
Weaponized Hatred

The Democrats and media have spent nearly five years spreading misinformation about President Trump.  The message repeated over and over is that he colluded with the Russians to steal the 2016 election.  Oh yeah, he’s apparently a racist too.  Those would be horrible things if they were true.  But they’re not. 

Contrary to what is being told by the media, President Trump has disavowed white supremacists, including the KKK, multiple times.  This isn’t just hearsay, there are videos of him denouncing white supremacy going back to before he ran for president.  Yet, the media keeps pushing the false narrative that he’s racist.  A lot of people still believe it.

President Trump didn’t collude with the Russians.  There was, though, a lot of money and effort spent trying to impeach him.  We’re seeing now that the “evidence” used against him was fabricated and that the people pursuing the charges against the President knew they were false all along.  But, the media keeps pushing the false narrative that he has been working with the Russians.  A lot of people still believe it.

And, because they believe the President is a racist and a traitor, a lot of people hate him.  They really hate him.

President Trump has been saying for months that there would be cheating in the election.  He has fought against mail-in-ballots and for requiring voters to show an ID.  To those of us who think independently, his actions made sense.  But, those actions caused the people who already hated him to hate him even more. And now, we’re at a place where roughly half the country hates the President because their phones told them to.

The Biden Campaign didn’t run on a platform.  Well, they did but the platform was that Biden isn’t Trump.  They were counting on votes from people who hated Trump so much they would vote for literally anyone else.

At first glance, it appears to have worked.  The media has declared Joe Biden the winner.  They are calling him the president-elect even though not a single state has certified their election results.  But the media doesn’t get to declare a winner.  There’s an official process that must be performed to elect a president and that process hasn’t been completed.  Yet the media continue to push the false narrative that Joe Biden was elected president because they said it was so.  And a lot of people believe it.

As predicted by the President months ago, we’re starting to see examples of, well, let’s just call it tomfoolery, in the election process.

Here are some examples:

  • A vote counting machine in Michigan had an unexplained “glitch” giving votes meant for Trump to Biden. 
  • Dead people have been voting.
  • There are claims of a statistically-impossible number of people 120 years old voting in Pennsylvania. 
  • Ballots were accepted without postmarks and without verified signatures. 
  • State election law in Pennsylvania was rewritten on the fly. 
  • 300,000 ballots were counted in Pittsburg after partisan observers were blocked from performing their lawful duties. 
  • There are hundreds of people who submitted affidavits describing election malfeasance.

In the first Presidential Debate, Joe Biden said “I am the Democratic Party”.  So, it’s likely that he’d be aware of any malfeasance done to give him an advantage. 

If any of these cases of election fraud are proven, it would mean that Joe Biden is a liar and a cheat.  It would mean that Joe Biden colluded with others to steal the election.  It would mean that Joe Biden has been lying to the American people.  But, will that make any difference? 

Is it possible for a newly found distrust in Biden to outweigh a long-term hatred for Trump?  Probably, but only if you’re aware of what’s happening.

The Democratic party and the mainstream media don’t mention any of the hinky things that have already been found nor is there a demand for an investigation.  Instead, they tell of how Trump is blocking the peaceful transition of power to Biden.  They claim that the accusations of election fraud are “baseless” and that it’s just Trump being Trump.  And a lot of people believe it.

If it is proven that the Democrats cheated and that President Trump won a second term, the Trump haters are going to be caught totally off guard.  Because the process could take weeks and all the while they’ll be told that Biden was the winner.  So, they’ll believe he was.

The Left has already been programmed to believe that Trump stole the 2016 election so it will be easy for them to accept the idea that he stole the 2020 election too.  We could end up at a place where Trump eventually wins the election, but, because no one is telling them differently, the Trump haters still believe that Joe Biden won.  If that happens, all hell will break loose. 

Imagine how bad it would have been if Trump had undisputedly won the election.  There were rioters staged and ready to go in cities across the country.  Now, imagine what would happen if those same rioters believe that Joe Biden won the election and President Trump stole it from him. 

We don’t need to imagine it.  We’ve already seen what happens when an easily-influenced mob is told to believe they’ve been wronged.  Cities burn.

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