

You can also listen to this article on The PonkaBlog Podcast!

Before we get started, here’s a quick FYI. You might want to listen to today’s article instead of reading it. Either will work but I think listening will be more enjoyable.

Now, here we go…

Let’s say you were a politician who forced masks, vackseens and other mandates on your constituents.  Your policies led to businesses closing, people losing their jobs and others getting hurt because of adverse reactions after being forced to be injected with a drug that they didn’t want.

Then, let’s say that you discovered that all your rules and regulations weren’t particularly effective and were, in many cases, downright harmful.  What would you do?

Here’s the problem, that bell can’t be unrung.   Even if you change your mind, those businesses that closed because of your bad decisions will still be closed.  The people who lost their jobs because those businesses closed will still be out of work.  The people who were forced to be injected will still be injected and the people who were harmed by being injected will still be irreparably damaged…or dead.

Now, pretend for a bit that you’re an employer.  You decide to force all your employees, even the remote workers, to get vacksinated.  Then, you discover that the vackseen isn’t particularly effective and in some cases is dangerous.  What would you do?

Again.  Bell.  Unrung.  You know the thing.  If you start telling employees that they no longer need to be vacksinated, the unfortunate people that you coerced into being vacksinated will still have whatever crap you forced them to be injected with inside their bodies.  Well, the ones that are still alive anyway.

If you do see reason and back down from your silly mandates, you’re going to have to deal with a bunch of really pissed off people.  And these really pissed off people are going to sue your ass.  Because if your mandates aren’t necessary now, then they weren’t necessary back when you put them in place.

Unless you’re someone with a lot of grit and integrity, who truly cares about doing the right thing, you’ve only got one play to make.  The only choice you have is to keep doing more of what you’ve been doing.  Because changing your policy is the same thing as admitting that you made a mistake.

What we’ve seen, and will continue to see, is more of the same.  The mandates will continue to go on and on and our freedoms will become fewer and fewer because the powers that be need to make it appear like they know what the hell they’re doing.  So, flying in the face of common sense and reason, politicians and employers will continue to tell the same story.

Remember Porkchop?  Porkchop was a puppet used by the ventriloquist Cheri Lewis.  They even had a TV show.  At the end of the show, the puppet cast would sing The Song That Doesn’t End.  The lyrics are circular.  That is, the beginning of the song and the end of the song are the same so it keeps looping back on itself forever with no way to stop.

Here are the lyrics:

It is the song that doesn’t end.

It just goes on and on my friend.

Some people started singing it not knowing what it was.

And they’ll continue singing it forever just because

it is the song that doesn’t end…

This COVID mess reminds me of The Song That Doesn’t End.  Like the song, this COVID-related horseshit will never end.  Alpha, beta, gamma, delta, mu.  Sound familiar?   Two weeks to flatten the curve, then a month, then six months, then a year and now Fauci is saying he’s not sure if he’s going to allow people to gather for Christmas…again.

We were told once-a-year vacksinations were the answer.  Then every eight months, then every six, then four.  It would be foolish not to think that every three months is right around the corner.  Every day, we hear the same rubbish over and over and over.

Now, the thing about the Song That Doesn’t End is that it’s an earworm.  You know, one of those songs that, once you get it stuck in your head, you can’t unstick it.  That’s exactly what happened with COVID.

The politicians started telling tales about the dangers of COVID and they told the same story ad nauseum.  And a whole lot of people got it stuck in their heads.  Now they can’t unstick it.  So, many people have this never-ending mantra of fear looping through their mind:

COVID is dangerous. 

If you catch it, you’ll surely die. 

The only way to protect yourself is to be vacksinated. 

And you must forfeit more of your rights because

COVID is dangerous…

And it just keeps repeating forever.

The politicians started spewing all this COVID-related crap because they didn’t realize what it was.  Or maybe they did.  In any case, if they want to keep hold of whatever power they have, they have no choice but to continue spewing it forever.

The people that have the story stuck in their thoughts are willing to do pretty much any crazy-ass thing their told to do.  Because the voices echoing in their heads are also telling them to be compliant. 

But here’s the thing with earworms.  You can make them stop.  Pro Tip: There are two songs that will stop an earworm.  One is the theme from Indiana Jones and the other is the theme from Speed Racer.  Listen to either of those two songs and the cycle will be broken and you’ll no longer hear whatever was looping though your head.

And, as with earworms, it’s possible for someone to cancel the COVID-fear story that keeps looping in their head.  All they have to do is stop listening to the fearmongers and start listening to reason.

It’s time to stop this nonsense.  We all need to take a stand, push back and demand that our rights be restored.  Because, my friend, unless we can break out of the loop we’re in, this silliness will just go on and on.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.