
Idiots, Morons and COVID-19

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I first published this in March of this year. Sadly, not much has changed. I updated it with the new numbers and information about the variants which were nearly unheard of back in March.


I know that “profiling” is supposed to be bad.  But I do it anyway.  We all do.  If you were going to bet on a horse, would you bet on one that has won its last few races or one that has been on a losing streak?  I think most of us would bet on the winner.  Liberals would expect everyone to bet on the losing horse so as not to hurt its feelings, but that’s not the way real life works.

No, in real life, we look at something while considering the entirety of our experiences, and then draw conclusions based on what we know has been true in the past.  Sometimes our conclusions are wrong. But, more often than not, they’re right.

For example, if I see someone driving in a car alone and wearing a mask, I will conclude that that person is an idiot.  Likewise, if I see someone all giddy because they’ve scheduled an appointment to get injected with an experimental drug, I will conclude that that person is a moron.  And in both cases, more often than not, I’ll be right.

Some call it “profiling”, I call it playing the odds.  Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.

It’s not entirely the idiot’s and moron’s fault.  They’re listening to their “experts” and are simply doing what they’re told. 

But, here’s the thing, as Arthur C. Clarke said, “For every expert, there is an equal and opposite expert.”

For every Dr. Anthony Fauci proclaiming COVID-19 is the new Black Death, there is an equally-if-not-better credentialled expert telling us that the data simply doesn’t support the panic.  For every update from the CDC on the COVID case numbers, there is an expert calmly explaining that testing positive for being exposed to the virus is not the same thing as being infected with the virus.

Since there is no unified view on how bad the virus is or isn’t, everyone gets to pick which experts they’re going to believe. 

Either you believe the experts that tell you that COVID-19 is incredibly dangerous, or you believe the experts that say it has been blown completely out of proportion. 

Either you believe the experts that say masks will save you, or you believe the experts that say they’re ridiculous. 

Either you believe the experts that say the vackseens are a miracle that will save humanity, or you believe the experts that say there is little benefit to taking it.

Only idiots and morons would choose to believe the experts that continue to tell us to be afraid of something that is so dangerous that most people can’t even tell if they’ve been infected. But, the problem isn’t that they’re not listening to my experts.  The problem is that they’re not listening carefully to their own experts. 

Their own experts tell them that taking one of the COVID vackseens doesn’t make you immune, it just causes you to get less sick than you already wouldn’t have been.  Their experts also say that, once vacksinated you’re still capable of spreading the disease. Though, since the symptoms have been hidden, you likely won’t know you’re contagious.

And, if you have a bunch of people walking around who are contagious and don’t know it, what do you think is going to happen?  That’s right.  There will be a spike in cases.

Several weeks ago, I said that a side effect of the vackseens was going to be an increase in the number of cases.  Turns out I was right.  We’ve seen variant after variant caused primarily by the people who were injected with a partially effective drug. The drugs didn’t stop the virus, they just pissed it off.

Now, if you’re an idiot and a moron, you’re going to let your experts use that spike as an excuse to keep you locked down, masked up, afraid, and willing to do just about anything.

They know that if they can get you to wear a mask while driving alone in your car, or volunteer to get injected with a drug that in nine months has already caused more deaths in the U.S. than all other vaccines put together have over the last 20 years, they can get you to do anything.

Because your experts have been profiling you all along. 

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