
Illegal Immigration’s Hidden Benefits

Maybe I’m wrong but I like to believe that I’m a pretty smart guy.  If I see someone make a decision, I can usually figure out their reasoning behind it.  I may not agree with their conclusion, but at least I can see what they’re trying to accomplish.

So, whenever I see a politician make a decision, I expect that I’m going to be able to see the logic and reasoning behind it.

Maybe I’m wrong, but I’ve always thought that the President of the United States should be looking out for the best interests of Americans first, and above all else.  Before each decision, the pros and cons are evaluated to find the best possible outcome for the citizens of the U.S.  If someone else should benefit as a side-effect, great.  But unless the decision will benefit the citizens of this country, it’s a bad decision.

I like to believe I’m a smart guy, but maybe I’m wrong.  Because I can’t for the life of me come up with a reason for Joe Biden’s immigration policy. 

Can someone please tell me how allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to enter the United States is actually good for the country?  What possible benefit can it provide?  Because I’ve been racking my brain to find even a single benefit and I’m drawing a blank.

Maybe I’m wrong and the increase in illegal drugs pouring across the border is a good thing?  Perhaps that’s Joe’s answer to healthcare.  If enough of the right type of drugs are readily available, then I guess people could self-medicate.  

Maybe I’m wrong and the increase in crime that comes along with unchecked immigration is going to help keep Americans safer.  Perhaps there is a plan.  After all, if the gangs are all killing each other, doesn’t that make them less likely to kill a law-abiding citizen?  As long as we ignore all the other crimes that also come with general lawlessness this might actually work.

Maybe I’m wrong and the increase in human trafficking will provide a benefit?  It could be that Joe is trying to keep the economy alive by bringing in a shit-ton of low-wage workers.  We’ve seen what this country is like with and without slaves.  Perhaps Joe fell back on his 47 years of demonstrated racism and decided that we’d better off with slaves.  And, if these new slaves are brown instead of black, probably no one will notice. 

Maybe I’m wrong and the increase in money we’re going to have to spend on feeding, housing, educating and healthcare-ing people who shouldn’t be here is going to benefit the American taxpayer?  Perhaps the problem with America is that a 30 trillion-dollar national debt simply isn’t large enough.  If we spend even more money that we don’t have, maybe that will make things better for everyone.

I don’t know.  I guess it’s possible that an increase in drugs, crime, slavery and poverty is going to be good for America.  But I don’t think that’s the case.

Maybe I’m not quite as smart as I like to think I am.  Perhaps there are some hidden advantages that I’m not seeing.  Because, try as I might, I can’t come up with a single benefit that Biden’s immigration policy is going to bring to the citizens of this country.

Of course, I’m working under the assumption that the president is looking out for the best interest of Americans first, foremost and above all else.  And maybe I’m wrong.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.