
Schrödinger’s Candidate

According to the theory of quantum mechanics, Joe Biden is both the winner and the loser of the presidential race.  It’s the act of measuring the results that determines which he is.  

I know what you’re thinking, WTF does quantum mechanics have to do with electing a president?  Trust me, it will make sense in a bit.  Before it does though, we need to cover a little bit of quantum mechanics.  I’ll keep this light and (probably) mostly correct since I’m not a quantum physicist, and don’t play one on TV.

Quantum mechanics tells us that light can be both a particle and a wave.  But, it’s difficult to measure both at the same time so it’s the measurement itself that determines which it is (particle or wave) at that particular time.

Make sense?  Probably not.  It didn’t make sense to a lot of other people either, so a really smart guy named Schrödinger tried to explain it like this:

“A cat imagined as being enclosed in a box with a radioactive source and a poison that will be released when the source (unpredictably) emits radiation, the cat being considered (according to quantum mechanics) to be simultaneously both dead and alive until the box is opened, and the cat observed.”

That’s probably not a whole lot clearer but it did make Mr. Schrödinger pretty famous. I’m guessing you’ve heard the reference to “Schrödinger’s Cat” lots of times.  The point I want you to take away from this is that until you measure something, you don’t really know what it is.

So, did Joe Biden win or did he lose?  We won’t know for sure either way until we measure the votes.

Over the past two months, we’ve been seen evidence that there was massive election fraud.  There have been tens of thousands of affidavits sworn by witnesses to the fraud, there are actual videos of cheating, statistically impossible events have occurred and the Democrats continue to block every attempt to prove the election was corrupted.  Unless you’re completely disconnected from reality, you have to agree that the results of the election are, at best, questionable.

Democrats insist that “every vote counts”, while Republicans want only valid votes counted.  If you count every vote, regardless of their validity, Joe Biden wins.  But, if you count only valid votes, Joe Biden loses.  Since the Democrats mostly control the vote counting process, they counted and certified every vote cast, even the invalid ones.  And, those are the electoral votes that have been sent to Congress.

On January 6th, a joint session of Congress will meet to decide who will win the 2020 election.  Multiple states have submitted two different versions of the electoral votes.  Congress can decide to accept the votes based on fraudulent results.  If that happens, Joe Biden will become president.  Or, Congress can discard the ballots that are tainted by the overwhelming evidence that Joe Biden cheated to steal the election.  If that happens, Joe Biden will lose.

So, based on the theory of “Schrödinger’s Candidate”, the candidate is both a winner and a loser before you count the votes. If fraudulent votes are counted, Joe Biden is the winner.  But, if you eliminate the fraud, he loses the election. 

Joe Biden has the potential to be both the winner and the loser.  It’s the way you measure the votes he received that determines which one he is.

I told you it would all make sense.

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An Even More Drastic Measure
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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.