
Unity Now!

I’m sure everyone remembers Frank Costanza from Seinfeld.  Frank was someone who could never be accused of repressing his anger.  He spent years, if not decades, screaming and berating pretty much everyone about everything.  In one episode (S09E03), Frank’s doctor gave him a relaxation tape that instructed him to say “serenity now” whenever he felt anger which would, supposedly, help control his blood pressure.  But, instead of calmly using it as a relaxing mantra, Frank screamed “SERENITY NOW!” at the top of his lungs.

It turns out that screaming “serenity now” doesn’t work.  Anyone who tries it ends up worse off than they were to begin with because the bottled-up anger had to come out someplace.  As one character put it, “serenity now, insanity later.”

The Left spent the better part of four years pretty much treating Conservatives like shit.  They called us every name in the book, burned cities in the name of “social justice” and “canceled” people for the sole reason of having an opinion different from theirs.  They attacked President Trump every chance they had, and invented reasons to do so when there were none.

Today, the Left is calling for “unity”, because they believe that Joe Biden will be the next president.  When I hear them saying the 2020 equivalent of “can’t we all just get along”, I’m reminded of that episode of Seinfeld.  It’s easy to imagine the Left screaming “UNITY NOW!” at the top of their lungs because we’ve watched them scream at us all year.

Now, the Left is creating a list of Trump supporters to make sure they’re held accountable for their actions.  Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who unbelievably was just reelected, called for her followers to create a list of “Trump sycophants”.  The “Trump Accountability Project” was created and rose to the call.  Their objective is to document all Trump supporters, including anyone who “contributed to undermining confidence in the American electoral process and the objectivity of fair journalism with baseless claims”.  Then, they’re going to hold them accountable.  Whatever that means.

What the Left is calling for isn’t unity.  What they’re calling for is submission.  They’re all about unity as long as we unite under their ideals and work toward their objectives.  Even worse, at the same time they call for unity, they’re implementing ways to further separate us and punish those who, in their mind, did them wrong.

But, demanding unity won’t work.  Because forcing people to unify isn’t a long-term solution.  Eventually, making people bow to their will is going to backfire.  And, when it does, the bottled-up anger is going to have to come out someplace.  Unity now, insurrection later.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.