
You Can’t Be Serious!

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I simply can’t take this so-called “COVID Crisis” seriously.  If world leaders want me to take this seriously, then they need to start acting serious about it themselves.

If COVID were as serious of an issue as we’re all supposed to believe, there would be a coordinate global effort to fight it.  We wouldn’t have this half-assed attempt that we’ve seen since this whole thing started.  Countries wouldn’t be left on their own to decide how to fight the disease.  This would be the ONLY thing the United Nations worked on.  If not the United Nations, then there would be a global organization of all countries whose sole purpose was research, sharing information and defining worldwide policies to lessen the effects of the disease.

But there isn’t.

Instead of a coordinated effort between every country on the planet, what we have is each country doing whatever they want.  Even when the country next door is doing something completely different.

Pick any hundred countries and I’ll show you a hundred different approaches on how to best handle COVID.  They’ll range from Sweden’s “live and let live” approach, to Australia’s “take-all-rights-away” approach, and everything in between.

After a year and a half, clearly we should know by now which tactic makes the most sense.  Or, we should at least have settled on a plan that meets somewhere in the middle.  But today we still have countries with policies at both ends of the spectrum.  Seriously?

But it’s not happening solely at the country level.  States all have their own policies and even counties and cities within those states may differ.  So, two cities located adjacent to each other can have two wildly different policies for masks and vacksinations.  Are we seriously supposed to believe that SARS-CoV-2 is more dangerous in one city than in the city on the other side of the street?

But it gets even more ridiculous.  If this were a serious situation, then the NFL, NBA and Garth Brooks wouldn’t be allowed to decide the masking and vacksination policies for their events.  There would be one policy in place for everyone in the world.

So, then Joe Biden jumps in and wants to force businesses with more than 100 employees to force vacksinations upon said employees.  But not businesses with fewer than 100 employees.  And not the unemployed.  And not retired people.  And not welfare recipients.  And not the homeless.  And not illegal aliens.

If that’s the best our “president” can do, how can anyone take this shit seriously?

Now, consider masks.  Wouldn’t you think that after 18 months, we’d know for certain exactly how effective masks are.  If this were serious, we’d know by how which masks work and which don’t.  If they do work, and once a winner was chosen, there’d be a global effort to manufacture and distribute the kind of mask that works so that we’re protecting the largest number of people the best way possible.

But here we are, still arguing about whether or not masks are effective, while the most popular mask in use today has written right on the box that it “will not provide any protection against COVID-19”. 

If governments are so bent on trying to save lives, why isn’t there any talk of preventive care?  I’m not talking about social distancing, masks and other similar horse shit.  I’m talking about what a person can do to make sure their own bodies are as capable as possible of fighting off the disease.  Instead of forcing people to be vacksinated before they can go out to eat, how about forcing fat people to drop a few pounds before they can eat more of what made them overweight in the first place?

Like the issue with masks, doesn’t it seem strange that there has been no definitive answer to the effectiveness of HCQ and Ivermectin?  Oh sure, there are “studies” that say they provide no benefit, but shouldn’t someone be paying attention to India, Mexico and other places where HCQ and Ivermectin have been actually put to use to fight off COVID-19? 

This is not rocket science folks.  It either works or it doesn’t.  I don’t understand why we don’t have an answer.  And “trust us” isn’t an answer I can take seriously.  Especially if it comes from Big Pharma.

If this “pandemic” were truly dangerous, nobody would be making a fortune from it.  Yet Big Pharma is raking in astronomical profits from their vackseens with no end in sight.  If this were as serious as claimed, then no one would be profiting from it.  Governments wouldn’t have given Big Pharma billions of dollars to develop vackseens, then pay more billions of dollars to buy the products that they paid to have developed in the first place.

The development, production and distribution of the vackseens would have been commandeered by the world’s governments under some emergency health crisis proclamation and the drugs would be developed by Big Pharma at cost.

Even worse, the very people raking in these untold billions of dollars are the same people responsible for saying whether or not their products are safe.  Seriously.

If this were truly a serious situation, then fear wouldn’t have to be used to control the masses.  If the data backed up their assertions, those in charge would be running public service announcements every night to inform and educate the public on why this is as dangerous as they claim.  They would insist that we all know exactly how bad this is and why we should do what they tell us to do.

Instead, we get force-fed misleading information based on misinterpreted data based on misused tests that’s being leveraged to make the largest number of people as scared as possible.

I know a lot of people.  If COVID-19 were as dangerous as we’re told, then I should personally know at least one person who has died from COVID-19.  But I don’t.  I don’t even personally know anyone who has been misclassified as a COVID-19 death.  Nor do I know anyone who has gotten seriously ill from COVID-19.

I know less than a dozen people who have even been suspected as having had COVID.  And each one of them is fine.  All of them experienced mild symptoms and not a single one ended up in the hospital.

Our “leaders” are telling me to panic when my own observations are telling me to remain calm and carry on.  Which one should I believe?  Which one would you believe?  Sadly, too many people ignore what’s right in front of their eyes and allow politicians with questionable motives to tell them what to think.

I want you to keep in mind that actions speak louder than words.  So, while the politicians are telling us that things are dire, they’re certainly not acting like it.

What their actions are telling me is that they don’t believe that things are as serious as they claim them to be.  And, if even they don’t believe what they’re saying, then the only way you can possibly take them seriously is if you first abandon all logic and reason.

Which is why I can’t.

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Garth Brooks, MD

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