
Cheaters Never Win

I grew up on a dairy farm in Minnesota and have small-town values.  One of the things I was often told is that winners never cheat, and cheaters never win.  If someone cheated, I was supposed to shrug it off because, eventually, the cheater would get their comeuppance (yes, that’s the word my mom used).  Later, I came to understand that another way of saying the same thing is “what goes around comes around”.

Over the years, I hoped to see that in action.  One time, someone took credit for the work I had done and got the promotion I felt I deserved.  It sure looked like they won to me.  I saw them with their fancy new car and big house and tried to console myself by believing that perhaps what “came around” to them was something I couldn’t see. 

Then I learned that the feeling I got when something “came around” and bit the cheater in the ass was best described by the German word “schadenfreude”.  Schadenfreude is, according to Webster, “the pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune.”  I really like that word.  I readily admit to experiencing schadenfreude whenever the cheater ran into some bad luck.  I felt tons of schadenfreude.

And I could really use some right about now.

I feel discouraged that Joe Biden could so obviously and blatantly cheat, yet still be declared the winner of the Presidential election.  

I feel disheartened to see that the people who are supposed to be making sure that the cheater doesn’t win are instead, inexplicably, working very hard to make sure he does. 

I feel dismayed and overwhelmed by the malignant corruption that has seemingly infiltrated every level of our federal, state, and local governments.

I need to feel some schadenfreude. 

I want Joe Biden to get his comeuppance.  I want him to be called out and humiliated for being the cheater that he is.  I want everyone that has supported the theft of our right to free and fair elections to be punished.  I want President Trump to win his fight against…well…at this point, pretty much everybody. 

I want to be able to believe that good guys can win.

I can’t shrug this off.  None of us can.  We can’t wait for some day in the future when something comes around to bite Joe Biden in the ass. It has to happen now. Because, if the cheater is allowed to take the White House, he’ll be in a position to change the rules so cheaters never lose again.

Joe Biden didn’t win the election.  He simply cheated to make sure he got more votes than President Trump did.  You’ll never hear me say that Biden won the election because everyone can see that he’s a cheater.  And cheaters never win.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.