
A Diverse Set of Targets

The United States Special Operations Command has hired its first “Chief of Diversity and Inclusion”.  Really.  No, really.  We are actually paying someone to think of ways to make the United States special forces more inclusive and diverse. I am not making this up. 

It seems the radical woke believe that the key to an effective fighting force is to present as many different types of human targets to the enemy as possible.  Maybe it’s supposed to confuse them or something.  Or maybe they think that while the enemy is looking through their binoculars calculating the amount of diversity we have in our ranks, we can sneak up on them.

Let me let you in on a little secret…the enemy doesn’t care if their targets are diverse and inclusive.

I’ve never served in the military.  But, even so, it isn’t difficult for me to imagine who I’d want next to me in battle.  I would want to be fighting next to the best person possible.  I wouldn’t care if they were black, white, GLIBTAQ, man or woman.  My only requirement would be that they suffered through the exact same training that I had and that they were not only willing to fight alongside me, but that they were capable as well.

If I were to look to my leader, I would want him or her to be the most capable person there is.  I would want to know that he or she got the position because of merit and not because the higher-ups were trying to check a box on their “woke” scorecard.  My only requirement is that I’m standing beside the person most likely to help me get back home in one piece.

Like I said, I wouldn’t care if they were black, white, GLIBTAQ, man or woman.  It wouldn’t matter to me if I were fighting with an entire company of trans lesbians, as long as I was sure of their capabilities.  Likewise, I wouldn’t care if my company was made up of entirely white supremacists.  As long as whoever I’d be fighting with is my best chance of not going home inside of a flag-draped box, I’d be good to go.

If I were in battle, the last thing I’d do is look around at those fighting with me to make sure that they were made up of at least 7% Asian, 12% women and 3% men pretending to be women. 

Maybe that’s just me.  And maybe if I had been in the military I’d feel differently.  Maybe if I had been in the military, I’d be more interested in having diversity and inclusivity, even if it meant that I didn’t make it home.

Maybe, but I don’t think so.

If the goal is to have more diversity in our special forces, the solution is simple:  Have more and different types of people apply and go through the training. 

There’s a song from the 1960’s called “The Ballad of the Green Berets”.  It was written and sung by Staff Sargent Barry Sadler and was quite a hit back in the day.  Here’s the refrain:

Silver Wings upon their chest
These are men, America’s best
100 men will test today
But only 3 win the Green Beret

As SSgt Sadler intimated, it’s a numbers game. The more people that apply, the more people will pass the qualification tests.  The more “underrepresented” people that apply and pass the tests, the less underrepresented they’ll become.  It’s basic math.

I don’t know how much we’re paying the new “Chief of Diversity and Inclusion” but whatever it is, it’s too much.  Because I just did his job for him.  If the goal is to have a more diverse military, the key to achieving that goal is more diverse recruitment.  That, is how they’ll hit their target. And keep our soldiers from being one.

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