
Fool You Thrice

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Let me start out by saying that the PCR test is not flawed.  It does exactly what it was designed to do.  It’s the interpretation of the data provided by the PCR test that’s flawed.  To be honest, the interpretation isn’t so much flawed as it is criminal. The inventor of the PCR test himself has said that it should never be used as a diagnostic tool.  And yet it is.

Remember back when the testing frenzy started?  Their claim was that if you tested positive for exposure to SARS-CoV-2 then you, by default, were diagnosed with having contracted COVID-19.  So, you and everyone you know were told to quarantine.

The fact that you or anybody else you came in contact with didn’t have any symptoms didn’t matter.  You were branded as “asymptomatic” and told that you absolutely had COVID-19.  So was anyone you happened to be hanging around with.

Lots of people were fooled by this.  So, they panicked and allowed the government to take away their liberties.  What happened next was people who actually were sick with ailments other than COVID-19 stayed home because they were too afraid to go outside.  This meant that oftentimes medical procedures were put off until later because sick people were scared of getting even more sick.  But, because they remained untreated for their not-COVID-19 ailment, those people got sicker anyway.  Just not with COVID.

To reinforce the “we’ll tell you when you’re sick” scam, our “leaders” also kept people focused on the number of COVID deaths.

Using the same flawed interpretation of the results of the PCR tests, they inflated the COVID death count.  Except this time, they doubled down. 

First, they kept the original ridiculous assumption that if you were exposed to the virus that causes COVID, you definitely had COVID.  Then, they made a new ridiculous assumption that the disease you might not even have was definitely responsible for killing you.  In other words, if you died “with” COVID-19, you were diagnosed as having died “from” COVID-19.

Lots of people were fooled by this too.  Pretty much the same people who were already fooled into throwing away their liberties.  Those same foolish people happily continued to support the lockdowns and mask mandates, and were the first in line to roll up their sleeves to be jabbed.

But they overreached a bit.  Eventually, even the CDC had to admit that the death count was likely only about 6% of what had been claimed.  Which would make COVID-19 less dangerous than the seasonal flu.  But that information wasn’t widely circulated and when it was, it was often labeled “potentially misleading”.

Eventually the people who had been fooled twice already started noticing that hardly anyone they know was actually dying from COVID.  Sure, some people were displaying symptoms of something, but it was hard to know whether or not it was COVID or just a cold.

But that couldn’t be allowed to happen.  If people started questioning the narrative, then the whole scamdemic would fall apart.

Since the myth of the death count wasn’t working anymore, they needed to get people focused on something else.  And that something else was the number of hospitalizations.

Once the lockdowns started being lifted, and people stopped being quite so scared of COVID, they started going out again.  And the people who were sick, just not sick with COVID, started going to see their doctors again. 

Unsurprisingly, it turns out that many of those previously-sick-but-not-sick-with-COVID people had become even sicker than they had been before they started hiding.  Because people with serious illnesses weren’t going to magically get better as they sheltered in place.  No, they were going to get worse.  And when they got too sick to ignore it any longer, that’s when they went to the hospital.

So, more of those sick-but-not-sick-with-COVID people started going to the hospital for illnesses that have nothing to do with COVID-19.  And what’s the first thing done to them when they walk or are wheeled in the door?  That’s right, they get tested.  And just like we saw twice before, if the patient tests positive for exposure to SARS-CoV-2, it’s automatically assumed that they are infected with SARS-CoV-2.  Which means it’s also assumed that they have COVID.

And those same people who were fooled into thinking they were sick and fooled into believing an overinflated death count, have also been fooled a third time.  They’ve been tricked into believing that the hospitals are being overrun by people dying from COVID-19.

It should come as no surprise to anyone that the hospitals are busy.  The seriously ill people who were forced to stay at home had to go to the hospital eventually.  And they’re doing it now.  The government is using faulty or intentional misinterpretations of the PCR tests a third time to convince you that COVID is much, much worse than it actually is.  Believing them again would be foolish.

To paraphrase an old saying:

Fool you once, shame on them.  Fool you twice, shame on you.  Fool you thrice, you’re an idiot.

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