
Bad Moon Rising

There’s a line in an old Creedence song that goes like this, “I see the bad moon a-rising.  I see trouble on the way.

I see it too.

In three weeks, either President Trump will have won his second term, or Joe Biden will have successfully stolen the election.  In either case, there’s trouble on the way.

For weeks, I’ve been warning Biden supporters that they haven’t been getting the entire story from mainstream media.  I’ve tried to alert them to the fact that Big Tech is keeping them blind about things they ought to be aware.  I’ve informed them about the Executive Order Trump signed in 2018 regarding foreign interference in a United States election.  I’ve been telling them that things are far from over.

But, they haven’t listened.

Instead, they happily live in their bubble where the claims of election fraud are considered “baseless” and where Joe Biden is so popular that he legitimately received 12 million more votes than Barack Obama did in 2008.

Those of us paying attention know that the claims of election fraud are based in fact and evidence.  We’ve heard testimony from dozens of witnesses in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.  We’ve seen video of ballots being pulled from beneath tables and counted after election monitors had been chased away.  We’ve watched as Democratic leaders stall, deceive and block efforts to investigate the claims made by more than 50,000 people in sworn affidavits.  We’ve witnessed courts dismissing cases without hearing any of the evidence.

If Congress does the right thing and reelects President Trump on January 6th, the Left is going to be caught entirely off guard because they haven’t been paying attention.  The media will tell them that Trump stole the election and they’re going to believe it.  And they’re going to be pissed. 

However, if a spineless Congress allows the election to be stolen by Joe Biden, if they completely disregard the massive pile of evidence those of us paying attention have all seen, we’re going to be pissed.

There’s also a third possibility. 

It’s possible that President Trump has been amassing irrefutable evidence of election fraud, foreign interference and treason.  It’s possible that sometime in the next three weeks he will be able to provide proof that the media and Big Tech will no longer be able to hide.

However, even if he can provide undeniable proof, things are going to get bad.  The few independent thinkers that exist on the Left will believe what they see right away.  But, the majority of the Biden Supporters will have to first unbelieve what they’ve been told to believe for the last four years, and then reform new beliefs based on the new information.  For most people, that’s hard to do and it’s a process that takes some time to accomplish.  And, until they see for themselves what really happened, they’re going to be pissed.

None of us knows what the next three weeks will bring.  But we know that it’s going to bring something that about half the country isn’t going to like.  We can see that trouble’s on the way.

There’s a bad moon on the rise.

Related Articles:
An Open Letter to Biden Supporters
An Open Letter to Biden Supporters (#2)
An Open Letter to Biden Supporters (#3)

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