
A Very Scary Story

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In honor of Halloween, I’m going to tell you a scary story.  It’s a story not of what for sure will happen, but of what may happen.  And no one can tell you for sure that it won’t. 

To lay some groundwork, let’s start out with a highly simplified look at gene therapy.

With gene therapy, some extreme science is used to fix bad or missing DNA in someone’s genes.  It’s important to note that if you treat a person with gene therapy, you only fix that person.  For example, if a person has inherited retinal dystrophy, treating that person with gene therapy might cure their disease.  But, they’ll still be able to pass retinal dystrophy on to any kids they may have.

I know what you’re thinking.  You’re thinking that this is a pretty sucky Halloween story and isn’t the least bit scary.  Patience grasshopper. 

Before we can get to the scary stuff, we need to talk a bit about the germline.

The germline is essentially the eggs or sperm (in our case, human), each containing half of the genetic code required to make a person.   The genetic code is a set of instructions.  If you change the instructions, you change what you can make with the parts you have.  You can change those instructions by using germline gene therapy.

In germline gene therapy, modified DNA is inserted into eggs or sperm, usually to correct a genetic problem.  If the sperm or egg turns into a kid, that kid will inherit the new trait and pass it on to future generations.

That’s the theory anyway.  Germline therapy is banned in most countries because of ethical concerns.  The concern is that the people who would be affected by modifying their DNA aren’t born yet, so they can’t choose whether or not to have the treatment.

I’m going to pause a bit and point out the extreme hypocrisy of what I just said.  The U.S. government is concerned with the rights of an unfertilized egg, but not the rights of an egg that is fertilized, has turned into an embryo and is well on the way to being born.  

In other words, an unfertilized egg has the right to choose whether or not to allow its parents to select blue eyes, blonde hair or to be cured of Cystic Fibrosis.  But, once that egg is fertilized, it doesn’t have the right to decide whether or not it should be destroyed.  Regardless of what side of the abortion argument you’re on, you have to see how ridiculous this is.

OK.  End of the hypocrisy alert.  Back to the story…

Changes in the genetic code are all well and good if the trait is desired.  But mutations happen all the time, and some of them are not desirable.  A lot of those undesired mutations result in miscarriages or stillborn births.  A lot, but not all.  Some kids are carried to term but end up possessing one or more genetic diseases.

It also means that if somehow the genetic code in the eggs or sperm is inadvertently damaged, the kids resulting from those eggs or sperm will inherit the damage.  There’s a good chance their progeny will too.

If there’s a germline mutation, that mutation, good or bad becomes incorporated into the DNA of every cell in the body of the offspring.  And these mutations can be passed along to future generations.  Forever.

Now we’re getting to the scary part.

There have been lots of uh-oh moments with the vackseens.  Uh-oh!  We didn’t know that the vackseens would react poorly to cosmetic fillers.  Uh-oh!  We didn’t anticipate our drugs would cause heart problems.  Uh-oh!  We had no idea that the vackseens would cause memory fog, blood clots or neurological damage.  There is no possible way that we’ve seen the last of these adverse reactions.

Any reasonable person would believe that there are more, yet undiscovered, adverse reactions to the vackseens on the way.  And if you believe that none of those adverse reactions will result in genetic mutations, then you’re a fool.  It is going to happen.  We just don’t know what type of mutations and how widespread it will be.

I’ve heard some people say that the “plandemic” was designed as a form of population control.  I don’t think that’s the case.  I do believe that it’s manmade, but I think the research was to see if they could weaponize a virus, not actually do it.  If someone wanted to depopulate the planet, they’d have chosen a better virus to weaponize.  That’s my theory anyway.

I think what’s going to function as population control are the vackseens themselves.  Again, I don’t think this is by design.  I think it’s what you inevitably get when you rush a product to market, then try to force it on every human on the planet.  If the unthinkable happens and, the vackseens damage human reproduction, it will be the largest crime against humanity that ever was, or ever will be.

When a woman is born, she already has all the eggs she’ll ever have.  These eggs are stored in her ovaries.  One of the uh-oh moments I didn’t mention above is that the vackseens, which were supposed to stay in the injectee’s arm, have a bad habit of migrating around the body and collecting in certain places.  One of those places is the ovaries.

Like heart problems and neurological problems, this was never predicted to happen.  Yet it does.

So, what’s going on?  Nobody knows.  Regardless of what Fauci and the vackseen manufacturers tell you about the vackseens being safe and effective, no one knows what the hell is going on.  Nor do they know if perhaps somehow the vackseen byproducts that are collecting in the ovaries are causing damage, genetic damage, to the eggs.

If I were a woman of child-bearing age, I’d be freaking out right about now.  Because nobody can tell me for certain if I can carry a healthy baby to term.  The key term here being “healthy”.  Currently, the party line is that there’s no evidence that the vackseens cause any damage to the female reproductive system.  But “no evidence” and a hard guarantee are worlds apart.

Remember when they started rolling out the vackseens?  Remember how they did it?  They started with the sick and elderly and then slowly worked their way to younger and younger people.  It wasn’t until spring of this year that a large number of women of child-bearing age started to get vacksinated.  Some of those women have become pregnant.  More of those women will become pregnant.

We’re about to see a large number of kids being born that came from the eggs of vacksinated women.  And there isn’t a single person on this earth that can tell you what’s going to happen.  Because no one bothered to study what would happen.  Because there wasn’t time.  There are good reasons why it takes so long to develop new drugs.  And one of those reasons is testing. 

If you’re going to study how a particular drug affects the human reproductive system, you’re going to need at least 9 months.  Maybe more.   That testing was never done.  But the panic-stricken, let’s-do-whatever-will-get-me-the-most-votes governments decided the right thing to do was to try to inject every person on the planet with experimental drugs.  Without fully testing for side effects.

I remember back when I was in grade school.  The March of Dimes handed out little pieces of cardboard with slots for coins.  We took those home and dug through our piggy banks to find enough change to fill in the slots.  Then we took the cards back to school and our money eventually helped prevent birth defects.

The cards typically showed pictures of kids with various missing limbs.  Images designed to pull at our heartstrings with a sort of “there but for the grace of God go I” message.  What we could see in the next few years could make the images of missing-limbed children seem like a picnic. 

It’s entirely possible that the vackseens are going to result in widespread genetic defects.  Defects that will be passed through the germline to all subsequent generations.  That is, unless the defects render the women sterile.  It could happen.  No one can guarantee that it won’t.

The March of Dimes progresses toward cures for childhood diseases, paid for with pocket change.  This new march, the “March of Crimes”, could already be inexorably moving us towards our extinction, paid for with ignorance, hubris and greed.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.