
Twisted Liberal Logic

I can hear you already.  You’re going to tell me that there is no such thing as Liberal Logic.  I used to agree with you.  But Liberals have invented a new type of “logic” that they use to defend their causes. 

What I’m talking about isn’t what you’d call “circular logic”, that is, logic that creates a continuous loop back to where you started.  No, this is a little more convoluted.  Since Liberals don’t use facts, logic or reason to back up their claims and beliefs, they have only one tool left at their disposal.  Obfuscation.

So, they take something that any rational person would find to be straightforward and twist it around so that any answer is a trick.  It’s like if you say to a guy: “Yes or no.  Have you stopped beating your wife?”  If you’re being asked, and the only answer you can give is “yes” or “no”, you’re in trouble either way.  If you answer “yes”, that means that you used to beat your wife but have since stopped.  If you answer “no”, that means that you are still beating your wife.  Even if you’ve never beat your wife, if you can only answer “yes” or “no”, you lose.

Like I said, it’s not really circular logic.  I call it “Möbius Logic” after August Ferdinand Möbius, the inventor of the Möbius strip.

For those of you not familiar with what a Möbius strip is, allow me to explain (you can also refer to the image).  Cut a thin strip of paper.  Put a half-twist in the paper and glue/tape the ends together.  Now, pick any point on one side of the paper.  Take a pencil and start tracing a line along the strip.  Eventually, you will end up back to the beginning of your line.  When you’re done, you will have traced the line completely around BOTH SIDES of the paper.

Möbius Logic attempts to cover both sides of an argument leaving no way to draw a conclusion other than theirs.

Here’s an example of how this works in action.

Against my better judgement, I found myself in a “conversation” with a couple of Liberals.  One of them had posted some nonsense about Trump instigating the disturbance at the Capitol.  I pointed out that Trump didn’t actually instigate anything and that their anger would be better pointed at the Democrats who fanned the flames (pun intended) of the ANTIFA riots that started early last year, and continue to rage today.

One of the replies was “…OBTW Antifa is not an actual group, you know that right and why would anyone be for fascist anyway bet since you are against Anti fascist you would be a great person to ask”.

[Side Note: I realize that this person doesn’t appear to understand how to write sentences in English so maybe he’s not all that bright. But, let’s ignore that and look only at the argument he’s trying to make as it does represent how Liberals typically see things.]

Möbius Logic is used twice here.  The first in the assertion that ANTIFA is not an actual group.  The second time in the assertion that if I’m against ANTIFA then I’m pro-fascism.

First, let’s focus on the ridiculous notion that ANTIFA isn’t an actual group.  Typically, you hear people say that ANTIFA isn’t an “organization” so I’m going to assume that’s the point he was trying to make.  A group is merely a collection of three or more people.  If you have three or more people in riot gear beneath the ANTIFA flag, then you’ve got a group of ANTIFA supporters.  But, let’s not pick the low-hanging fruit and look at the more challenging claim that ANTIFA isn’t an organization.

How would I define an organization…I’ve got it.  An organization implies that they are organized.  So, if ANTIFA isn’t an actual organization, then they wouldn’t be organized.  Right?  But, the following implies organization.

  • They use social media to organize events, protests, riots, etc.
  • They post flyers (electronic and physical) organizing people to congregate at certain places at certain times.
  • They fly people all over the country to participate in their events, riots, etc.
  • The same techniques are seen used in cities across the country.
  • They have a supply chain that distributes food, water, shields, weapons and riot gear at events, riots, etc.
  • They have an actual flag.

It’s true, maybe they don’t have a single leader and maybe they don’t have a secret handshake (or maybe they do) but it’s clear to any rational-thinking person that there are people working under the ANTIFA name who are, indeed, organized.  And if they’re organized, they’re an organization.

The Möbius Logic is: “Being an organization implies that they collect dues and have a centralized leadership.  Yes or no. Is ANTIFA an organization?”  They want to constrain the argument to only include a few specific points they can successfully defend. That might have worked on the playground in 3rd grade, but it doesn’t work with adults.

Before we move on, I’ll say this: You can be against ANTIFA and also be against fascism.

Regardless of what Liberals may want to believe, they’ve done a lousy job of protecting the “ANTIFA” brand.  They want ANTIFA to be this symbol against oppression.  But, what it has become is a symbol of domestic terrorism. 

So, we can refer to:

“people in Portland who are dressed in riot gear, carrying an ANTIFA flag and destroying the city”
“people in Chicago who are dressed in riot gear, carrying an ANTIFA flag and destroying the city”
“people in Los Angeles who are dressed in riot gear, carrying an ANTIFA flag and destroying the city”
“people in Atlanta who are dressed in riot gear, carrying an ANTIFA flag and destroying the city”
“people in New York who are dressed in riot gear, carrying an ANTIFA flag and destroying the city”

or, we can simply say “ANTIFA”.  It’s the same thing.

The Möbius Logic is: “ANTIFA is short for anti-fascism.  If you’re against ANTIFA, you’re pro-fascism.  Yes or no.  Are you against ANTIFA?” If I say that I’m against ANTIFA, then they conclude I’m pro-fascism. If I say that I’m not against ANTIFA, then I’m saying that I support the riots and destruction carried out by people under the banner (well, a flag actually) of ANTIFA.

It doesn’t matter that Liberals don’t want ANTIFA to be synonymous with hatred and violence, that ship has already sailed.  I can be against the things that the brand “ANTIFA” has come to represent, and still be against fascism.

Since Möbius logic is the only type of logic that Liberals understand, I’ll use their preferred approach and pose this question to them:  If you believe ANTIFA is just an idea, you’re either ignorant or stupid.  Which one are you?

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.