
My COVID Vacation

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I have a petty good work ethic.  I’ve worked through too many vacations to count, answered emails when I was too sick to get out of bed and I once went right back to work only minutes after getting a root canal.  I’ve even gone to the office while fighting a case of food poisoning.  In other words, I’m no wuss.

As a member of The Control Group, I am, and shall remain, unvacksinated.   And, as a rule, I don’t run out and get tested every time I have a sniffle.  I’m healthy and don’t meet any of the high-risk criteria.  If I get COVID-19, I trust my body to fix itself.  It always has.

Even if I were considering getting jabbed, the instant someone tells me that I have to get an injection that will forever change my body in some unknown way, I’m going to push back.  Hard.

I work 100% remote.  I don’t even know for sure where the company’s offices are.  And, as I mentioned, I’ve got a pretty good work ethic.  I have no doubt that I could power through a case of COVID-19 and continue to do my job as I always have from home.

But I won’t.

Joe Biden is planning on forcing nearly all employers to coerce employees to either be vacksinated or submit to weekly testing.  My employer will be one of them.  And, here in California, employers are mandated to provide 80 hours of paid sick leave if an employee is unable to work due to COVID-19.

Now, normally when I get sick, I do my best to make sure I get my job done.  It’s what I do.  Curse my mid-western work ethic.  But, if I test positive after being forced by my employer to get tested, who was forced by the government to do so, I’m going to fake a pretty serious case of COVID-19.  And I’m taking two weeks off.

I don’t even have to go to a doctor.  Of course I have COVID-19.  I already tested positive, what else could it possibly be?  As long as we ignore that a positive PCR test doesn’t mean that I actually have COVID-19, then I must be infected and contagious.  And I guarantee you I’ll be too sick to work.

I’ll do a tele-doc appointment, tell them that I have a headache, which is one of the countless symptoms of COVID-19, and the doctor will agree that I have COVID-19.  Game. Set. Match.

I will have myself a COVID vacation.

I have one request though, I want my mandatory test to occur on Fridays so I can bookend my COVID vacation with weekends and have over half a month of continuous “me” time.

Don’t get me wrong, just because I’m not working doesn’t mean I’m going to stay at home.  Au contraire.  I’m going to make those two weeks the most productive two weeks of the whole year.  It will be non-stop errands from sunup to sundown.

I’m going to get the oil changed in both of my cars, stock up on groceries, and I’ll finally get to that home improvement project I haven’t been able to find the time for.  I absolutely won’t self-quarantine.  I’ll probably go to Home Depot at least a half dozen times.  I might even go to a movie.

It’s ironic, isn’t.  If I’m not tested, I’ll be working remotely from my home for 8 hours a day.  All by myself.  I wouldn’t be around anyone.  True, I won’t know if I test positive, but it wouldn’t matter because I wouldn’t be near anyone to infect. 

But, if I’m told I have to stay home even though I’m feeling perfectly fine, that’s an entirely different story.  By forcing me to get tested weekly, they’re going to end up accomplishing the exact opposite of what they set out to do.

This whole “you’re sick but you don’t realize it” thing is bullshit.  If I’m sick enough to be able to spread a disease to others, I don’t need someone to tell me.   I’m going to know it.

But can vacksinated people say the same?  According to recent studies, vacksinated people who catch COVID-19 have more than 27 times the viral payload (that’s a technical term meaning plague-infested snot) than the non-jabbed.  And from what Big Pharma tells us, their drugs aren’t going to make you not catch COVID-19, they just make it more likely that you won’t know you did.

Everybody knows the effectiveness of the vackseens are waning.  That’s why people are planning to get booster shots.  And once someone has been boosted, whatever protection the booster provides will immediately start to wear off.  So, we’ll continuously have people who are considered fully-vacksinated but with varying levels of “partial immunity”.

And some of the jabbed will undoubtedly contract the disease, go to work, and be contagious.  But no one will know.  Because nobody is going to check.

If the goal is to save lives, and you buy into the whole “COVID crisis” hype, then why aren’t weekly tests required for everyone?  If the studies are accurate, then you’d need 27 unvacksinated carriers for each jabbed carrier just to call it even.

And, since nobody is planning to force vacksinated people to also be tested weekly, they’ll go to work and infect others.  But I guess that’s OK because vacksinated cooties are somehow better than unvacksinated ones.

So why shouldn’t I put my time off to good use?  As soon as the government starts to take this whole COVID thing seriously, I will too.  But until then, I’m very much looking forward to my COVID vacation.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.