
The Solution to Gun Violence

I figured out the solution to gun violence.  It’s pretty easy actually.  I don’t know why I didn’t see this before.  The solution to gun violence is more gun violence.

Now, don’t shoot the messenger.  I didn’t come up with this idea.  I’m merely applying the same twisted Liberal logic to this problem that they apply to others.

Want an example?  OK.

In the mind of a Liberal, the solution to racism is more racism. 

At first glance, it looks like a crazy idea.  But, it must have some merit or they wouldn’t be doing it. 

So, let’s take a closer look.

They could just ask everyone to stop being racist.  It’s not a widespread problem and there are many more good people than bad.  But, people being people, there will always be racists no matter how nicely you ask everyone to behave. 

They could stop the proliferation of racism.  You know, take away everyone’s ability to speak amongst themselves, unless the topic was approved.  But there’s that pesky First Amendment that guarantees the right to speak freely.  And, you’d have many good people being punished because of the actions of a small number of bad people.

They could just ban racism.  But, people being people, the racists would simply hide their racism.  They’d still be racist, you just wouldn’t know it.  Instead of openly being racist, they would conceal their racism and only take it out when they really needed it.

Since none of those are viable solutions, they needed another approach.  And, the solution they came up with was to use more racism.  Well, not just more of the racism we already had, they’re using a different kind of racism.

Instead of the garden-variety, white-on-black or white-on-yellow racism, they needed a new innovation in racism. 

First, they just decided that everything a white person does is racist.  Then, they decided that all cops are racist. Next, they gave BLM, and those who support them, a free pass to commit violence, loot and kill.  While, at the same time, arresting non-BLM supporters who act in the exact same way.  Then, they started prioritizing loans, government programs, hiring policies and even vaccine distribution, putting “people of color” at the top of the list.

I see what they’re trying to do.  Since they can’t stop racism, they’re trying to give an advantage to the people they believe are most likely to be affected by racism.  They’re not attempting to stop racism, they’re attempting to balance the field by making everyone a racist.

And therein lies the solution to gun violence.  You can’t just ask people to stop shooting others because that won’t work.  You can’t stop the proliferation of guns because of that pesky Second Amendment.  Besides, banning guns will mean that the only people who will have guns are the ones you’re trying to stop in the first place.  The bad guys will still have the guns, they’ll just hide them until they really need them.

To stop gun violence, all we need to do is take a page from the Liberal playbook and apply that solution to gun violence.  If more racism will eliminate racism, then more gun violence will eliminate gun violence.  But, we can’t just use more of the gun violence that we already have.  We need a new type of gun violence.

More accurately we need more guns, not fewer.  But, instead of the guns only being in the hands of the bad guys, we need to level the playing field and put those guns, and the associated training, in the hands of potential victims. We need to give an advantage to the people most likely to be affected by gun violence.

Let’s not stop gun owners.  Let’s make everybody a gun owner, and give those most likely to be affected by gun violence a fighting chance to protect themselves.

Applying the same logic to gun violence that Liberals do to racism, the solution to gun violence is more gun violence.  But, not just the same garden-variety, bad-guy-shooting-good-guy gun violence we already have. 

The solution is good-guy-shooting-bad-guy gun violence.

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