely true, I what I should have said was, “you don’t have to”.  The safe bet is that all their policies are equally insane.  And you can also bet that they’re going to keep rolling out these crazy policies, as long as people are crazy enough to keep doing what they say.

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