
An Open Letter to Biden Supporters (#2)

To Biden Supporters:

Hi everybody.  I sent y’all a note a couple of weeks ago letting you know that there are some things you need to pay attention to regarding the November election and Joe Biden’s miraculous “victory”. 

In a nutshell, it’s not a done deal and you still need to pay attention.

Here are some things being hidden/censored by the mainstream media.  If they do manage to talk about them, what they tell you is so filled with misinformation and lies that it’s useless.

Here we go…

This week, the State of Texas has sued Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania over election irregularities.  The claim is that those states put voting policies in place that are unconstitutional.  And, when one state sues another, the only place to go is the Supreme Court, which has already put the case on their docket.

But wait, there’s more.

Texas’ suit has been joined by Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, South Carolina and South Dakota. This is a HUGE story, yet mainstream media is not covering it.  Instead, they tell you about Joe Biden’s foot. EDIT: In the past few hours, the number of states joining Texas has grown to 17. MO, AL, AR, FL, NE, ND, OK, IN, KS, LA, MS, MT, SC, SD, TN, UT and WV.

But wait, there’s more.

In Atlanta, absentee and military ballots were counted at State Farm Arena.  After learning in an affidavit that some monkey business went on at the Arena while votes were being counted.  The affidavit claimed that everyone was told to leave the building because counting would be stopped for the evening due to a water main break.  But, the “water main break” turned out to be a overflowing toilet.  So, Trump’s legal team got ahold of the security video for the facility.  The video clearly shows that after everyone left the building, except for 5 people, boxes of ballots were pulled from beneath a table.  For the next two hours, these ballots were counted with absolutely no oversight. 

Yup.  That’s right.  There is a video of election fraud happening.  You can see it for yourself.

If the mainstream media mentions this, they say that the video has been “debunked”.  Here’s what they did: They asked the Georgia Secretary of State if people were doing anything illegal.  He said they weren’t and that was good enough for the MSM.  What they failed to notice was that the person claiming that everything was above board is the person who would be in deep shit if fraud is discovered.  That’s exactly like asking a murder if he’s guilty or innocent and then believing him when he claims innocence.

In the Georgia hearings on election fraud, the person showing the video didn’t know the technical name for the boxes being pulled from beneath the table.  So, she said she’d call them “suitcases” because they looked similar to a piece of luggage.  Everybody at the hearing knew what she was talking about.  The social media “fact-checkers” called the story “false” because they boxes weren’t actually suitcases.  To reiterate, the story about a video showing election fraud was declared “false” because they didn’t use the correct technical term for a box containing fraudulent ballots.

But wait, there’s more.

YouTube has just announced they’re going to delete content alleging election fraud.  So, if you want to see this video, you’d better act fast.  If it disappears from YouTube I’m sure it will find a home on Rumble so you’ll be able to find it there.  Or, you can trust that Google is looking out for your best interest.

But wait, there’s more.

Thousands of people have sworn affidavits, under penalty of perjury, that they witnessed election fraud.  It seems to me that if the claims were inaccurate, it would be in everyone’s best interest to prove them to be false.  But, instead of investigating any of these claims, states’ Attorneys General are fast-tracking the certification of their election results. 

But wait, there’s more.

Sidney Powell recently had a case dismissed in Georgia.  The Judge issued his decision immediately (within a few seconds) of hearing arguments.  Here’s the thing, the Judge read his decision from a paper he had made prior to the hearing.  That’s right, he made up his mind before hearing any of the arguments.

But wait, there’s more.

A video has surfaced showing a presentation in China where the speaker outlines why having Trump in the Whitehouse is bad for China.  He also tells of how China has been manipulating Wall Street to influence American policy and that Hunter Biden was bought by the Chinese.

This is just a small fraction of what has happened over the past couple of weeks.  But, even the most fanatical Biden supporter should be able to see that something isn’t right.  

I’m asking you all to please pay attention so you’re not caught off guard.  The information is out there, but not on the mainstream media.  If you want to be better informed (or informed at all), check out The Epoch Times, Newsmax, OANN and The Gateway Pundit.  They’re great sources of information you won’t find on CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the MSM. I’m not asking you to believe everything they say. As with any source of information, you should work to become informed, understand the facts and draw your own conclusions.

Whether or not you believe any of this is up to you.  But you shouldn’t ignore it.  Because if you do, you’re going to be completely surprised when Trump gets a second term.

Related articles: 
Open Letter to Biden Supporters
An Open Letter to Biden Supporters (#3)
Bad Moon Rising

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